Date DB_START_DATE UP_TIME DB_connected user_name DB_PORT DB_Version block_size
2020-12-14 05:35:37.544559+00 2020-12-10 08:30:22.622201+00 3 days 21:05:14.922358 postgres postgres 8200 PostgreSQL 12.4 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-11), 64-bit 8192

List of databases
Name Owner Encoding Collate Ctype Access privileges Size Tablespace Description
postgres postgres UTF8 en_US.UTF-8 en_US.UTF-8 =Tc/postgres
16 GB pg_default default administrative connection database
rdsadmin rdsadmin UTF8 en_US.UTF-8 en_US.UTF-8 rdsadmin=CTc/rdsadmin No Access pg_default  
template0 rdsadmin UTF8 en_US.UTF-8 en_US.UTF-8 =c/rdsadmin
8129 kB pg_default unmodifiable empty database
template1 postgres UTF8 en_US.UTF-8 en_US.UTF-8 postgres=CTc/postgres
8121 kB pg_default default template for new databases

database_name database_is_template database_allow_connections database_connection_limit datlastsysoid datfrozenxid datminmxid
rdsadmin f t -1 14313 549 1
postgres f t -1 14313 549 1
template1 t t -1 14313 549 1
template0 t f -1 14313 4937 1

Database size DB parameters Transaction ID TXID Table Size
Index Size Vacuum & Statistics Extensions Memory setting
pg_stat_statements extension Users & Roles Info schema Info Tablespaces Info
Tabel Access Profile Unused Indexes Index Access Profile Fragmentation (Bloat)
Toast Tables Mapping Replication slot active sessions monitor Orphaned prepare transactions
PK or FK using numeric or integer data type public Schema invalid indexes Default access privileges
pgaudit extension Unlogged Tables Access privileges ssl
Background processes ****** ****** ******

Database size
database_name database_size
rdsadmin 8345 kB
postgres 16 GB
template1 8121 kB
template0 8129 kB

Transaction ID TXID


database_name oldest_current_xid_per_db
rdsadmin 8254
postgres 8254
template1 8254
template0 3866

oldest_current_xid percent_towards_wraparound percent_towards_emergency_autovac
8254 0 0

which tables are aging :

relation_name age table_size relkind
pg_largeobject 8254 0 bytes r
pgbench_accounts_63 7654 28 MB r
pgbench_accounts_75 7654 28 MB r
pgbench_accounts_68 7654 28 MB r
pgbench_accounts_66 7654 28 MB r
pgbench_accounts_67 7654 28 MB r
pgbench_accounts_69 7654 28 MB r
pgbench_accounts_7 7654 28 MB r
pgbench_accounts_70 7654 28 MB r
pgbench_accounts_73 7654 28 MB r
pgbench_accounts_71 7654 28 MB r
pgbench_accounts_72 7654 28 MB r
pgbench_accounts_76 7654 28 MB r
pgbench_accounts_74 7654 28 MB r
pgbench_accounts_64 7654 28 MB r
pgbench_accounts_77 7654 28 MB r
pgbench_accounts_78 7654 28 MB r
pgbench_accounts_79 7654 28 MB r
pgbench_accounts_81 7654 28 MB r
pgbench_accounts_65 7654 28 MB r

Table Size

Table Size order by schema name and table name:

oid table_schema table_name row_estimate total_bytes index_bytes toast_bytes table_bytes total_pretty index_pretty toast_pretty table_pretty
14149 information_schema sql_features 716 106496 0 8192 98304 104 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 96 kB
14154 information_schema sql_implementation_info 12 49152 0 8192 40960 48 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 40 kB
14159 information_schema sql_languages 4 49152 0 8192 40960 48 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 40 kB
14164 information_schema sql_packages 10 49152 0 8192 40960 48 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 40 kB
14169 information_schema sql_parts 9 49152 0 8192 40960 48 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 40 kB
14174 information_schema sql_sizing 23 49152 0 8192 40960 48 kB 0 bytes 8192 bytes 40 kB
14179 information_schema sql_sizing_profiles 0 8192 0 8192 0 8192 bytes 0 bytes 8192 bytes 0 bytes
2600 pg_catalog pg_aggregate 136 73728 16384 8192 49152 72 kB 16 kB 8192 bytes 48 kB
2601 pg_catalog pg_am 7 73728 32768   40960 72 kB 32 kB   40 kB
2602 pg_catalog pg_amop 715 196608 114688   81920 192 kB 112 kB   80 kB
2603 pg_catalog pg_amproc 447 122880 65536   57344 120 kB 64 kB   56 kB
2604 pg_catalog pg_attrdef 0 24576 16384 8192 0 24 kB 16 kB 8192 bytes 0 bytes
1249 pg_catalog pg_attribute 8456 1925120 548864   1376256 1880 kB 536 kB   1344 kB
1261 pg_catalog pg_auth_members 9 73728 32768   40960 72 kB 32 kB   40 kB
1260 pg_catalog pg_authid 17 81920 32768 8192 40960 80 kB 32 kB 8192 bytes 40 kB
2605 pg_catalog pg_cast 216 81920 32768   49152 80 kB 32 kB   48 kB
1259 pg_catalog pg_class 1401 942080 262144   679936 920 kB 256 kB   664 kB
3456 pg_catalog pg_collation 1646 630784 163840 8192 458752 616 kB 160 kB 8192 bytes 448 kB
2606 pg_catalog pg_constraint 504 327680 196608 8192 122880 320 kB 192 kB 8192 bytes 120 kB
2607 pg_catalog pg_conversion 132 106496 49152   57344 104 kB 48 kB   56 kB
1262 pg_catalog pg_database 4 81920 32768 8192 40960 80 kB 32 kB 8192 bytes 40 kB
2964 pg_catalog pg_db_role_setting 3 65536 16384 8192 40960 64 kB 16 kB 8192 bytes 40 kB
826 pg_catalog pg_default_acl 0 24576 16384 8192 0 24 kB 16 kB 8192 bytes 0 bytes
2608 pg_catalog pg_depend 10618 1581056 901120   679936 1544 kB 880 kB   664 kB
2609 pg_catalog pg_description 4714 565248 188416 8192 368640 552 kB 184 kB 8192 bytes 360 kB
3501 pg_catalog pg_enum 0 24576 24576   0 24 kB 24 kB   0 bytes
3466 pg_catalog pg_event_trigger 0 24576 16384 8192 0 24 kB 16 kB 8192 bytes 0 bytes
3079 pg_catalog pg_extension 1 81920 32768 8192 40960 80 kB 32 kB 8192 bytes 40 kB
2328 pg_catalog pg_foreign_data_wrapper 0 24576 16384 8192 0 24 kB 16 kB 8192 bytes 0 bytes
1417 pg_catalog pg_foreign_server 0 24576 16384 8192 0 24 kB 16 kB 8192 bytes 0 bytes
3118 pg_catalog pg_foreign_table 0 16384 8192 8192 0 16 kB 8192 bytes 8192 bytes 0 bytes
2610 pg_catalog pg_index 661 229376 73728   155648 224 kB 72 kB   152 kB
2611 pg_catalog pg_inherits 500 131072 73728   57344 128 kB 72 kB   56 kB
3394 pg_catalog pg_init_privs 170 73728 16384 8192 49152 72 kB 16 kB 8192 bytes 48 kB
2612 pg_catalog pg_language 4 81920 32768 8192 40960 80 kB 32 kB 8192 bytes 40 kB
2613 pg_catalog pg_largeobject 0 8192 8192   0 8192 bytes 8192 bytes   0 bytes
2995 pg_catalog pg_largeobject_metadata 0 8192 8192   0 8192 bytes 8192 bytes   0 bytes
2615 pg_catalog pg_namespace 6 81920 32768 8192 40960 80 kB 32 kB 8192 bytes 40 kB
2616 pg_catalog pg_opclass 128 81920 32768   49152 80 kB 32 kB   48 kB
2617 pg_catalog pg_operator 770 229376 81920   147456 224 kB 80 kB   144 kB
2753 pg_catalog pg_opfamily 107 81920 32768   49152 80 kB 32 kB   48 kB
3350 pg_catalog pg_partitioned_table 1 65536 16384 8192 40960 64 kB 16 kB 8192 bytes 40 kB
1136 pg_catalog pg_pltemplate 8 65536 16384 8192 40960 64 kB 16 kB 8192 bytes 40 kB
3256 pg_catalog pg_policy 0 24576 16384 8192 0 24 kB 16 kB 8192 bytes 0 bytes
1255 pg_catalog pg_proc 2960 1015808 327680 8192 679936 992 kB 320 kB 8192 bytes 664 kB
6104 pg_catalog pg_publication 0 16384 16384   0 16 kB 16 kB   0 bytes
6106 pg_catalog pg_publication_rel 0 16384 16384   0 16 kB 16 kB   0 bytes
3541 pg_catalog pg_range 6 57344 16384   40960 56 kB 16 kB   40 kB
6000 pg_catalog pg_replication_origin 0 24576 16384 8192 0 24 kB 16 kB 8192 bytes 0 bytes
2618 pg_catalog pg_rewrite 126 679936 32768 516096 131072 664 kB 32 kB 504 kB 128 kB
3596 pg_catalog pg_seclabel 0 16384 8192 8192 0 16 kB 8192 bytes 8192 bytes 0 bytes
2224 pg_catalog pg_sequence 0 8192 8192   0 8192 bytes 8192 bytes   0 bytes
1214 pg_catalog pg_shdepend 519 147456 81920   65536 144 kB 80 kB   64 kB
2396 pg_catalog pg_shdescription 3 65536 16384 8192 40960 64 kB 16 kB 8192 bytes 40 kB
3592 pg_catalog pg_shseclabel 0 16384 8192 8192 0 16 kB 8192 bytes 8192 bytes 0 bytes
2619 pg_catalog pg_statistic 2447 1236992 114688 98304 1024000 1208 kB 112 kB 96 kB 1000 kB
3381 pg_catalog pg_statistic_ext 0 32768 24576 8192 0 32 kB 24 kB 8192 bytes 0 bytes
3429 pg_catalog pg_statistic_ext_data 0 16384 8192 8192 0 16 kB 8192 bytes 8192 bytes 0 bytes
6100 pg_catalog pg_subscription 0 24576 16384 8192 0 24 kB 16 kB 8192 bytes 0 bytes
6102 pg_catalog pg_subscription_rel 0 8192 8192   0 8192 bytes 8192 bytes   0 bytes
1213 pg_catalog pg_tablespace 2 81920 32768 8192 40960 80 kB 32 kB 8192 bytes 40 kB
3576 pg_catalog pg_transform 0 16384 16384   0 16 kB 16 kB   0 bytes
2620 pg_catalog pg_trigger 0 32768 24576 8192 0 32 kB 24 kB 8192 bytes 0 bytes
3602 pg_catalog pg_ts_config 22 73728 32768   40960 72 kB 32 kB   40 kB
3603 pg_catalog pg_ts_config_map 418 90112 32768   57344 88 kB 32 kB   56 kB
3600 pg_catalog pg_ts_dict 22 81920 32768 8192 40960 80 kB 32 kB 8192 bytes 40 kB
3601 pg_catalog pg_ts_parser 1 73728 32768   40960 72 kB 32 kB   40 kB
3764 pg_catalog pg_ts_template 5 73728 32768   40960 72 kB 32 kB   40 kB
1247 pg_catalog pg_type 1414 499712 180224 8192 311296 488 kB 176 kB 8192 bytes 304 kB
1418 pg_catalog pg_user_mapping 0 24576 16384 8192 0 24 kB 16 kB 8192 bytes 0 bytes
16424 public pgbench_accounts_1 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16451 public pgbench_accounts_10 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16721 public pgbench_accounts_100 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16724 public pgbench_accounts_101 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16727 public pgbench_accounts_102 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16730 public pgbench_accounts_103 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16733 public pgbench_accounts_104 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16736 public pgbench_accounts_105 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16739 public pgbench_accounts_106 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16742 public pgbench_accounts_107 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16745 public pgbench_accounts_108 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16748 public pgbench_accounts_109 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16454 public pgbench_accounts_11 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16751 public pgbench_accounts_110 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16754 public pgbench_accounts_111 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16757 public pgbench_accounts_112 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16760 public pgbench_accounts_113 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16763 public pgbench_accounts_114 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16766 public pgbench_accounts_115 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16769 public pgbench_accounts_116 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16772 public pgbench_accounts_117 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16775 public pgbench_accounts_118 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16778 public pgbench_accounts_119 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16457 public pgbench_accounts_12 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16781 public pgbench_accounts_120 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16784 public pgbench_accounts_121 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16787 public pgbench_accounts_122 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16790 public pgbench_accounts_123 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16793 public pgbench_accounts_124 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16796 public pgbench_accounts_125 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16799 public pgbench_accounts_126 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16802 public pgbench_accounts_127 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16805 public pgbench_accounts_128 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16808 public pgbench_accounts_129 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16460 public pgbench_accounts_13 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16811 public pgbench_accounts_130 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16814 public pgbench_accounts_131 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16817 public pgbench_accounts_132 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16820 public pgbench_accounts_133 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16823 public pgbench_accounts_134 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16826 public pgbench_accounts_135 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16829 public pgbench_accounts_136 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16832 public pgbench_accounts_137 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16835 public pgbench_accounts_138 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16838 public pgbench_accounts_139 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16463 public pgbench_accounts_14 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16841 public pgbench_accounts_140 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16844 public pgbench_accounts_141 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16847 public pgbench_accounts_142 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16850 public pgbench_accounts_143 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16853 public pgbench_accounts_144 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16856 public pgbench_accounts_145 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16859 public pgbench_accounts_146 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16862 public pgbench_accounts_147 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16865 public pgbench_accounts_148 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16868 public pgbench_accounts_149 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16466 public pgbench_accounts_15 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16871 public pgbench_accounts_150 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16874 public pgbench_accounts_151 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16877 public pgbench_accounts_152 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16880 public pgbench_accounts_153 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16883 public pgbench_accounts_154 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16886 public pgbench_accounts_155 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16889 public pgbench_accounts_156 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16892 public pgbench_accounts_157 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16895 public pgbench_accounts_158 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16898 public pgbench_accounts_159 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16469 public pgbench_accounts_16 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16901 public pgbench_accounts_160 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16904 public pgbench_accounts_161 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16907 public pgbench_accounts_162 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16910 public pgbench_accounts_163 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16913 public pgbench_accounts_164 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16916 public pgbench_accounts_165 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16919 public pgbench_accounts_166 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16922 public pgbench_accounts_167 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16925 public pgbench_accounts_168 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16928 public pgbench_accounts_169 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16472 public pgbench_accounts_17 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16931 public pgbench_accounts_170 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16934 public pgbench_accounts_171 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16937 public pgbench_accounts_172 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16940 public pgbench_accounts_173 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16943 public pgbench_accounts_174 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16946 public pgbench_accounts_175 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16949 public pgbench_accounts_176 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16952 public pgbench_accounts_177 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16955 public pgbench_accounts_178 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16958 public pgbench_accounts_179 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16475 public pgbench_accounts_18 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16961 public pgbench_accounts_180 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16964 public pgbench_accounts_181 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16967 public pgbench_accounts_182 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16970 public pgbench_accounts_183 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16973 public pgbench_accounts_184 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16976 public pgbench_accounts_185 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16979 public pgbench_accounts_186 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16982 public pgbench_accounts_187 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16985 public pgbench_accounts_188 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16988 public pgbench_accounts_189 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16478 public pgbench_accounts_19 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16991 public pgbench_accounts_190 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16994 public pgbench_accounts_191 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16997 public pgbench_accounts_192 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17000 public pgbench_accounts_193 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17003 public pgbench_accounts_194 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17006 public pgbench_accounts_195 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17009 public pgbench_accounts_196 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17012 public pgbench_accounts_197 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17015 public pgbench_accounts_198 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17018 public pgbench_accounts_199 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16427 public pgbench_accounts_2 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16481 public pgbench_accounts_20 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17021 public pgbench_accounts_200 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17024 public pgbench_accounts_201 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17027 public pgbench_accounts_202 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17030 public pgbench_accounts_203 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17033 public pgbench_accounts_204 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17036 public pgbench_accounts_205 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17039 public pgbench_accounts_206 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17042 public pgbench_accounts_207 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17045 public pgbench_accounts_208 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17048 public pgbench_accounts_209 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16484 public pgbench_accounts_21 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17051 public pgbench_accounts_210 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17054 public pgbench_accounts_211 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17057 public pgbench_accounts_212 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17060 public pgbench_accounts_213 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17063 public pgbench_accounts_214 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17066 public pgbench_accounts_215 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17069 public pgbench_accounts_216 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17072 public pgbench_accounts_217 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17075 public pgbench_accounts_218 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17078 public pgbench_accounts_219 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16487 public pgbench_accounts_22 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17081 public pgbench_accounts_220 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17084 public pgbench_accounts_221 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17087 public pgbench_accounts_222 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17090 public pgbench_accounts_223 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17093 public pgbench_accounts_224 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17096 public pgbench_accounts_225 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17099 public pgbench_accounts_226 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17102 public pgbench_accounts_227 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17105 public pgbench_accounts_228 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17108 public pgbench_accounts_229 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16490 public pgbench_accounts_23 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17111 public pgbench_accounts_230 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17114 public pgbench_accounts_231 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17117 public pgbench_accounts_232 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17120 public pgbench_accounts_233 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17123 public pgbench_accounts_234 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17126 public pgbench_accounts_235 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
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17790 public pgbench_accounts_456 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17793 public pgbench_accounts_457 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17796 public pgbench_accounts_458 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17799 public pgbench_accounts_459 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16559 public pgbench_accounts_46 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17802 public pgbench_accounts_460 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17805 public pgbench_accounts_461 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17808 public pgbench_accounts_462 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17811 public pgbench_accounts_463 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17814 public pgbench_accounts_464 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17817 public pgbench_accounts_465 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17820 public pgbench_accounts_466 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17823 public pgbench_accounts_467 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17826 public pgbench_accounts_468 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17829 public pgbench_accounts_469 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16562 public pgbench_accounts_47 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17832 public pgbench_accounts_470 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17835 public pgbench_accounts_471 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17838 public pgbench_accounts_472 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17841 public pgbench_accounts_473 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17844 public pgbench_accounts_474 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17847 public pgbench_accounts_475 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17850 public pgbench_accounts_476 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17853 public pgbench_accounts_477 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17856 public pgbench_accounts_478 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17859 public pgbench_accounts_479 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16565 public pgbench_accounts_48 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17862 public pgbench_accounts_480 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17865 public pgbench_accounts_481 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17868 public pgbench_accounts_482 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17871 public pgbench_accounts_483 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17874 public pgbench_accounts_484 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17877 public pgbench_accounts_485 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17880 public pgbench_accounts_486 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17883 public pgbench_accounts_487 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17886 public pgbench_accounts_488 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17889 public pgbench_accounts_489 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16568 public pgbench_accounts_49 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17892 public pgbench_accounts_490 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17895 public pgbench_accounts_491 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17898 public pgbench_accounts_492 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17901 public pgbench_accounts_493 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17904 public pgbench_accounts_494 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17907 public pgbench_accounts_495 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17910 public pgbench_accounts_496 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17913 public pgbench_accounts_497 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17916 public pgbench_accounts_498 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17919 public pgbench_accounts_499 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16436 public pgbench_accounts_5 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16571 public pgbench_accounts_50 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
17922 public pgbench_accounts_500 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16574 public pgbench_accounts_51 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16577 public pgbench_accounts_52 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16580 public pgbench_accounts_53 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16583 public pgbench_accounts_54 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16586 public pgbench_accounts_55 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16589 public pgbench_accounts_56 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16592 public pgbench_accounts_57 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16595 public pgbench_accounts_58 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16598 public pgbench_accounts_59 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16439 public pgbench_accounts_6 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16601 public pgbench_accounts_60 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16604 public pgbench_accounts_61 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16607 public pgbench_accounts_62 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16610 public pgbench_accounts_63 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16613 public pgbench_accounts_64 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16616 public pgbench_accounts_65 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16619 public pgbench_accounts_66 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16622 public pgbench_accounts_67 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16625 public pgbench_accounts_68 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16628 public pgbench_accounts_69 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16442 public pgbench_accounts_7 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16631 public pgbench_accounts_70 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16634 public pgbench_accounts_71 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16637 public pgbench_accounts_72 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16640 public pgbench_accounts_73 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16643 public pgbench_accounts_74 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16646 public pgbench_accounts_75 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16649 public pgbench_accounts_76 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16652 public pgbench_accounts_77 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16655 public pgbench_accounts_78 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16658 public pgbench_accounts_79 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16445 public pgbench_accounts_8 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16661 public pgbench_accounts_80 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16664 public pgbench_accounts_81 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16667 public pgbench_accounts_82 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16670 public pgbench_accounts_83 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16673 public pgbench_accounts_84 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16676 public pgbench_accounts_85 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16679 public pgbench_accounts_86 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16682 public pgbench_accounts_87 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16685 public pgbench_accounts_88 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16688 public pgbench_accounts_89 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16448 public pgbench_accounts_9 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16691 public pgbench_accounts_90 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16694 public pgbench_accounts_91 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16697 public pgbench_accounts_92 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16700 public pgbench_accounts_93 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16703 public pgbench_accounts_94 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16706 public pgbench_accounts_95 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16709 public pgbench_accounts_96 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16712 public pgbench_accounts_97 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16715 public pgbench_accounts_98 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16718 public pgbench_accounts_99 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16421 public pgbench_branches 1000 114688 40960   73728 112 kB 40 kB   72 kB
16412 public pgbench_history 0 0 0   0 0 bytes 0 bytes   0 bytes
16415 public pgbench_tellers 9905 770048 245760   524288 752 kB 240 kB   512 kB

biggest 50 tables in the DB:

oid table_schema table_name row_estimate total_bytes index_bytes toast_bytes table_bytes total_pretty index_pretty toast_pretty table_pretty
16844 public pgbench_accounts_141 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16835 public pgbench_accounts_138 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16841 public pgbench_accounts_140 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16838 public pgbench_accounts_139 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16826 public pgbench_accounts_135 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16832 public pgbench_accounts_137 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16463 public pgbench_accounts_14 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16847 public pgbench_accounts_142 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16829 public pgbench_accounts_136 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16811 public pgbench_accounts_130 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16817 public pgbench_accounts_132 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16820 public pgbench_accounts_133 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16799 public pgbench_accounts_126 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16460 public pgbench_accounts_13 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16796 public pgbench_accounts_125 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16823 public pgbench_accounts_134 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16814 public pgbench_accounts_131 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16772 public pgbench_accounts_117 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16805 public pgbench_accounts_128 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16808 public pgbench_accounts_129 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16790 public pgbench_accounts_123 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16787 public pgbench_accounts_122 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16775 public pgbench_accounts_118 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16739 public pgbench_accounts_106 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16724 public pgbench_accounts_101 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16793 public pgbench_accounts_124 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16733 public pgbench_accounts_104 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16424 public pgbench_accounts_1 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16802 public pgbench_accounts_127 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16730 public pgbench_accounts_103 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16748 public pgbench_accounts_109 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16454 public pgbench_accounts_11 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16766 public pgbench_accounts_115 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16778 public pgbench_accounts_119 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16781 public pgbench_accounts_120 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16742 public pgbench_accounts_107 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16451 public pgbench_accounts_10 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16769 public pgbench_accounts_116 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16763 public pgbench_accounts_114 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16751 public pgbench_accounts_110 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16757 public pgbench_accounts_112 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16745 public pgbench_accounts_108 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16784 public pgbench_accounts_121 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16760 public pgbench_accounts_113 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16457 public pgbench_accounts_12 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16754 public pgbench_accounts_111 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16736 public pgbench_accounts_105 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16727 public pgbench_accounts_102 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16721 public pgbench_accounts_100 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB
16856 public pgbench_accounts_145 200000 34340864 4513792   29827072 33 MB 4408 kB   28 MB


Index Size order by schema name :

schemaname Table indexname pg_relation_size index_size
pg_catalog pg_depend pg_depend_reference_index 483328 472 kB
pg_catalog pg_depend pg_depend_depender_index 417792 408 kB
pg_catalog pg_attribute pg_attribute_relid_attnam_index 319488 312 kB
pg_catalog pg_proc pg_proc_proname_args_nsp_index 237568 232 kB
pg_catalog pg_attribute pg_attribute_relid_attnum_index 229376 224 kB
pg_catalog pg_description pg_description_o_c_o_index 188416 184 kB
pg_catalog pg_class pg_class_relname_nsp_index 139264 136 kB
pg_catalog pg_type pg_type_typname_nsp_index 122880 120 kB
pg_catalog pg_statistic pg_statistic_relid_att_inh_index 114688 112 kB
pg_catalog pg_collation pg_collation_name_enc_nsp_index 106496 104 kB
pg_catalog pg_proc pg_proc_oid_index 90112 88 kB
pg_catalog pg_class pg_class_tblspc_relfilenode_index 65536 64 kB
pg_catalog pg_collation pg_collation_oid_index 57344 56 kB
pg_catalog pg_type pg_type_oid_index 57344 56 kB
pg_catalog pg_class pg_class_oid_index 57344 56 kB
pg_catalog pg_constraint pg_constraint_conrelid_contypid_conname_index 49152 48 kB
pg_catalog pg_constraint pg_constraint_conname_nsp_index 40960 40 kB
pg_catalog pg_amop pg_amop_fam_strat_index 40960 40 kB
pg_catalog pg_amop pg_amop_opr_fam_index 40960 40 kB
pg_catalog pg_index pg_index_indrelid_index 40960 40 kB
pg_catalog pg_inherits pg_inherits_relid_seqno_index 40960 40 kB
pg_catalog pg_constraint pg_constraint_contypid_index 40960 40 kB
pg_catalog pg_operator pg_operator_oid_index 40960 40 kB
pg_catalog pg_operator pg_operator_oprname_l_r_n_index 40960 40 kB
pg_catalog pg_shdepend pg_shdepend_depender_index 40960 40 kB
pg_catalog pg_shdepend pg_shdepend_reference_index 40960 40 kB
pg_catalog pg_amproc pg_amproc_fam_proc_index 32768 32 kB
pg_catalog pg_inherits pg_inherits_parent_index 32768 32 kB
pg_catalog pg_amop pg_amop_oid_index 32768 32 kB
pg_catalog pg_ts_config_map pg_ts_config_map_index 32768 32 kB
pg_catalog pg_index pg_index_indexrelid_index 32768 32 kB
pg_catalog pg_amproc pg_amproc_oid_index 32768 32 kB
pg_catalog pg_constraint pg_constraint_conparentid_index 32768 32 kB
pg_catalog pg_constraint pg_constraint_oid_index 32768 32 kB
pg_catalog pg_namespace pg_namespace_oid_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_opclass pg_opclass_am_name_nsp_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_opclass pg_opclass_oid_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_opfamily pg_opfamily_am_name_nsp_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_ts_template pg_ts_template_oid_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_pltemplate pg_pltemplate_name_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_rewrite pg_rewrite_oid_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_rewrite pg_rewrite_rel_rulename_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_opfamily pg_opfamily_oid_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_ts_template pg_ts_template_tmplname_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_aggregate pg_aggregate_fnoid_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_am pg_am_name_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_tablespace pg_tablespace_oid_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_tablespace pg_tablespace_spcname_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_am pg_am_oid_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_partitioned_table pg_partitioned_table_partrelid_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_ts_config pg_ts_config_cfgname_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_ts_config pg_ts_config_oid_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_ts_dict pg_ts_dict_dictname_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_ts_dict pg_ts_dict_oid_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_ts_parser pg_ts_parser_prsname_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_ts_parser pg_ts_parser_oid_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_authid pg_authid_rolname_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_authid pg_authid_oid_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_auth_members pg_auth_members_role_member_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_auth_members pg_auth_members_member_role_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_cast pg_cast_oid_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_cast pg_cast_source_target_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_conversion pg_conversion_default_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_conversion pg_conversion_name_nsp_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_conversion pg_conversion_oid_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_database pg_database_datname_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_database pg_database_oid_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_shdescription pg_shdescription_o_c_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_range pg_range_rngtypid_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_extension pg_extension_name_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_extension pg_extension_oid_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_init_privs pg_init_privs_o_c_o_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_language pg_language_name_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_language pg_language_oid_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_db_role_setting pg_db_role_setting_databaseid_rol_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_namespace pg_namespace_nspname_index 16384 16 kB
pg_catalog pg_attrdef pg_attrdef_oid_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_attrdef pg_attrdef_adrelid_adnum_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_enum pg_enum_oid_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_enum pg_enum_typid_label_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_enum pg_enum_typid_sortorder_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_largeobject pg_largeobject_loid_pn_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_largeobject_metadata pg_largeobject_metadata_oid_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_sequence pg_sequence_seqrelid_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_statistic_ext pg_statistic_ext_oid_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_statistic_ext pg_statistic_ext_name_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_statistic_ext pg_statistic_ext_relid_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_statistic_ext_data pg_statistic_ext_data_stxoid_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_transform pg_transform_oid_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_transform pg_transform_type_lang_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_trigger pg_trigger_tgconstraint_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_trigger pg_trigger_tgrelid_tgname_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_trigger pg_trigger_oid_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_event_trigger pg_event_trigger_evtname_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_event_trigger pg_event_trigger_oid_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_foreign_data_wrapper pg_foreign_data_wrapper_oid_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_foreign_data_wrapper pg_foreign_data_wrapper_name_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_foreign_server pg_foreign_server_oid_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_foreign_server pg_foreign_server_name_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_user_mapping pg_user_mapping_oid_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_user_mapping pg_user_mapping_user_server_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_foreign_table pg_foreign_table_relid_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_default_acl pg_default_acl_role_nsp_obj_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_default_acl pg_default_acl_oid_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_seclabel pg_seclabel_object_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_shseclabel pg_shseclabel_object_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_policy pg_policy_oid_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_policy pg_policy_polrelid_polname_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_replication_origin pg_replication_origin_roiident_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_replication_origin pg_replication_origin_roname_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_publication pg_publication_oid_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_publication pg_publication_pubname_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_publication_rel pg_publication_rel_oid_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_publication_rel pg_publication_rel_prrelid_prpubid_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_subscription pg_subscription_oid_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_subscription pg_subscription_subname_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_catalog pg_subscription_rel pg_subscription_rel_srrelid_srsubid_index 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_2619 pg_toast_2619_index 16384 16 kB
pg_toast pg_toast_2618 pg_toast_2618_index 16384 16 kB
pg_toast pg_toast_1260 pg_toast_1260_index 8192 8192 bytes
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public pgbench_accounts_482 pgbench_accounts_482_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_483 pgbench_accounts_483_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_484 pgbench_accounts_484_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_485 pgbench_accounts_485_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_486 pgbench_accounts_486_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_487 pgbench_accounts_487_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_488 pgbench_accounts_488_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_489 pgbench_accounts_489_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_48 pgbench_accounts_48_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_490 pgbench_accounts_490_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_491 pgbench_accounts_491_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_492 pgbench_accounts_492_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_493 pgbench_accounts_493_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_494 pgbench_accounts_494_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_495 pgbench_accounts_495_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_496 pgbench_accounts_496_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_497 pgbench_accounts_497_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_498 pgbench_accounts_498_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_499 pgbench_accounts_499_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_49 pgbench_accounts_49_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_4 pgbench_accounts_4_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_500 pgbench_accounts_500_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_50 pgbench_accounts_50_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
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public pgbench_accounts_52 pgbench_accounts_52_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
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public pgbench_accounts_54 pgbench_accounts_54_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_55 pgbench_accounts_55_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_56 pgbench_accounts_56_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_57 pgbench_accounts_57_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_58 pgbench_accounts_58_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_59 pgbench_accounts_59_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
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public pgbench_accounts_60 pgbench_accounts_60_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
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public pgbench_accounts_62 pgbench_accounts_62_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_63 pgbench_accounts_63_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_64 pgbench_accounts_64_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_65 pgbench_accounts_65_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_66 pgbench_accounts_66_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_67 pgbench_accounts_67_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_68 pgbench_accounts_68_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_69 pgbench_accounts_69_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
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public pgbench_accounts_72 pgbench_accounts_72_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_73 pgbench_accounts_73_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_74 pgbench_accounts_74_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_75 pgbench_accounts_75_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_76 pgbench_accounts_76_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_77 pgbench_accounts_77_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_78 pgbench_accounts_78_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
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public pgbench_accounts_82 pgbench_accounts_82_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
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public pgbench_accounts_84 pgbench_accounts_84_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_85 pgbench_accounts_85_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
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public pgbench_accounts_92 pgbench_accounts_92_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_93 pgbench_accounts_93_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_94 pgbench_accounts_94_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_95 pgbench_accounts_95_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_96 pgbench_accounts_96_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_97 pgbench_accounts_97_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_98 pgbench_accounts_98_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_99 pgbench_accounts_99_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_9 pgbench_accounts_9_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
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public pgbench_accounts_131 pgbench_accounts_131_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
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public pgbench_accounts_133 pgbench_accounts_133_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_134 pgbench_accounts_134_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
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public pgbench_accounts_137 pgbench_accounts_137_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_138 pgbench_accounts_138_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_139 pgbench_accounts_139_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_13 pgbench_accounts_13_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_140 pgbench_accounts_140_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_141 pgbench_accounts_141_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
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public pgbench_accounts_143 pgbench_accounts_143_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
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public pgbench_accounts_149 pgbench_accounts_149_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_14 pgbench_accounts_14_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_150 pgbench_accounts_150_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_151 pgbench_accounts_151_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_152 pgbench_accounts_152_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_153 pgbench_accounts_153_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_154 pgbench_accounts_154_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_155 pgbench_accounts_155_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_156 pgbench_accounts_156_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_157 pgbench_accounts_157_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_158 pgbench_accounts_158_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_159 pgbench_accounts_159_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_15 pgbench_accounts_15_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_160 pgbench_accounts_160_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_161 pgbench_accounts_161_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_162 pgbench_accounts_162_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_163 pgbench_accounts_163_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_164 pgbench_accounts_164_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_165 pgbench_accounts_165_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_166 pgbench_accounts_166_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_167 pgbench_accounts_167_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_168 pgbench_accounts_168_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_169 pgbench_accounts_169_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_16 pgbench_accounts_16_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_170 pgbench_accounts_170_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_171 pgbench_accounts_171_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_172 pgbench_accounts_172_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_173 pgbench_accounts_173_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_174 pgbench_accounts_174_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_175 pgbench_accounts_175_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_176 pgbench_accounts_176_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_177 pgbench_accounts_177_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_178 pgbench_accounts_178_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_179 pgbench_accounts_179_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_17 pgbench_accounts_17_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_180 pgbench_accounts_180_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_181 pgbench_accounts_181_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_182 pgbench_accounts_182_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_183 pgbench_accounts_183_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_184 pgbench_accounts_184_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_185 pgbench_accounts_185_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_186 pgbench_accounts_186_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_187 pgbench_accounts_187_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_188 pgbench_accounts_188_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_189 pgbench_accounts_189_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_18 pgbench_accounts_18_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_190 pgbench_accounts_190_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_191 pgbench_accounts_191_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_192 pgbench_accounts_192_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_193 pgbench_accounts_193_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_194 pgbench_accounts_194_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_195 pgbench_accounts_195_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_196 pgbench_accounts_196_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_197 pgbench_accounts_197_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_198 pgbench_accounts_198_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_199 pgbench_accounts_199_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_19 pgbench_accounts_19_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_1 pgbench_accounts_1_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_200 pgbench_accounts_200_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_201 pgbench_accounts_201_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_202 pgbench_accounts_202_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_203 pgbench_accounts_203_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_204 pgbench_accounts_204_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_205 pgbench_accounts_205_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_206 pgbench_accounts_206_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_207 pgbench_accounts_207_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_208 pgbench_accounts_208_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_209 pgbench_accounts_209_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_20 pgbench_accounts_20_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_210 pgbench_accounts_210_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_211 pgbench_accounts_211_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_212 pgbench_accounts_212_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_213 pgbench_accounts_213_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_214 pgbench_accounts_214_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_215 pgbench_accounts_215_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_216 pgbench_accounts_216_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_217 pgbench_accounts_217_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_218 pgbench_accounts_218_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_219 pgbench_accounts_219_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_21 pgbench_accounts_21_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_220 pgbench_accounts_220_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_221 pgbench_accounts_221_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_222 pgbench_accounts_222_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_223 pgbench_accounts_223_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_224 pgbench_accounts_224_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_225 pgbench_accounts_225_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_226 pgbench_accounts_226_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_227 pgbench_accounts_227_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_228 pgbench_accounts_228_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_229 pgbench_accounts_229_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_22 pgbench_accounts_22_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_230 pgbench_accounts_230_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_231 pgbench_accounts_231_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_232 pgbench_accounts_232_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_233 pgbench_accounts_233_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_234 pgbench_accounts_234_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_235 pgbench_accounts_235_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_236 pgbench_accounts_236_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_237 pgbench_accounts_237_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_238 pgbench_accounts_238_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_239 pgbench_accounts_239_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_23 pgbench_accounts_23_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_240 pgbench_accounts_240_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_241 pgbench_accounts_241_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_242 pgbench_accounts_242_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_243 pgbench_accounts_243_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_244 pgbench_accounts_244_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_245 pgbench_accounts_245_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_246 pgbench_accounts_246_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_247 pgbench_accounts_247_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_248 pgbench_accounts_248_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_249 pgbench_accounts_249_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_105 pgbench_accounts_105_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_106 pgbench_accounts_106_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_107 pgbench_accounts_107_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_108 pgbench_accounts_108_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_100 pgbench_accounts_100_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_101 pgbench_accounts_101_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_102 pgbench_accounts_102_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_103 pgbench_accounts_103_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_104 pgbench_accounts_104_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_109 pgbench_accounts_109_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_10 pgbench_accounts_10_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_110 pgbench_accounts_110_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_111 pgbench_accounts_111_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_tellers pgbench_tellers_pkey 245760 240 kB
public pgbench_branches pgbench_branches_pkey 40960 40 kB

biggest 50 Index in the DB :

schemaname Table indexname pg_relation_size index_size
public pgbench_accounts_161 pgbench_accounts_161_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_162 pgbench_accounts_162_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_160 pgbench_accounts_160_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_15 pgbench_accounts_15_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_158 pgbench_accounts_158_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_130 pgbench_accounts_130_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_159 pgbench_accounts_159_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_156 pgbench_accounts_156_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_143 pgbench_accounts_143_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_157 pgbench_accounts_157_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_148 pgbench_accounts_148_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_146 pgbench_accounts_146_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_127 pgbench_accounts_127_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_12 pgbench_accounts_12_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_154 pgbench_accounts_154_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_153 pgbench_accounts_153_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_151 pgbench_accounts_151_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_141 pgbench_accounts_141_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_134 pgbench_accounts_134_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_136 pgbench_accounts_136_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_144 pgbench_accounts_144_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_155 pgbench_accounts_155_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_147 pgbench_accounts_147_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_138 pgbench_accounts_138_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_131 pgbench_accounts_131_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_139 pgbench_accounts_139_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_125 pgbench_accounts_125_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_126 pgbench_accounts_126_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_128 pgbench_accounts_128_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_129 pgbench_accounts_129_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_14 pgbench_accounts_14_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_152 pgbench_accounts_152_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_142 pgbench_accounts_142_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_145 pgbench_accounts_145_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_149 pgbench_accounts_149_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_137 pgbench_accounts_137_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_140 pgbench_accounts_140_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_13 pgbench_accounts_13_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_121 pgbench_accounts_121_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_120 pgbench_accounts_120_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_133 pgbench_accounts_133_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_132 pgbench_accounts_132_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_135 pgbench_accounts_135_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_11 pgbench_accounts_11_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_150 pgbench_accounts_150_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_119 pgbench_accounts_119_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_124 pgbench_accounts_124_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_123 pgbench_accounts_123_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_122 pgbench_accounts_122_pkey 4513792 4408 kB
public pgbench_accounts_163 pgbench_accounts_163_pkey 4513792 4408 kB

Vacuum & Statistics

Autovacuum Parameters :

name setting unit category short_desc extra_desc context vartype source min_val max_val enumvals boot_val reset_val sourcefile sourceline pending_restart
autovacuum on   Autovacuum Starts the autovacuum subprocess.   sighup bool default       on on     f
autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor 0.05   Autovacuum Number of tuple inserts, updates, or deletes prior to analyze as a fraction of reltuples.   sighup real configuration file 0 100   0.1 0.05 /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 3 f
autovacuum_analyze_threshold 50   Autovacuum Minimum number of tuple inserts, updates, or deletes prior to analyze.   sighup integer default 0 2147483647   50 50     f
autovacuum_freeze_max_age 200000000   Autovacuum Age at which to autovacuum a table to prevent transaction ID wraparound.   postmaster integer default 100000 2000000000   200000000 200000000     f
autovacuum_max_workers 10   Autovacuum Sets the maximum number of simultaneously running autovacuum worker processes.   postmaster integer configuration file 1 262143   3 10 /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 4 f
autovacuum_multixact_freeze_max_age 400000000   Autovacuum Multixact age at which to autovacuum a table to prevent multixact wraparound.   postmaster integer default 10000 2000000000   400000000 400000000     f
autovacuum_naptime 5 s Autovacuum Time to sleep between autovacuum runs.   sighup integer configuration file 1 2147483   60 5 /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 5 f
autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay 5 ms Autovacuum Vacuum cost delay in milliseconds, for autovacuum.   sighup real configuration file -1 100   2 5 /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 6 f
autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit 10000   Autovacuum Vacuum cost amount available before napping, for autovacuum.   sighup integer configuration file -1 10000   -1 10000 /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 7 f
autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor 0.1   Autovacuum Number of tuple updates or deletes prior to vacuum as a fraction of reltuples.   sighup real configuration file 0 100   0.2 0.1 /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 8 f
autovacuum_vacuum_threshold 50   Autovacuum Minimum number of tuple updates or deletes prior to vacuum.   sighup integer default 0 2147483647   50 50     f

name setting unit category short_desc extra_desc context vartype source min_val max_val enumvals boot_val reset_val sourcefile sourceline pending_restart
rds.force_autovacuum_logging_level warning   Customized Options Emit autovacuum log messages irrespective of other logging configuration. Each level includes all the levels that follow it.Set to disabled to disable this feature and fall back to using log_min_messages. sighup enum configuration file     {debug5,debug4,debug3,debug2,debug1,info,notice,warning,error,log,fatal,panic,disabled} disabled warning /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 45 f
log_autovacuum_min_duration 10000 ms Reporting and Logging / What to Log Sets the minimum execution time above which autovacuum actions will be logged. Zero prints all actions. -1 turns autovacuum logging off. sighup integer configuration file -1 2147483647   -1 10000 /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 23 f

currnt running autovacuum porecess:

datname usename state query duration wait_event

Vacuum porgress:

pid duration waiting mode database table phase table_size total_size scanned vacuumed scanned_pct vacuumed_pct index_vacuum_count dead_pct

Autovacuum progress per day :

to_char count
2020-12-10 1

Autoanalyze progress per day :

to_char count

Which tables are currently eligible for autovacuum based on curret parameters :

relation table_size xid_age autovacuum_freeze_max_age autovacuum_vacuum_tuples dead_tuples

Check if the statistics collector is enabled (track_counts is on) :

name setting
track_counts on

Number of dead rows for the top 50 table :

relname n_live_tup n_tup_upd n_tup_del n_dead_tup last_vacuum last_autovacuum last_analyze last_autoanalyze
pg_toast_2619 15 0 30 15 2020-12-10 08:34:56.459447+00      
pg_class 1401 5 0 5 2020-12-10 08:34:56.508455+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.514137+00  
pgbench_accounts_371 200000 0 0 0 2020-12-10 08:35:07.446583+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.476468+00  
pgbench_accounts_213 200000 0 0 0 2020-12-10 08:35:01.334741+00   2020-12-10 08:35:01.367809+00  
sql_packages 10 0 0 0 2020-12-10 08:34:56.52412+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.524404+00  
pgbench_accounts_1 200000 0 0 0 2020-12-10 08:34:56.805732+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.838374+00  
pgbench_accounts_102 200000 0 0 0 2020-12-10 08:34:56.768938+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.803025+00  
pg_toast_3466 0 0 0 0 2020-12-10 08:34:56.536148+00      
pgbench_accounts_19 200000 0 0 0 2020-12-10 08:35:00.366747+00   2020-12-10 08:35:00.399124+00  
pgbench_accounts_100 200000 0 0 0 2020-12-10 08:34:56.912008+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.944494+00  
pgbench_accounts_164 200000 0 0 0 2020-12-10 08:34:59.32714+00   2020-12-10 08:34:59.360626+00  
pgbench_accounts_440 200000 0 0 0 2020-12-10 08:35:09.984478+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.015936+00  
pg_publication_rel 0 0 0 0 2020-12-10 08:34:56.616582+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.616604+00  
pg_replication_origin 0 0 0 0 2020-12-10 08:34:56.568583+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.568673+00  
pg_rewrite 126 0 0 0 2020-12-10 08:34:56.533327+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.533668+00  
pg_toast_14169 0 0 0 0 2020-12-10 08:34:56.620809+00      
pgbench_accounts_412 200000 0 0 0 2020-12-10 08:35:08.847785+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.878903+00  
pg_largeobject_metadata 0 0 0 0 2020-12-10 08:34:56.531525+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.531552+00  
pgbench_accounts_361 200000 0 0 0 2020-12-10 08:35:06.997627+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.0277+00  
pgbench_accounts_353 200000 0 0 0 2020-12-10 08:35:06.707063+00   2020-12-10 08:35:06.737024+00  
pgbench_accounts_410 200000 0 0 0 2020-12-10 08:35:08.881096+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.911861+00  
pgbench_accounts_478 200000 0 0 0 2020-12-10 08:35:11.251089+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.281843+00  
pgbench_accounts_80 200000 0 0 0 2020-12-10 08:35:13.315465+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.34601+00  
pgbench_accounts_461 200000 0 0 0 2020-12-10 08:35:10.651648+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.682878+00  
pgbench_accounts_167 200000 0 0 0 2020-12-10 08:34:59.363862+00   2020-12-10 08:34:59.39633+00  
pgbench_accounts_178 200000 0 0 0 2020-12-10 08:34:59.79108+00   2020-12-10 08:34:59.824228+00  
pgbench_accounts_233 200000 0 0 0 2020-12-10 08:35:02.134862+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.167781+00  
pgbench_accounts_176 200000 0 0 0 2020-12-10 08:34:59.826987+00   2020-12-10 08:34:59.860509+00  
pgbench_accounts_34 200000 0 0 0 2020-12-10 08:35:06.211436+00   2020-12-10 08:35:06.241307+00  
pg_toast_3600 0 0 0 0 2020-12-10 08:34:56.564309+00      
pgbench_accounts_340 200000 0 0 0 2020-12-10 08:35:06.308057+00   2020-12-10 08:35:06.337943+00  
pgbench_accounts_454 200000 0 0 0 2020-12-10 08:35:10.452609+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.483544+00  
pgbench_accounts_236 200000 0 0 0 2020-12-10 08:35:02.206104+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.239677+00  
pgbench_accounts_153 200000 0 0 0 2020-12-10 08:34:58.824729+00   2020-12-10 08:34:58.857629+00  
pgbench_accounts_305 200000 0 0 0 2020-12-10 08:35:05.013491+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.046871+00  
pgbench_accounts_86 200000 0 0 0 2020-12-10 08:35:13.483563+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.513802+00  
pg_toast_14159 0 0 0 0 2020-12-10 08:34:56.621818+00      
pgbench_accounts_63 200000 0 0 0 2020-12-10 08:35:12.685041+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.716014+00  
pgbench_accounts_386 200000 0 0 0 2020-12-10 08:35:07.867648+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.897469+00  
pgbench_accounts_253 200000 0 0 0 2020-12-10 08:35:02.887134+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.919976+00  
pgbench_accounts_254 200000 0 0 0 2020-12-10 08:35:02.957832+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.990785+00  
pgbench_accounts_101 200000 0 0 0 2020-12-10 08:34:56.841008+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.87362+00  
pgbench_accounts_383 200000 0 0 0 2020-12-10 08:35:07.835249+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.865293+00  
pg_toast_1247 0 0 0 0 2020-12-10 08:34:56.459651+00      
pgbench_accounts_306 200000 0 0 0 2020-12-10 08:35:05.049478+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.081533+00  
pgbench_accounts_465 200000 0 0 0 2020-12-10 08:35:10.885653+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.91646+00  
pgbench_accounts_235 200000 0 0 0 2020-12-10 08:35:02.170562+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.203349+00  
pgbench_accounts_174 200000 0 0 0 2020-12-10 08:34:59.755005+00   2020-12-10 08:34:59.787888+00  
pg_ts_config_map 418 0 0 0 2020-12-10 08:34:56.563177+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.563397+00  
pg_toast_2620 0 0 0 0 2020-12-10 08:34:56.535947+00      

Tables have more than 20% dead rows :

schemaname relname last_vacuum last_autovacuum n_live_tup n_dead_tup n_dead_tup_%

pg_stat_all_tables :

relname schemaname last_vacuum last_autovacuum last_analyze last_autoanalyze vacuum_count autovacuum_count analyze_count autoanalyze_count
sql_sizing_profiles information_schema 2020-12-10 08:34:56.62384+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.623933+00   2 0 2 0
sql_sizing information_schema 2020-12-10 08:34:56.622825+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.622998+00   2 0 2 0
sql_implementation_info information_schema 2020-12-10 08:34:56.619641+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.619846+00   2 0 2 0
sql_parts information_schema 2020-12-10 08:34:56.620728+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.620909+00   2 0 2 0
sql_languages information_schema 2020-12-10 08:34:56.621746+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.621926+00   2 0 2 0
sql_packages information_schema 2020-12-10 08:34:56.52412+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.524404+00   2 0 2 0
sql_features information_schema 2020-12-10 08:34:56.616878+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.618419+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_164 public 2020-12-10 08:34:59.32714+00   2020-12-10 08:34:59.360626+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_440 public 2020-12-10 08:35:09.984478+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.015936+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_340 public 2020-12-10 08:35:06.308057+00   2020-12-10 08:35:06.337943+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_412 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.847785+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.878903+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_361 public 2020-12-10 08:35:06.997627+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.0277+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_353 public 2020-12-10 08:35:06.707063+00   2020-12-10 08:35:06.737024+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_410 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.881096+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.911861+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_478 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.251089+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.281843+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_80 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.315465+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.34601+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_461 public 2020-12-10 08:35:10.651648+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.682878+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_167 public 2020-12-10 08:34:59.363862+00   2020-12-10 08:34:59.39633+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_178 public 2020-12-10 08:34:59.79108+00   2020-12-10 08:34:59.824228+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_233 public 2020-12-10 08:35:02.134862+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.167781+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_176 public 2020-12-10 08:34:59.826987+00   2020-12-10 08:34:59.860509+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_34 public 2020-12-10 08:35:06.211436+00   2020-12-10 08:35:06.241307+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_236 public 2020-12-10 08:35:02.206104+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.239677+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_153 public 2020-12-10 08:34:58.824729+00   2020-12-10 08:34:58.857629+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_305 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.013491+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.046871+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_86 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.483563+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.513802+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_63 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.685041+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.716014+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_386 public 2020-12-10 08:35:07.867648+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.897469+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_253 public 2020-12-10 08:35:02.887134+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.919976+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_254 public 2020-12-10 08:35:02.957832+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.990785+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_101 public 2020-12-10 08:34:56.841008+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.87362+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_383 public 2020-12-10 08:35:07.835249+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.865293+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_306 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.049478+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.081533+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_465 public 2020-12-10 08:35:10.885653+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.91646+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_235 public 2020-12-10 08:35:02.170562+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.203349+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_174 public 2020-12-10 08:34:59.755005+00   2020-12-10 08:34:59.787888+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_394 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.158284+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.18824+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_77 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.149776+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.181065+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_375 public 2020-12-10 08:35:07.543875+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.574422+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_4 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.419824+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.450569+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_310 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.225955+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.258046+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_43 public 2020-12-10 08:35:09.548723+00   2020-12-10 08:35:09.579679+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_184 public 2020-12-10 08:35:00.152489+00   2020-12-10 08:35:00.185146+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_220 public 2020-12-10 08:35:01.589793+00   2020-12-10 08:35:01.623312+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_182 public 2020-12-10 08:35:00.079578+00   2020-12-10 08:35:00.11374+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_479 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.351289+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.382056+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_248 public 2020-12-10 08:35:02.603744+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.636301+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_445 public 2020-12-10 08:35:10.052422+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.0831+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_65 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.652078+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.682746+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_23 public 2020-12-10 08:35:01.992074+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.02557+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_75 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.116265+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.147266+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_269 public 2020-12-10 08:35:03.507775+00   2020-12-10 08:35:03.542104+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_459 public 2020-12-10 08:35:10.552296+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.583169+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_276 public 2020-12-10 08:35:03.790518+00   2020-12-10 08:35:03.822663+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_263 public 2020-12-10 08:35:03.318068+00   2020-12-10 08:35:03.350846+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_493 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.91658+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.947457+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_319 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.539893+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.572491+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_29 public 2020-12-10 08:35:04.390681+00   2020-12-10 08:35:04.422907+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_226 public 2020-12-10 08:35:01.73346+00   2020-12-10 08:35:01.766125+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_366 public 2020-12-10 08:35:07.223274+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.25295+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_247 public 2020-12-10 08:35:02.674732+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.707205+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_322 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.681255+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.713649+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_218 public 2020-12-10 08:35:01.406518+00   2020-12-10 08:35:01.441777+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_477 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.318061+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.348893+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_111 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.305313+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.33809+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_258 public 2020-12-10 08:35:03.066838+00   2020-12-10 08:35:03.099353+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_161 public 2020-12-10 08:34:59.146521+00   2020-12-10 08:34:59.178973+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_367 public 2020-12-10 08:35:07.255157+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.284743+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_124 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.801021+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.834198+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_110 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.268882+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.302551+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_82 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.380841+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.411599+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_148 public 2020-12-10 08:34:58.682691+00   2020-12-10 08:34:58.715261+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_58 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.484976+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.515914+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_401 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.452979+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.484+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_271 public 2020-12-10 08:35:03.650442+00   2020-12-10 08:35:03.682553+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_173 public 2020-12-10 08:34:59.71939+00   2020-12-10 08:34:59.752127+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_437 public 2020-12-10 08:35:09.749112+00   2020-12-10 08:35:09.77989+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_91 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.717936+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.7489+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_421 public 2020-12-10 08:35:09.250264+00   2020-12-10 08:35:09.280779+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_483 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.450355+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.481296+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_97 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.919835+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.950401+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_17 public 2020-12-10 08:34:59.470545+00   2020-12-10 08:34:59.503395+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_117 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.51727+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.550117+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_206 public 2020-12-10 08:35:01.040782+00   2020-12-10 08:35:01.074487+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_327 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.848411+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.879109+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_119 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.588761+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.621694+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_256 public 2020-12-10 08:35:02.922699+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.955315+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_349 public 2020-12-10 08:35:06.60482+00   2020-12-10 08:35:06.635323+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_298 public 2020-12-10 08:35:04.700353+00   2020-12-10 08:35:04.732364+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_212 public 2020-12-10 08:35:01.2609+00   2020-12-10 08:35:01.293487+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_52 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.252514+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.283472+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_304 public 2020-12-10 08:35:04.874151+00   2020-12-10 08:35:04.906401+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_230 public 2020-12-10 08:35:02.028286+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.061001+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_42 public 2020-12-10 08:35:09.216822+00   2020-12-10 08:35:09.247857+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_427 public 2020-12-10 08:35:09.481815+00   2020-12-10 08:35:09.512505+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_290 public 2020-12-10 08:35:04.425384+00   2020-12-10 08:35:04.457646+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_377 public 2020-12-10 08:35:07.641856+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.671836+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_497 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.017006+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.049714+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_496 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.982796+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.014394+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_315 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.29548+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.327371+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_489 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.716121+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.746763+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_286 public 2020-12-10 08:35:04.217086+00   2020-12-10 08:35:04.249198+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_428 public 2020-12-10 08:35:09.514922+00   2020-12-10 08:35:09.546079+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_74 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.083381+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.113927+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_20 public 2020-12-10 08:35:00.825745+00   2020-12-10 08:35:00.859301+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_12 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.624445+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.656988+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_159 public 2020-12-10 08:34:59.039468+00   2020-12-10 08:34:59.071892+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_391 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.126318+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.156026+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_200 public 2020-12-10 08:35:00.789182+00   2020-12-10 08:35:00.823044+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_397 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.256011+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.287076+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_172 public 2020-12-10 08:34:59.648435+00   2020-12-10 08:34:59.680978+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_395 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.289243+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.31974+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_279 public 2020-12-10 08:35:03.945269+00   2020-12-10 08:35:03.986769+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_133 public 2020-12-10 08:34:58.155134+00   2020-12-10 08:34:58.188115+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_5 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.052006+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.083055+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_125 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.836859+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.869959+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_480 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.417535+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.448037+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_473 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.184469+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.2153+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_123 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.730109+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.763315+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_41 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.7491+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.779571+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_288 public 2020-12-10 08:35:04.32123+00   2020-12-10 08:35:04.353322+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_59 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.518387+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.549545+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_444 public 2020-12-10 08:35:10.118455+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.148994+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_223 public 2020-12-10 08:35:01.626127+00   2020-12-10 08:35:01.659172+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_191 public 2020-12-10 08:35:00.329862+00   2020-12-10 08:35:00.363883+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_149 public 2020-12-10 08:34:58.753171+00   2020-12-10 08:34:58.785965+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_398 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.354458+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.384903+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_114 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.376054+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.408688+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_472 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.117632+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.148611+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_6 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.452274+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.482719+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_356 public 2020-12-10 08:35:06.804004+00   2020-12-10 08:35:06.834217+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_268 public 2020-12-10 08:35:03.472012+00   2020-12-10 08:35:03.504795+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_33 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.946029+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.976202+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_201 public 2020-12-10 08:35:00.719563+00   2020-12-10 08:35:00.751659+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_152 public 2020-12-10 08:34:58.895541+00   2020-12-10 08:34:58.927911+00   2 0 2 0
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pgbench_accounts_357 public 2020-12-10 08:35:06.900827+00   2020-12-10 08:35:06.931139+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_436 public 2020-12-10 08:35:09.815915+00   2020-12-10 08:35:09.847557+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_231 public 2020-12-10 08:35:01.954667+00   2020-12-10 08:35:01.989285+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_399 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.386998+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.417344+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_129 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.87257+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.905351+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_183 public 2020-12-10 08:35:00.005127+00   2020-12-10 08:35:00.039846+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_215 public 2020-12-10 08:35:01.296244+00   2020-12-10 08:35:01.331744+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_90 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.684798+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.715738+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_369 public 2020-12-10 08:35:07.350636+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.380163+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_255 public 2020-12-10 08:35:03.030512+00   2020-12-10 08:35:03.063987+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_76 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.050184+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.080804+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_448 public 2020-12-10 08:35:10.218163+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.249032+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_39 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.061942+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.092034+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_36 public 2020-12-10 08:35:07.029808+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.059638+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_175 public 2020-12-10 08:34:59.68377+00   2020-12-10 08:34:59.716538+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_486 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.549848+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.581234+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_292 public 2020-12-10 08:35:04.460295+00   2020-12-10 08:35:04.491972+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_38 public 2020-12-10 08:35:07.738936+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.768424+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_423 public 2020-12-10 08:35:09.316003+00   2020-12-10 08:35:09.346777+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_380 public 2020-12-10 08:35:07.674051+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.704285+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_299 public 2020-12-10 08:35:04.73496+00   2020-12-10 08:35:04.766939+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_70 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.917604+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.948345+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_425 public 2020-12-10 08:35:09.415555+00   2020-12-10 08:35:09.446274+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_476 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.284142+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.315682+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_275 public 2020-12-10 08:35:03.68511+00   2020-12-10 08:35:03.717521+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_145 public 2020-12-10 08:34:58.507726+00   2020-12-10 08:34:58.540081+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_414 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.979845+00   2020-12-10 08:35:09.011131+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_190 public 2020-12-10 08:35:00.401787+00   2020-12-10 08:35:00.434563+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_413 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.946973+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.977378+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_85 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.449214+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.48139+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_344 public 2020-12-10 08:35:06.471783+00   2020-12-10 08:35:06.501668+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_409 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.814942+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.845662+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_245 public 2020-12-10 08:35:02.567449+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.600874+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_365 public 2020-12-10 08:35:07.190693+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.220977+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_324 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.716263+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.748699+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_252 public 2020-12-10 08:35:02.851476+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.883896+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_337 public 2020-12-10 08:35:06.114334+00   2020-12-10 08:35:06.144292+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_270 public 2020-12-10 08:35:03.615279+00   2020-12-10 08:35:03.647591+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_186 public 2020-12-10 08:35:00.116702+00   2020-12-10 08:35:00.149689+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_13 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.978453+00   2020-12-10 08:34:58.010754+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_10 public 2020-12-10 08:34:56.876354+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.909078+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_66 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.784738+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.815306+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_422 public 2020-12-10 08:35:09.283098+00   2020-12-10 08:35:09.313627+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_433 public 2020-12-10 08:35:09.715561+00   2020-12-10 08:35:09.746873+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_456 public 2020-12-10 08:35:10.5192+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.54986+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_307 public 2020-12-10 08:35:04.978339+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.010874+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_202 public 2020-12-10 08:35:00.86211+00   2020-12-10 08:35:00.896197+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_434 public 2020-12-10 08:35:09.648638+00   2020-12-10 08:35:09.67948+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_188 public 2020-12-10 08:35:00.259327+00   2020-12-10 08:35:00.292201+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_204 public 2020-12-10 08:35:00.934152+00   2020-12-10 08:35:00.967091+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_126 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.76579+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.798411+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_376 public 2020-12-10 08:35:07.609294+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.639565+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_240 public 2020-12-10 08:35:02.423903+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.457306+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_21 public 2020-12-10 08:35:01.077271+00   2020-12-10 08:35:01.112209+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_tellers public 2020-12-10 21:47:53.242366+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.987219+00   7 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_154 public 2020-12-10 08:34:58.930842+00   2020-12-10 08:34:58.963427+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_393 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.222183+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.252071+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_222 public 2020-12-10 08:35:01.697465+00   2020-12-10 08:35:01.730732+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_285 public 2020-12-10 08:35:04.182429+00   2020-12-10 08:35:04.21457+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_234 public 2020-12-10 08:35:02.063787+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.096446+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_216 public 2020-12-10 08:35:01.444585+00   2020-12-10 08:35:01.477742+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_333 public 2020-12-10 08:35:06.049569+00   2020-12-10 08:35:06.079443+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_368 public 2020-12-10 08:35:07.318746+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.348429+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_341 public 2020-12-10 08:35:06.340201+00   2020-12-10 08:35:06.372029+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_490 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.815718+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.846869+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_469 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.01827+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.049185+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_142 public 2020-12-10 08:34:58.403027+00   2020-12-10 08:34:58.434894+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_251 public 2020-12-10 08:35:02.816151+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.848989+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_11 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.127131+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.160242+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_214 public 2020-12-10 08:35:01.370448+00   2020-12-10 08:35:01.403731+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_189 public 2020-12-10 08:35:00.294905+00   2020-12-10 08:35:00.327147+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_64 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.71836+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.749407+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_62 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.618671+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.649326+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_177 public 2020-12-10 08:34:59.86327+00   2020-12-10 08:34:59.895854+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_69 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.851399+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.882474+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_435 public 2020-12-10 08:35:09.782349+00   2020-12-10 08:35:09.81358+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_227 public 2020-12-10 08:35:01.840934+00   2020-12-10 08:35:01.876582+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_450 public 2020-12-10 08:35:10.2513+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.282576+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_105 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.019047+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.052982+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_316 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.400003+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.432254+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_348 public 2020-12-10 08:35:06.503863+00   2020-12-10 08:35:06.533865+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_192 public 2020-12-10 08:35:00.472851+00   2020-12-10 08:35:00.505313+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_491 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.749237+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.780109+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_146 public 2020-12-10 08:34:58.612248+00   2020-12-10 08:34:58.644425+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_246 public 2020-12-10 08:35:02.638912+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.672176+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_139 public 2020-12-10 08:34:58.332262+00   2020-12-10 08:34:58.365222+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_441 public 2020-12-10 08:35:10.018446+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.050071+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_293 public 2020-12-10 08:35:04.494533+00   2020-12-10 08:35:04.526379+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_257 public 2020-12-10 08:35:03.10193+00   2020-12-10 08:35:03.134724+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_446 public 2020-12-10 08:35:10.151281+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.18225+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_93 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.751429+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.78222+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_463 public 2020-12-10 08:35:10.785345+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.81626+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_217 public 2020-12-10 08:35:01.480671+00   2020-12-10 08:35:01.513723+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_352 public 2020-12-10 08:35:06.771598+00   2020-12-10 08:35:06.801752+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_321 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.645845+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.678625+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_228 public 2020-12-10 08:35:01.879709+00   2020-12-10 08:35:01.914012+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_339 public 2020-12-10 08:35:06.275924+00   2020-12-10 08:35:06.305728+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_24 public 2020-12-10 08:35:02.279434+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.31343+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_443 public 2020-12-10 08:35:10.085496+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.116183+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_150 public 2020-12-10 08:34:58.717797+00   2020-12-10 08:34:58.750424+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_127 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.907815+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.940729+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_165 public 2020-12-10 08:34:59.399079+00   2020-12-10 08:34:59.431793+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_73 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.951018+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.981791+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_210 public 2020-12-10 08:35:01.187072+00   2020-12-10 08:35:01.220361+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_84 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.348302+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.378715+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_487 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.650204+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.680721+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_branches public 2020-12-10 21:47:53.241404+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.951839+00   7 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_388 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.028887+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.059271+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_238 public 2020-12-10 08:35:02.316177+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.34951+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_372 public 2020-12-10 08:35:07.382386+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.412325+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_116 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.481856+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.514666+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_60 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.551877+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.583398+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_351 public 2020-12-10 08:35:06.739433+00   2020-12-10 08:35:06.769251+00   2 0 2 0
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pgbench_accounts_273 public 2020-12-10 08:35:03.720106+00   2020-12-10 08:35:03.752144+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_106 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.055522+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.088397+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_289 public 2020-12-10 08:35:04.251789+00   2020-12-10 08:35:04.284122+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_264 public 2020-12-10 08:35:03.246058+00   2020-12-10 08:35:03.279383+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_211 public 2020-12-10 08:35:01.223553+00   2020-12-10 08:35:01.25811+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_158 public 2020-12-10 08:34:59.109614+00   2020-12-10 08:34:59.143669+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_261 public 2020-12-10 08:35:03.209812+00   2020-12-10 08:35:03.243362+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_107 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.091268+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.124514+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_134 public 2020-12-10 08:34:58.084309+00   2020-12-10 08:34:58.117285+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_420 public 2020-12-10 08:35:09.149993+00   2020-12-10 08:35:09.18102+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_403 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.617851+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.648586+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_40 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.486183+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.516632+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_79 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.215883+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.247312+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_282 public 2020-12-10 08:35:04.111088+00   2020-12-10 08:35:04.144519+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_406 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.683577+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.714027+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_103 public 2020-12-10 08:34:56.982307+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.016315+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_303 public 2020-12-10 08:35:04.943604+00   2020-12-10 08:35:04.975615+00   2 0 2 0
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pgbench_accounts_359 public 2020-12-10 08:35:06.965485+00   2020-12-10 08:35:06.995445+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_135 public 2020-12-10 08:34:58.226212+00   2020-12-10 08:34:58.259288+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_475 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.150929+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.182077+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_30 public 2020-12-10 08:35:04.769764+00   2020-12-10 08:35:04.802463+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_396 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.321829+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.352309+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_329 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.815641+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.846237+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_187 public 2020-12-10 08:35:00.224252+00   2020-12-10 08:35:00.256561+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_262 public 2020-12-10 08:35:03.282334+00   2020-12-10 08:35:03.31506+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_323 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.611019+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.643169+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_163 public 2020-12-10 08:34:59.290145+00   2020-12-10 08:34:59.324174+00   2 0 2 0
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pgbench_accounts_53 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.285782+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.317043+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_332 public 2020-12-10 08:35:06.011723+00   2020-12-10 08:35:06.047188+00   2 0 2 0
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pgbench_accounts_15 public 2020-12-10 08:34:58.788824+00   2020-12-10 08:34:58.821983+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_45 public 2020-12-10 08:35:10.317992+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.349115+00   2 0 2 0
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pgbench_accounts_309 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.120333+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.152973+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_118 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.446574+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.479405+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_438 public 2020-12-10 08:35:09.850163+00   2020-12-10 08:35:09.88121+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_history public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.985664+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.985811+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_373 public 2020-12-10 08:35:07.478693+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.508861+00   2 0 2 0
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pgbench_accounts_3 public 2020-12-10 08:35:04.666276+00   2020-12-10 08:35:04.697991+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_137 public 2020-12-10 08:34:58.190692+00   2020-12-10 08:34:58.223697+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_404 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.551469+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.58239+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_495 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.949723+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.980356+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_300 public 2020-12-10 08:35:04.805062+00   2020-12-10 08:35:04.837231+00   2 0 2 0
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pgbench_accounts_278 public 2020-12-10 08:35:03.860131+00   2020-12-10 08:35:03.892198+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_224 public 2020-12-10 08:35:01.769022+00   2020-12-10 08:35:01.801891+00   2 0 2 0
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pgbench_accounts_384 public 2020-12-10 08:35:07.899698+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.929622+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_280 public 2020-12-10 08:35:03.896414+00   2020-12-10 08:35:03.932805+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_120 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.552698+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.586177+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_87 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.516067+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.546804+00   2 0 2 0
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pgbench_accounts_379 public 2020-12-10 08:35:07.706741+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.736783+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_171 public 2020-12-10 08:34:59.612435+00   2020-12-10 08:34:59.6457+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_219 public 2020-12-10 08:35:01.516572+00   2020-12-10 08:35:01.550695+00   2 0 2 0
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pgbench_accounts_141 public 2020-12-10 08:34:58.472722+00   2020-12-10 08:34:58.504964+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_9 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.548978+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.579624+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_370 public 2020-12-10 08:35:07.414463+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.444265+00   2 0 2 0
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pgbench_accounts_46 public 2020-12-10 08:35:10.685145+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.716055+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_37 public 2020-12-10 08:35:07.286874+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.316544+00   2 0 2 0
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pgbench_accounts_418 public 2020-12-10 08:35:09.048889+00   2020-12-10 08:35:09.080237+00   2 0 2 0
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pgbench_accounts_411 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.914088+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.944701+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_318 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.469899+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.501877+00   2 0 2 0
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pgbench_accounts_382 public 2020-12-10 08:35:07.802542+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.833088+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_346 public 2020-12-10 08:35:06.536187+00   2020-12-10 08:35:06.566527+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_132 public 2020-12-10 08:34:58.119786+00   2020-12-10 08:34:58.152642+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_451 public 2020-12-10 08:35:10.385221+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.416967+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_242 public 2020-12-10 08:35:02.388604+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.421242+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_389 public 2020-12-10 08:35:07.963696+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.993526+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_284 public 2020-12-10 08:35:04.147717+00   2020-12-10 08:35:04.179803+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_250 public 2020-12-10 08:35:02.70979+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.742098+00   2 0 2 0
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pgbench_accounts_331 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.91402+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.943761+00   2 0 2 0
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pgbench_accounts_266 public 2020-12-10 08:35:03.431578+00   2020-12-10 08:35:03.469408+00   2 0 2 0
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pgbench_accounts_362 public 2020-12-10 08:35:07.125944+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.156252+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_302 public 2020-12-10 08:35:04.909018+00   2020-12-10 08:35:04.941116+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_144 public 2020-12-10 08:34:58.577462+00   2020-12-10 08:34:58.609571+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_308 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.084192+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.117331+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_408 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.781686+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.812597+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_297 public 2020-12-10 08:35:04.563051+00   2020-12-10 08:35:04.595354+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_156 public 2020-12-10 08:34:59.003837+00   2020-12-10 08:34:59.036419+00   2 0 2 0
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pgbench_accounts_281 public 2020-12-10 08:35:04.076256+00   2020-12-10 08:35:04.108586+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_381 public 2020-12-10 08:35:07.770578+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.800365+00   2 0 2 0
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pgbench_accounts_32 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.575149+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.608097+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_241 public 2020-12-10 08:35:02.460138+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.492828+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_168 public 2020-12-10 08:34:59.506149+00   2020-12-10 08:34:59.538524+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_358 public 2020-12-10 08:35:06.933335+00   2020-12-10 08:35:06.96323+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_99 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.953974+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.984927+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_16 public 2020-12-10 08:34:59.181694+00   2020-12-10 08:34:59.215301+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_447 public 2020-12-10 08:35:10.18467+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.215533+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_83 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.413816+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.44414+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_488 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.682998+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.713633+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_244 public 2020-12-10 08:35:02.531384+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.564746+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_56 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.419238+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.449951+00   2 0 2 0
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pgbench_accounts_50 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.186169+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.216996+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_181 public 2020-12-10 08:35:00.042661+00   2020-12-10 08:35:00.075297+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_345 public 2020-12-10 08:35:06.406895+00   2020-12-10 08:35:06.436705+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_237 public 2020-12-10 08:35:02.242487+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.276643+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_313 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.329962+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.362257+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_287 public 2020-12-10 08:35:04.286736+00   2020-12-10 08:35:04.318747+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_229 public 2020-12-10 08:35:01.917018+00   2020-12-10 08:35:01.951774+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_424 public 2020-12-10 08:35:09.382274+00   2020-12-10 08:35:09.413262+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_140 public 2020-12-10 08:34:58.437448+00   2020-12-10 08:34:58.470306+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_430 public 2020-12-10 08:35:09.582054+00   2020-12-10 08:35:09.612799+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_78 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.183254+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.213716+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_2 public 2020-12-10 08:35:00.649568+00   2020-12-10 08:35:00.682148+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_342 public 2020-12-10 08:35:06.374195+00   2020-12-10 08:35:06.404553+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_128 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.943261+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.975846+00   2 0 2 0
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pgbench_accounts_320 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.504514+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.537339+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_31 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.155619+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.187503+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_130 public 2020-12-10 08:34:58.013218+00   2020-12-10 08:34:58.046423+00   2 0 2 0
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pgbench_accounts_442 public 2020-12-10 08:35:09.951258+00   2020-12-10 08:35:09.98183+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_294 public 2020-12-10 08:35:04.528819+00   2020-12-10 08:35:04.560676+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_378 public 2020-12-10 08:35:07.576637+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.606996+00   2 0 2 0
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pgbench_accounts_498 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.08529+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.116674+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_239 public 2020-12-10 08:35:02.352544+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.385737+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_432 public 2020-12-10 08:35:09.68183+00   2020-12-10 08:35:09.713191+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_89 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.614674+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.648283+00   2 0 2 0
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pgbench_accounts_221 public 2020-12-10 08:35:01.661986+00   2020-12-10 08:35:01.694756+00   2 0 2 0
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pgbench_accounts_61 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.585817+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.616335+00   2 0 2 0
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pgbench_accounts_122 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.694654+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.727186+00   2 0 2 0
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pgbench_accounts_136 public 2020-12-10 08:34:58.262018+00   2020-12-10 08:34:58.294615+00   2 0 2 0
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pgbench_accounts_355 public 2020-12-10 08:35:06.868979+00   2020-12-10 08:35:06.898682+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_113 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.340562+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.373503+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_47 public 2020-12-10 08:35:10.951988+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.982865+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_400 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.518822+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.549204+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_131 public 2020-12-10 08:34:58.048814+00   2020-12-10 08:34:58.08169+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_283 public 2020-12-10 08:35:04.041815+00   2020-12-10 08:35:04.073777+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_22 public 2020-12-10 08:35:01.553546+00   2020-12-10 08:35:01.586938+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_112 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.233966+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.266394+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_334 public 2020-12-10 08:35:06.081591+00   2020-12-10 08:35:06.111975+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_207 public 2020-12-10 08:35:00.969842+00   2020-12-10 08:35:01.002576+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_48 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.384399+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.415132+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_27 public 2020-12-10 08:35:03.544819+00   2020-12-10 08:35:03.577173+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_88 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.581832+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.612406+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_109 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.198368+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.231263+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_336 public 2020-12-10 08:35:06.179376+00   2020-12-10 08:35:06.209213+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_466 public 2020-12-10 08:35:10.918784+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.949419+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_407 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.716193+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.746925+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_311 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.260626+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.292888+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_492 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.882762+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.914222+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_364 public 2020-12-10 08:35:07.093742+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.123802+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_260 public 2020-12-10 08:35:03.173912+00   2020-12-10 08:35:03.207245+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_335 public 2020-12-10 08:35:06.146577+00   2020-12-10 08:35:06.176977+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_291 public 2020-12-10 08:35:04.355844+00   2020-12-10 08:35:04.388309+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_296 public 2020-12-10 08:35:04.63188+00   2020-12-10 08:35:04.663654+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_162 public 2020-12-10 08:34:59.25359+00   2020-12-10 08:34:59.287402+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_121 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.659439+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.692069+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_301 public 2020-12-10 08:35:04.839694+00   2020-12-10 08:35:04.871443+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_494 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.849313+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.880455+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_439 public 2020-12-10 08:35:09.883568+00   2020-12-10 08:35:09.915622+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_429 public 2020-12-10 08:35:09.448733+00   2020-12-10 08:35:09.479415+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_405 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.650753+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.681323+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_468 public 2020-12-10 08:35:10.98514+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.015989+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_338 public 2020-12-10 08:35:06.243597+00   2020-12-10 08:35:06.273542+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_277 public 2020-12-10 08:35:03.825345+00   2020-12-10 08:35:03.857275+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_474 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.217695+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.24865+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_272 public 2020-12-10 08:35:03.579879+00   2020-12-10 08:35:03.612523+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_343 public 2020-12-10 08:35:06.439339+00   2020-12-10 08:35:06.469315+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_325 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.750916+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.78069+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_328 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.881631+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.911656+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_417 public 2020-12-10 08:35:09.115983+00   2020-12-10 08:35:09.14752+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_209 public 2020-12-10 08:35:01.151382+00   2020-12-10 08:35:01.184218+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_196 public 2020-12-10 08:35:00.57926+00   2020-12-10 08:35:00.611832+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_115 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.411225+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.444038+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_390 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.09406+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.123929+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_147 public 2020-12-10 08:34:58.64693+00   2020-12-10 08:34:58.679981+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_67 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.817611+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.848966+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_7 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.884734+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.915263+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_374 public 2020-12-10 08:35:07.511278+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.541534+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_314 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.364935+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.39743+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_8 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.282512+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.313323+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_484 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.583531+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.614718+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_462 public 2020-12-10 08:35:10.752018+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.782958+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_392 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.190365+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.220094+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_71 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.984044+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.014851+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_259 public 2020-12-10 08:35:02.993956+00   2020-12-10 08:35:03.027766+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_249 public 2020-12-10 08:35:02.744844+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.777541+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_194 public 2020-12-10 08:35:00.437379+00   2020-12-10 08:35:00.469966+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_232 public 2020-12-10 08:35:02.099145+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.132118+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_326 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.782882+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.813353+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_371 public 2020-12-10 08:35:07.446583+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.476468+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_143 public 2020-12-10 08:34:58.54271+00   2020-12-10 08:34:58.574957+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_213 public 2020-12-10 08:35:01.334741+00   2020-12-10 08:35:01.367809+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_1 public 2020-12-10 08:34:56.805732+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.838374+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_454 public 2020-12-10 08:35:10.452609+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.483544+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_102 public 2020-12-10 08:34:56.768938+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.803025+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_19 public 2020-12-10 08:35:00.366747+00   2020-12-10 08:35:00.399124+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_100 public 2020-12-10 08:34:56.912008+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.944494+00   2 0 2 0

pg_stat_all_tables order by autovacuum_count :

relname schemaname last_vacuum last_autovacuum last_analyze last_autoanalyze vacuum_count autovacuum_count analyze_count autoanalyze_count
pgbench_accounts_371 public 2020-12-10 08:35:07.446583+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.476468+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_213 public 2020-12-10 08:35:01.334741+00   2020-12-10 08:35:01.367809+00   2 0 2 0
sql_packages information_schema 2020-12-10 08:34:56.52412+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.524404+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_1 public 2020-12-10 08:34:56.805732+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.838374+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_454 public 2020-12-10 08:35:10.452609+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.483544+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_102 public 2020-12-10 08:34:56.768938+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.803025+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_19 public 2020-12-10 08:35:00.366747+00   2020-12-10 08:35:00.399124+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_100 public 2020-12-10 08:34:56.912008+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.944494+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_164 public 2020-12-10 08:34:59.32714+00   2020-12-10 08:34:59.360626+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_440 public 2020-12-10 08:35:09.984478+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.015936+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_340 public 2020-12-10 08:35:06.308057+00   2020-12-10 08:35:06.337943+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_412 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.847785+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.878903+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_361 public 2020-12-10 08:35:06.997627+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.0277+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_353 public 2020-12-10 08:35:06.707063+00   2020-12-10 08:35:06.737024+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_410 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.881096+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.911861+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_478 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.251089+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.281843+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_80 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.315465+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.34601+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_461 public 2020-12-10 08:35:10.651648+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.682878+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_167 public 2020-12-10 08:34:59.363862+00   2020-12-10 08:34:59.39633+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_178 public 2020-12-10 08:34:59.79108+00   2020-12-10 08:34:59.824228+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_233 public 2020-12-10 08:35:02.134862+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.167781+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_176 public 2020-12-10 08:34:59.826987+00   2020-12-10 08:34:59.860509+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_34 public 2020-12-10 08:35:06.211436+00   2020-12-10 08:35:06.241307+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_236 public 2020-12-10 08:35:02.206104+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.239677+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_153 public 2020-12-10 08:34:58.824729+00   2020-12-10 08:34:58.857629+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_305 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.013491+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.046871+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_86 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.483563+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.513802+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_63 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.685041+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.716014+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_386 public 2020-12-10 08:35:07.867648+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.897469+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_253 public 2020-12-10 08:35:02.887134+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.919976+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_254 public 2020-12-10 08:35:02.957832+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.990785+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_101 public 2020-12-10 08:34:56.841008+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.87362+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_383 public 2020-12-10 08:35:07.835249+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.865293+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_306 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.049478+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.081533+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_465 public 2020-12-10 08:35:10.885653+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.91646+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_235 public 2020-12-10 08:35:02.170562+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.203349+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_174 public 2020-12-10 08:34:59.755005+00   2020-12-10 08:34:59.787888+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_394 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.158284+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.18824+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_77 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.149776+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.181065+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_375 public 2020-12-10 08:35:07.543875+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.574422+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_4 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.419824+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.450569+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_310 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.225955+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.258046+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_43 public 2020-12-10 08:35:09.548723+00   2020-12-10 08:35:09.579679+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_184 public 2020-12-10 08:35:00.152489+00   2020-12-10 08:35:00.185146+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_220 public 2020-12-10 08:35:01.589793+00   2020-12-10 08:35:01.623312+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_182 public 2020-12-10 08:35:00.079578+00   2020-12-10 08:35:00.11374+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_479 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.351289+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.382056+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_248 public 2020-12-10 08:35:02.603744+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.636301+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_445 public 2020-12-10 08:35:10.052422+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.0831+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_65 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.652078+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.682746+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_23 public 2020-12-10 08:35:01.992074+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.02557+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_75 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.116265+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.147266+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_269 public 2020-12-10 08:35:03.507775+00   2020-12-10 08:35:03.542104+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_459 public 2020-12-10 08:35:10.552296+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.583169+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_276 public 2020-12-10 08:35:03.790518+00   2020-12-10 08:35:03.822663+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_263 public 2020-12-10 08:35:03.318068+00   2020-12-10 08:35:03.350846+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_493 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.91658+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.947457+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_319 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.539893+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.572491+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_29 public 2020-12-10 08:35:04.390681+00   2020-12-10 08:35:04.422907+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_226 public 2020-12-10 08:35:01.73346+00   2020-12-10 08:35:01.766125+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_366 public 2020-12-10 08:35:07.223274+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.25295+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_247 public 2020-12-10 08:35:02.674732+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.707205+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_322 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.681255+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.713649+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_218 public 2020-12-10 08:35:01.406518+00   2020-12-10 08:35:01.441777+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_477 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.318061+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.348893+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_111 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.305313+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.33809+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_258 public 2020-12-10 08:35:03.066838+00   2020-12-10 08:35:03.099353+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_161 public 2020-12-10 08:34:59.146521+00   2020-12-10 08:34:59.178973+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_367 public 2020-12-10 08:35:07.255157+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.284743+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_124 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.801021+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.834198+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_110 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.268882+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.302551+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_82 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.380841+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.411599+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_148 public 2020-12-10 08:34:58.682691+00   2020-12-10 08:34:58.715261+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_58 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.484976+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.515914+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_401 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.452979+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.484+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_271 public 2020-12-10 08:35:03.650442+00   2020-12-10 08:35:03.682553+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_173 public 2020-12-10 08:34:59.71939+00   2020-12-10 08:34:59.752127+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_437 public 2020-12-10 08:35:09.749112+00   2020-12-10 08:35:09.77989+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_91 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.717936+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.7489+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_421 public 2020-12-10 08:35:09.250264+00   2020-12-10 08:35:09.280779+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_483 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.450355+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.481296+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_97 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.919835+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.950401+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_17 public 2020-12-10 08:34:59.470545+00   2020-12-10 08:34:59.503395+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_117 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.51727+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.550117+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_206 public 2020-12-10 08:35:01.040782+00   2020-12-10 08:35:01.074487+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_327 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.848411+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.879109+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_119 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.588761+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.621694+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_256 public 2020-12-10 08:35:02.922699+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.955315+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_349 public 2020-12-10 08:35:06.60482+00   2020-12-10 08:35:06.635323+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_298 public 2020-12-10 08:35:04.700353+00   2020-12-10 08:35:04.732364+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_212 public 2020-12-10 08:35:01.2609+00   2020-12-10 08:35:01.293487+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_52 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.252514+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.283472+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_304 public 2020-12-10 08:35:04.874151+00   2020-12-10 08:35:04.906401+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_230 public 2020-12-10 08:35:02.028286+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.061001+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_42 public 2020-12-10 08:35:09.216822+00   2020-12-10 08:35:09.247857+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_427 public 2020-12-10 08:35:09.481815+00   2020-12-10 08:35:09.512505+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_290 public 2020-12-10 08:35:04.425384+00   2020-12-10 08:35:04.457646+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_377 public 2020-12-10 08:35:07.641856+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.671836+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_497 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.017006+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.049714+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_496 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.982796+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.014394+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_315 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.29548+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.327371+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_489 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.716121+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.746763+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_286 public 2020-12-10 08:35:04.217086+00   2020-12-10 08:35:04.249198+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_428 public 2020-12-10 08:35:09.514922+00   2020-12-10 08:35:09.546079+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_74 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.083381+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.113927+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_20 public 2020-12-10 08:35:00.825745+00   2020-12-10 08:35:00.859301+00   2 0 2 0
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pgbench_accounts_76 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.050184+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.080804+00   2 0 2 0
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pgbench_accounts_21 public 2020-12-10 08:35:01.077271+00   2020-12-10 08:35:01.112209+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_tellers public 2020-12-10 21:47:53.242366+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.987219+00   7 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_154 public 2020-12-10 08:34:58.930842+00   2020-12-10 08:34:58.963427+00   2 0 2 0
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pgbench_accounts_11 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.127131+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.160242+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_214 public 2020-12-10 08:35:01.370448+00   2020-12-10 08:35:01.403731+00   2 0 2 0
sql_features information_schema 2020-12-10 08:34:56.616878+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.618419+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_189 public 2020-12-10 08:35:00.294905+00   2020-12-10 08:35:00.327147+00   2 0 2 0
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pgbench_accounts_135 public 2020-12-10 08:34:58.226212+00   2020-12-10 08:34:58.259288+00   2 0 2 0
sql_implementation_info information_schema 2020-12-10 08:34:56.619641+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.619846+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_475 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.150929+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.182077+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_30 public 2020-12-10 08:35:04.769764+00   2020-12-10 08:35:04.802463+00   2 0 2 0
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sql_sizing_profiles information_schema 2020-12-10 08:34:56.62384+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.623933+00   2 0 2 0
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sql_sizing information_schema 2020-12-10 08:34:56.622825+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.622998+00   2 0 2 0
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pgbench_accounts_98 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.852238+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.884139+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_416 public 2020-12-10 08:35:09.082568+00   2020-12-10 08:35:09.11344+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_464 public 2020-12-10 08:35:10.818746+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.849771+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_169 public 2020-12-10 08:34:59.541156+00   2020-12-10 08:34:59.574176+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_355 public 2020-12-10 08:35:06.868979+00   2020-12-10 08:35:06.898682+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_113 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.340562+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.373503+00   2 0 2 0
sql_languages information_schema 2020-12-10 08:34:56.621746+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.621926+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_47 public 2020-12-10 08:35:10.951988+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.982865+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_400 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.518822+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.549204+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_131 public 2020-12-10 08:34:58.048814+00   2020-12-10 08:34:58.08169+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_283 public 2020-12-10 08:35:04.041815+00   2020-12-10 08:35:04.073777+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_22 public 2020-12-10 08:35:01.553546+00   2020-12-10 08:35:01.586938+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_112 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.233966+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.266394+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_334 public 2020-12-10 08:35:06.081591+00   2020-12-10 08:35:06.111975+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_207 public 2020-12-10 08:35:00.969842+00   2020-12-10 08:35:01.002576+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_48 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.384399+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.415132+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_27 public 2020-12-10 08:35:03.544819+00   2020-12-10 08:35:03.577173+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_88 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.581832+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.612406+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_109 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.198368+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.231263+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_336 public 2020-12-10 08:35:06.179376+00   2020-12-10 08:35:06.209213+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_466 public 2020-12-10 08:35:10.918784+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.949419+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_407 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.716193+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.746925+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_311 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.260626+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.292888+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_492 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.882762+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.914222+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_364 public 2020-12-10 08:35:07.093742+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.123802+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_260 public 2020-12-10 08:35:03.173912+00   2020-12-10 08:35:03.207245+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_335 public 2020-12-10 08:35:06.146577+00   2020-12-10 08:35:06.176977+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_291 public 2020-12-10 08:35:04.355844+00   2020-12-10 08:35:04.388309+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_296 public 2020-12-10 08:35:04.63188+00   2020-12-10 08:35:04.663654+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_162 public 2020-12-10 08:34:59.25359+00   2020-12-10 08:34:59.287402+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_121 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.659439+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.692069+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_301 public 2020-12-10 08:35:04.839694+00   2020-12-10 08:35:04.871443+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_494 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.849313+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.880455+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_439 public 2020-12-10 08:35:09.883568+00   2020-12-10 08:35:09.915622+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_429 public 2020-12-10 08:35:09.448733+00   2020-12-10 08:35:09.479415+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_405 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.650753+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.681323+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_468 public 2020-12-10 08:35:10.98514+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.015989+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_338 public 2020-12-10 08:35:06.243597+00   2020-12-10 08:35:06.273542+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_277 public 2020-12-10 08:35:03.825345+00   2020-12-10 08:35:03.857275+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_474 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.217695+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.24865+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_272 public 2020-12-10 08:35:03.579879+00   2020-12-10 08:35:03.612523+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_343 public 2020-12-10 08:35:06.439339+00   2020-12-10 08:35:06.469315+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_325 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.750916+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.78069+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_328 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.881631+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.911656+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_417 public 2020-12-10 08:35:09.115983+00   2020-12-10 08:35:09.14752+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_209 public 2020-12-10 08:35:01.151382+00   2020-12-10 08:35:01.184218+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_196 public 2020-12-10 08:35:00.57926+00   2020-12-10 08:35:00.611832+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_115 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.411225+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.444038+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_390 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.09406+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.123929+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_147 public 2020-12-10 08:34:58.64693+00   2020-12-10 08:34:58.679981+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_67 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.817611+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.848966+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_7 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.884734+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.915263+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_374 public 2020-12-10 08:35:07.511278+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.541534+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_314 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.364935+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.39743+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_8 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.282512+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.313323+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_484 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.583531+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.614718+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_462 public 2020-12-10 08:35:10.752018+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.782958+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_392 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.190365+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.220094+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_71 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.984044+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.014851+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_259 public 2020-12-10 08:35:02.993956+00   2020-12-10 08:35:03.027766+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_249 public 2020-12-10 08:35:02.744844+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.777541+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_194 public 2020-12-10 08:35:00.437379+00   2020-12-10 08:35:00.469966+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_232 public 2020-12-10 08:35:02.099145+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.132118+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_326 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.782882+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.813353+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_143 public 2020-12-10 08:34:58.54271+00   2020-12-10 08:34:58.574957+00   2 0 2 0

pg_stat_all_tables order by autoanalyze_count:

relname schemaname last_vacuum last_autovacuum last_analyze last_autoanalyze vacuum_count autovacuum_count analyze_count autoanalyze_count
pgbench_accounts_371 public 2020-12-10 08:35:07.446583+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.476468+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_213 public 2020-12-10 08:35:01.334741+00   2020-12-10 08:35:01.367809+00   2 0 2 0
sql_packages information_schema 2020-12-10 08:34:56.52412+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.524404+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_1 public 2020-12-10 08:34:56.805732+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.838374+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_454 public 2020-12-10 08:35:10.452609+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.483544+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_102 public 2020-12-10 08:34:56.768938+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.803025+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_19 public 2020-12-10 08:35:00.366747+00   2020-12-10 08:35:00.399124+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_100 public 2020-12-10 08:34:56.912008+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.944494+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_164 public 2020-12-10 08:34:59.32714+00   2020-12-10 08:34:59.360626+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_440 public 2020-12-10 08:35:09.984478+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.015936+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_340 public 2020-12-10 08:35:06.308057+00   2020-12-10 08:35:06.337943+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_412 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.847785+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.878903+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_361 public 2020-12-10 08:35:06.997627+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.0277+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_353 public 2020-12-10 08:35:06.707063+00   2020-12-10 08:35:06.737024+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_410 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.881096+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.911861+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_478 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.251089+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.281843+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_80 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.315465+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.34601+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_461 public 2020-12-10 08:35:10.651648+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.682878+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_167 public 2020-12-10 08:34:59.363862+00   2020-12-10 08:34:59.39633+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_178 public 2020-12-10 08:34:59.79108+00   2020-12-10 08:34:59.824228+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_233 public 2020-12-10 08:35:02.134862+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.167781+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_176 public 2020-12-10 08:34:59.826987+00   2020-12-10 08:34:59.860509+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_34 public 2020-12-10 08:35:06.211436+00   2020-12-10 08:35:06.241307+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_236 public 2020-12-10 08:35:02.206104+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.239677+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_153 public 2020-12-10 08:34:58.824729+00   2020-12-10 08:34:58.857629+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_305 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.013491+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.046871+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_86 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.483563+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.513802+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_63 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.685041+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.716014+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_386 public 2020-12-10 08:35:07.867648+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.897469+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_253 public 2020-12-10 08:35:02.887134+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.919976+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_254 public 2020-12-10 08:35:02.957832+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.990785+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_101 public 2020-12-10 08:34:56.841008+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.87362+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_383 public 2020-12-10 08:35:07.835249+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.865293+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_306 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.049478+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.081533+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_465 public 2020-12-10 08:35:10.885653+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.91646+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_235 public 2020-12-10 08:35:02.170562+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.203349+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_174 public 2020-12-10 08:34:59.755005+00   2020-12-10 08:34:59.787888+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_394 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.158284+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.18824+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_77 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.149776+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.181065+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_375 public 2020-12-10 08:35:07.543875+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.574422+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_4 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.419824+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.450569+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_310 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.225955+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.258046+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_43 public 2020-12-10 08:35:09.548723+00   2020-12-10 08:35:09.579679+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_184 public 2020-12-10 08:35:00.152489+00   2020-12-10 08:35:00.185146+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_220 public 2020-12-10 08:35:01.589793+00   2020-12-10 08:35:01.623312+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_182 public 2020-12-10 08:35:00.079578+00   2020-12-10 08:35:00.11374+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_479 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.351289+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.382056+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_248 public 2020-12-10 08:35:02.603744+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.636301+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_445 public 2020-12-10 08:35:10.052422+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.0831+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_65 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.652078+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.682746+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_23 public 2020-12-10 08:35:01.992074+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.02557+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_75 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.116265+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.147266+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_269 public 2020-12-10 08:35:03.507775+00   2020-12-10 08:35:03.542104+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_459 public 2020-12-10 08:35:10.552296+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.583169+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_276 public 2020-12-10 08:35:03.790518+00   2020-12-10 08:35:03.822663+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_263 public 2020-12-10 08:35:03.318068+00   2020-12-10 08:35:03.350846+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_493 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.91658+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.947457+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_319 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.539893+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.572491+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_29 public 2020-12-10 08:35:04.390681+00   2020-12-10 08:35:04.422907+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_226 public 2020-12-10 08:35:01.73346+00   2020-12-10 08:35:01.766125+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_366 public 2020-12-10 08:35:07.223274+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.25295+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_247 public 2020-12-10 08:35:02.674732+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.707205+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_322 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.681255+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.713649+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_218 public 2020-12-10 08:35:01.406518+00   2020-12-10 08:35:01.441777+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_477 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.318061+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.348893+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_111 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.305313+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.33809+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_258 public 2020-12-10 08:35:03.066838+00   2020-12-10 08:35:03.099353+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_161 public 2020-12-10 08:34:59.146521+00   2020-12-10 08:34:59.178973+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_367 public 2020-12-10 08:35:07.255157+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.284743+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_124 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.801021+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.834198+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_110 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.268882+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.302551+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_82 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.380841+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.411599+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_148 public 2020-12-10 08:34:58.682691+00   2020-12-10 08:34:58.715261+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_58 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.484976+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.515914+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_401 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.452979+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.484+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_271 public 2020-12-10 08:35:03.650442+00   2020-12-10 08:35:03.682553+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_173 public 2020-12-10 08:34:59.71939+00   2020-12-10 08:34:59.752127+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_437 public 2020-12-10 08:35:09.749112+00   2020-12-10 08:35:09.77989+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_91 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.717936+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.7489+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_421 public 2020-12-10 08:35:09.250264+00   2020-12-10 08:35:09.280779+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_483 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.450355+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.481296+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_97 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.919835+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.950401+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_17 public 2020-12-10 08:34:59.470545+00   2020-12-10 08:34:59.503395+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_117 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.51727+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.550117+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_206 public 2020-12-10 08:35:01.040782+00   2020-12-10 08:35:01.074487+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_327 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.848411+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.879109+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_119 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.588761+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.621694+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_256 public 2020-12-10 08:35:02.922699+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.955315+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_349 public 2020-12-10 08:35:06.60482+00   2020-12-10 08:35:06.635323+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_298 public 2020-12-10 08:35:04.700353+00   2020-12-10 08:35:04.732364+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_212 public 2020-12-10 08:35:01.2609+00   2020-12-10 08:35:01.293487+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_52 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.252514+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.283472+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_304 public 2020-12-10 08:35:04.874151+00   2020-12-10 08:35:04.906401+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_230 public 2020-12-10 08:35:02.028286+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.061001+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_42 public 2020-12-10 08:35:09.216822+00   2020-12-10 08:35:09.247857+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_427 public 2020-12-10 08:35:09.481815+00   2020-12-10 08:35:09.512505+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_290 public 2020-12-10 08:35:04.425384+00   2020-12-10 08:35:04.457646+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_377 public 2020-12-10 08:35:07.641856+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.671836+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_497 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.017006+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.049714+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_496 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.982796+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.014394+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_315 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.29548+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.327371+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_489 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.716121+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.746763+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_286 public 2020-12-10 08:35:04.217086+00   2020-12-10 08:35:04.249198+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_428 public 2020-12-10 08:35:09.514922+00   2020-12-10 08:35:09.546079+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_74 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.083381+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.113927+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_20 public 2020-12-10 08:35:00.825745+00   2020-12-10 08:35:00.859301+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_12 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.624445+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.656988+00   2 0 2 0
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pgbench_accounts_6 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.452274+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.482719+00   2 0 2 0
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pgbench_accounts_76 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.050184+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.080804+00   2 0 2 0
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pgbench_accounts_21 public 2020-12-10 08:35:01.077271+00   2020-12-10 08:35:01.112209+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_tellers public 2020-12-10 21:47:53.242366+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.987219+00   7 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_154 public 2020-12-10 08:34:58.930842+00   2020-12-10 08:34:58.963427+00   2 0 2 0
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pgbench_accounts_11 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.127131+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.160242+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_214 public 2020-12-10 08:35:01.370448+00   2020-12-10 08:35:01.403731+00   2 0 2 0
sql_features information_schema 2020-12-10 08:34:56.616878+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.618419+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_189 public 2020-12-10 08:35:00.294905+00   2020-12-10 08:35:00.327147+00   2 0 2 0
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pgbench_accounts_73 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.951018+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.981791+00   2 0 2 0
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pgbench_branches public 2020-12-10 21:47:53.241404+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.951839+00   7 0 2 0
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pgbench_accounts_116 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.481856+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.514666+00   2 0 2 0
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pgbench_accounts_135 public 2020-12-10 08:34:58.226212+00   2020-12-10 08:34:58.259288+00   2 0 2 0
sql_implementation_info information_schema 2020-12-10 08:34:56.619641+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.619846+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_475 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.150929+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.182077+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_30 public 2020-12-10 08:35:04.769764+00   2020-12-10 08:35:04.802463+00   2 0 2 0
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pgbench_accounts_329 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.815641+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.846237+00   2 0 2 0
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sql_sizing_profiles information_schema 2020-12-10 08:34:56.62384+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.623933+00   2 0 2 0
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pgbench_accounts_464 public 2020-12-10 08:35:10.818746+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.849771+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_169 public 2020-12-10 08:34:59.541156+00   2020-12-10 08:34:59.574176+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_355 public 2020-12-10 08:35:06.868979+00   2020-12-10 08:35:06.898682+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_113 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.340562+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.373503+00   2 0 2 0
sql_languages information_schema 2020-12-10 08:34:56.621746+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.621926+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_47 public 2020-12-10 08:35:10.951988+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.982865+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_400 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.518822+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.549204+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_131 public 2020-12-10 08:34:58.048814+00   2020-12-10 08:34:58.08169+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_283 public 2020-12-10 08:35:04.041815+00   2020-12-10 08:35:04.073777+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_22 public 2020-12-10 08:35:01.553546+00   2020-12-10 08:35:01.586938+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_112 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.233966+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.266394+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_334 public 2020-12-10 08:35:06.081591+00   2020-12-10 08:35:06.111975+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_207 public 2020-12-10 08:35:00.969842+00   2020-12-10 08:35:01.002576+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_48 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.384399+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.415132+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_27 public 2020-12-10 08:35:03.544819+00   2020-12-10 08:35:03.577173+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_88 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.581832+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.612406+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_109 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.198368+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.231263+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_336 public 2020-12-10 08:35:06.179376+00   2020-12-10 08:35:06.209213+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_466 public 2020-12-10 08:35:10.918784+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.949419+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_407 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.716193+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.746925+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_311 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.260626+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.292888+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_492 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.882762+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.914222+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_364 public 2020-12-10 08:35:07.093742+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.123802+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_260 public 2020-12-10 08:35:03.173912+00   2020-12-10 08:35:03.207245+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_335 public 2020-12-10 08:35:06.146577+00   2020-12-10 08:35:06.176977+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_291 public 2020-12-10 08:35:04.355844+00   2020-12-10 08:35:04.388309+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_296 public 2020-12-10 08:35:04.63188+00   2020-12-10 08:35:04.663654+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_162 public 2020-12-10 08:34:59.25359+00   2020-12-10 08:34:59.287402+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_121 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.659439+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.692069+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_301 public 2020-12-10 08:35:04.839694+00   2020-12-10 08:35:04.871443+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_494 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.849313+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.880455+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_439 public 2020-12-10 08:35:09.883568+00   2020-12-10 08:35:09.915622+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_429 public 2020-12-10 08:35:09.448733+00   2020-12-10 08:35:09.479415+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_405 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.650753+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.681323+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_468 public 2020-12-10 08:35:10.98514+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.015989+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_338 public 2020-12-10 08:35:06.243597+00   2020-12-10 08:35:06.273542+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_277 public 2020-12-10 08:35:03.825345+00   2020-12-10 08:35:03.857275+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_474 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.217695+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.24865+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_272 public 2020-12-10 08:35:03.579879+00   2020-12-10 08:35:03.612523+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_343 public 2020-12-10 08:35:06.439339+00   2020-12-10 08:35:06.469315+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_325 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.750916+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.78069+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_328 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.881631+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.911656+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_417 public 2020-12-10 08:35:09.115983+00   2020-12-10 08:35:09.14752+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_209 public 2020-12-10 08:35:01.151382+00   2020-12-10 08:35:01.184218+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_196 public 2020-12-10 08:35:00.57926+00   2020-12-10 08:35:00.611832+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_115 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.411225+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.444038+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_390 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.09406+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.123929+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_147 public 2020-12-10 08:34:58.64693+00   2020-12-10 08:34:58.679981+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_67 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.817611+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.848966+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_7 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.884734+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.915263+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_374 public 2020-12-10 08:35:07.511278+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.541534+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_314 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.364935+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.39743+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_8 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.282512+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.313323+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_484 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.583531+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.614718+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_462 public 2020-12-10 08:35:10.752018+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.782958+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_392 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.190365+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.220094+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_71 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.984044+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.014851+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_259 public 2020-12-10 08:35:02.993956+00   2020-12-10 08:35:03.027766+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_249 public 2020-12-10 08:35:02.744844+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.777541+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_194 public 2020-12-10 08:35:00.437379+00   2020-12-10 08:35:00.469966+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_232 public 2020-12-10 08:35:02.099145+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.132118+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_326 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.782882+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.813353+00   2 0 2 0
pgbench_accounts_143 public 2020-12-10 08:34:58.54271+00   2020-12-10 08:34:58.574957+00   2 0 2 0

tables without auto analyze :

relname schemaname last_vacuum last_autovacuum last_analyze last_autoanalyze
sql_sizing_profiles information_schema 2020-12-10 08:34:56.62384+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.623933+00  
sql_sizing information_schema 2020-12-10 08:34:56.622825+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.622998+00  
sql_parts information_schema 2020-12-10 08:34:56.620728+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.620909+00  
sql_packages information_schema 2020-12-10 08:34:56.52412+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.524404+00  
sql_languages information_schema 2020-12-10 08:34:56.621746+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.621926+00  
sql_implementation_info information_schema 2020-12-10 08:34:56.619641+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.619846+00  
sql_features information_schema 2020-12-10 08:34:56.616878+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.618419+00  
pg_ts_config pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.562103+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.562209+00  
pg_ts_config_map pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.563177+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.563397+00  
pg_ts_template pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.566193+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.566312+00  
pg_default_acl pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.568748+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.568841+00  
pg_range pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.615346+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.615454+00  
pg_transform pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.616272+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.616297+00  
pg_shseclabel pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.57041+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.570509+00  
pg_seclabel pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.570262+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.570359+00  
pg_ts_dict pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.564234+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.564428+00  
pg_ts_parser pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.565224+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.565345+00  
pg_class pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.508455+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.514137+00  
pg_authid pg_catalog 2020-12-13 17:54:14.013691+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.468321+00  
pg_auth_members pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.558698+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.558787+00  
pg_database pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.554049+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.554305+00  
pg_foreign_server pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.467655+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.467881+00  
pg_user_mapping pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.469884+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.469978+00  
pg_sequence pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.616348+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.616431+00  
pg_foreign_data_wrapper pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.568104+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.568203+00  
pg_shdescription pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.561045+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.561189+00  
pg_aggregate pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.53162+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.532255+00  
pg_am pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.526858+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.526951+00  
pg_amop pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.527649+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.528528+00  
pg_amproc pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.529383+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.529835+00  
pg_attrdef pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.514941+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.51504+00  
pg_cast pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.540887+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.541163+00  
pg_constraint pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.515225+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.516399+00  
pg_conversion pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.54281+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.54312+00  
pg_depend pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.543981+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.552867+00  
pg_description pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.536264+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.540164+00  
pg_index pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.518048+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.519904+00  
pg_inherits pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.517185+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.51735+00  
pg_language pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.530589+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.530805+00  
pg_largeobject pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.624002+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.624024+00  
pg_namespace pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.542051+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.542209+00  
pg_opclass pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.525316+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.525645+00  
pg_operator pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.520673+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.522347+00  
pg_rewrite pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.533327+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.533668+00  
pg_statistic pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.459117+00 2020-12-10 08:35:15.852412+00    
pg_trigger pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.535856+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.536012+00  
pg_opfamily pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.52322+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.523427+00  
pg_db_role_setting pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.555502+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.555675+00  
pg_largeobject_metadata pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.531525+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.531552+00  
pg_extension pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.567138+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.567331+00  
pg_foreign_table pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.568253+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.568339+00  
pg_policy pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.568433+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.568521+00  
pg_partitioned_table pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.614114+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.614312+00  
pg_statistic_ext pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.533118+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.533218+00  
pg_init_privs pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.568939+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.569195+00  
pg_statistic_ext_data pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.469479+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.469815+00  
pg_collation pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.570602+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.612868+00  
pg_event_trigger pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.53608+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.536172+00  
pg_enum pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.541963+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.541992+00  
pg_replication_origin pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.568583+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.568673+00  
pg_subscription pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.470043+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.470136+00  
pg_subscription_rel pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.616655+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.616744+00  
pg_publication pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.616496+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.616518+00  
pg_publication_rel pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.616582+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.616604+00  
pg_pltemplate pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.557717+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.557924+00  
pg_tablespace pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.556679+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.556848+00  
pg_shdepend pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.559792+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.560218+00  
pg_type pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.459565+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.466693+00  
pg_attribute pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.470235+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.494265+00  
pg_proc pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.4952+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.507438+00  
pg_toast_3118 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.568317+00      
pg_toast_3394 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.569007+00      
pg_toast_2612 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.530666+00      
pg_toast_2600 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.531688+00      
pg_toast_3456 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.570686+00      
pg_toast_2615 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.542123+00      
pg_toast_3350 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.614195+00      
pg_toast_3256 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.568497+00      
pg_toast_3600 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.564309+00      
pg_toast_1247 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.459651+00      
pg_toast_1418 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.469953+00      
pg_toast_1260 pg_toast 2020-12-13 17:54:14.013737+00      
pg_toast_1262 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.554128+00      
pg_toast_1136 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.557788+00      
pg_toast_6000 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.568651+00      
pg_toast_6100 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.470112+00      
pg_toast_1213 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.556753+00      
pg_toast_2604 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.515014+00      
pg_toast_2606 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.515299+00      
pg_toast_2609 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.536344+00      
pg_toast_1255 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.495292+00      
pg_toast_2618 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.533414+00      
pg_toast_1417 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.467736+00      
pg_toast_14149 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.616949+00      
pg_toast_2328 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.568176+00      
pg_toast_14154 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.61972+00      
pg_toast_3079 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.567214+00      
pg_toast_14159 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.621818+00      
pg_toast_3466 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.536148+00      
pg_toast_14164 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.524194+00      
pg_toast_826 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.568818+00      
pg_toast_14169 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.620809+00      
pg_toast_3592 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.570476+00      
pg_toast_14174 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.622897+00      
pg_toast_3596 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.570334+00      
pg_toast_14179 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.623909+00      
pg_toast_2619 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.459447+00      
pg_toast_2396 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.561115+00      
pg_toast_3381 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.533192+00      
pg_toast_2620 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.535947+00      
pg_toast_2964 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.555581+00      
pg_toast_3429 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.469567+00      
pgbench_accounts_109 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.198368+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.231263+00  
pgbench_accounts_110 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.268882+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.302551+00  
pgbench_accounts_111 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.305313+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.33809+00  
pgbench_accounts_112 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.233966+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.266394+00  
pgbench_accounts_113 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.340562+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.373503+00  
pgbench_accounts_114 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.376054+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.408688+00  
pgbench_accounts_115 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.411225+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.444038+00  
pgbench_accounts_116 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.481856+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.514666+00  
pgbench_accounts_117 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.51727+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.550117+00  
pgbench_accounts_118 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.446574+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.479405+00  
pgbench_accounts_119 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.588761+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.621694+00  
pgbench_accounts_120 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.552698+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.586177+00  
pgbench_accounts_121 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.659439+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.692069+00  
pgbench_accounts_122 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.694654+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.727186+00  
pgbench_accounts_123 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.730109+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.763315+00  
pgbench_accounts_124 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.801021+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.834198+00  
pgbench_accounts_125 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.836859+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.869959+00  
pgbench_accounts_126 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.76579+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.798411+00  
pgbench_accounts_127 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.907815+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.940729+00  
pgbench_accounts_128 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.943261+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.975846+00  
pgbench_accounts_129 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.87257+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.905351+00  
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pgbench_tellers public 2020-12-10 21:47:53.242366+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.987219+00  
pgbench_branches public 2020-12-10 21:47:53.241404+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.951839+00  
pgbench_accounts_1 public 2020-12-10 08:34:56.805732+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.838374+00  
pgbench_accounts_2 public 2020-12-10 08:35:00.649568+00   2020-12-10 08:35:00.682148+00  
pgbench_accounts_3 public 2020-12-10 08:35:04.666276+00   2020-12-10 08:35:04.697991+00  
pgbench_accounts_4 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.419824+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.450569+00  
pgbench_accounts_5 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.052006+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.083055+00  
pgbench_accounts_6 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.452274+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.482719+00  
pgbench_accounts_7 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.884734+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.915263+00  
pgbench_accounts_8 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.282512+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.313323+00  
pgbench_accounts_9 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.548978+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.579624+00  
pgbench_accounts_10 public 2020-12-10 08:34:56.876354+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.909078+00  
pgbench_accounts_11 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.127131+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.160242+00  
pgbench_accounts_12 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.624445+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.656988+00  
pgbench_accounts_13 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.978453+00   2020-12-10 08:34:58.010754+00  
pgbench_accounts_14 public 2020-12-10 08:34:58.367932+00   2020-12-10 08:34:58.400255+00  
pgbench_accounts_15 public 2020-12-10 08:34:58.788824+00   2020-12-10 08:34:58.821983+00  
pgbench_accounts_16 public 2020-12-10 08:34:59.181694+00   2020-12-10 08:34:59.215301+00  
pgbench_accounts_17 public 2020-12-10 08:34:59.470545+00   2020-12-10 08:34:59.503395+00  
pgbench_accounts_18 public 2020-12-10 08:34:59.93407+00   2020-12-10 08:34:59.966743+00  
pgbench_accounts_19 public 2020-12-10 08:35:00.366747+00   2020-12-10 08:35:00.399124+00  
pgbench_accounts_20 public 2020-12-10 08:35:00.825745+00   2020-12-10 08:35:00.859301+00  
pgbench_accounts_21 public 2020-12-10 08:35:01.077271+00   2020-12-10 08:35:01.112209+00  
pgbench_accounts_22 public 2020-12-10 08:35:01.553546+00   2020-12-10 08:35:01.586938+00  
pgbench_accounts_23 public 2020-12-10 08:35:01.992074+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.02557+00  
pgbench_accounts_24 public 2020-12-10 08:35:02.279434+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.31343+00  
pgbench_accounts_25 public 2020-12-10 08:35:02.780661+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.813517+00  
pgbench_accounts_26 public 2020-12-10 08:35:03.137773+00   2020-12-10 08:35:03.171389+00  
pgbench_accounts_27 public 2020-12-10 08:35:03.544819+00   2020-12-10 08:35:03.577173+00  
pgbench_accounts_28 public 2020-12-10 08:35:03.997878+00   2020-12-10 08:35:04.03906+00  
pgbench_accounts_29 public 2020-12-10 08:35:04.390681+00   2020-12-10 08:35:04.422907+00  
pgbench_accounts_30 public 2020-12-10 08:35:04.769764+00   2020-12-10 08:35:04.802463+00  
pgbench_accounts_31 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.155619+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.187503+00  
pgbench_accounts_32 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.575149+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.608097+00  
pgbench_accounts_33 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.946029+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.976202+00  
pgbench_accounts_34 public 2020-12-10 08:35:06.211436+00   2020-12-10 08:35:06.241307+00  
pgbench_accounts_35 public 2020-12-10 08:35:06.637598+00   2020-12-10 08:35:06.671651+00  
pgbench_accounts_36 public 2020-12-10 08:35:07.029808+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.059638+00  
pgbench_accounts_37 public 2020-12-10 08:35:07.286874+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.316544+00  
pgbench_accounts_38 public 2020-12-10 08:35:07.738936+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.768424+00  
pgbench_accounts_39 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.061942+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.092034+00  
pgbench_accounts_40 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.486183+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.516632+00  
pgbench_accounts_41 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.7491+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.779571+00  
pgbench_accounts_42 public 2020-12-10 08:35:09.216822+00   2020-12-10 08:35:09.247857+00  
pgbench_accounts_43 public 2020-12-10 08:35:09.548723+00   2020-12-10 08:35:09.579679+00  
pgbench_accounts_44 public 2020-12-10 08:35:09.917953+00   2020-12-10 08:35:09.948966+00  
pgbench_accounts_45 public 2020-12-10 08:35:10.317992+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.349115+00  
pgbench_accounts_46 public 2020-12-10 08:35:10.685145+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.716055+00  
pgbench_accounts_47 public 2020-12-10 08:35:10.951988+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.982865+00  
pgbench_accounts_48 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.384399+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.415132+00  
pgbench_accounts_49 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.782471+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.813315+00  
pgbench_accounts_50 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.186169+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.216996+00  
pgbench_accounts_51 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.152718+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.183799+00  
pgbench_accounts_52 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.252514+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.283472+00  
pgbench_accounts_53 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.285782+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.317043+00  
pgbench_accounts_54 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.319385+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.350258+00  
pgbench_accounts_55 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.385945+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.416738+00  
pgbench_accounts_56 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.419238+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.449951+00  
pgbench_accounts_57 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.352593+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.383568+00  
pgbench_accounts_58 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.484976+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.515914+00  
pgbench_accounts_59 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.518387+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.549545+00  
pgbench_accounts_60 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.551877+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.583398+00  
pgbench_accounts_61 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.585817+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.616335+00  
pgbench_accounts_62 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.618671+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.649326+00  
pgbench_accounts_63 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.685041+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.716014+00  
pgbench_accounts_64 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.71836+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.749407+00  
pgbench_accounts_65 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.652078+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.682746+00  
pgbench_accounts_66 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.784738+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.815306+00  
pgbench_accounts_67 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.817611+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.848966+00  
pgbench_accounts_68 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.751717+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.782418+00  
pgbench_accounts_69 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.851399+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.882474+00  
pgbench_accounts_70 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.917604+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.948345+00  
pgbench_accounts_71 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.984044+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.014851+00  
pgbench_accounts_72 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.017145+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.04787+00  
pgbench_accounts_73 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.951018+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.981791+00  
pgbench_accounts_74 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.083381+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.113927+00  
pgbench_accounts_75 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.116265+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.147266+00  
pgbench_accounts_76 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.050184+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.080804+00  
pgbench_accounts_77 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.149776+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.181065+00  
pgbench_accounts_78 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.183254+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.213716+00  
pgbench_accounts_79 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.215883+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.247312+00  
pgbench_accounts_80 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.315465+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.34601+00  
pgbench_accounts_81 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.249394+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.280344+00  
pgbench_accounts_82 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.380841+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.411599+00  
pgbench_accounts_83 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.413816+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.44414+00  
pgbench_accounts_84 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.348302+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.378715+00  
pgbench_accounts_85 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.449214+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.48139+00  
pgbench_accounts_86 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.483563+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.513802+00  
pgbench_accounts_87 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.516067+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.546804+00  
pgbench_accounts_88 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.581832+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.612406+00  
pgbench_accounts_89 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.614674+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.648283+00  
pgbench_accounts_90 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.684798+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.715738+00  
pgbench_accounts_91 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.717936+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.7489+00  
pgbench_accounts_92 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.650639+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.682563+00  
pgbench_accounts_93 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.751429+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.78222+00  
pgbench_accounts_94 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.784456+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.816495+00  
pgbench_accounts_95 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.818781+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.849977+00  
pgbench_accounts_96 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.88636+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.9177+00  
pgbench_accounts_97 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.919835+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.950401+00  
pgbench_accounts_98 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.852238+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.884139+00  
pgbench_accounts_99 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.953974+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.984927+00  
pgbench_accounts_100 public 2020-12-10 08:34:56.912008+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.944494+00  
pgbench_accounts_101 public 2020-12-10 08:34:56.841008+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.87362+00  
pgbench_accounts_102 public 2020-12-10 08:34:56.768938+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.803025+00  
pgbench_accounts_103 public 2020-12-10 08:34:56.982307+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.016315+00  
pgbench_accounts_104 public 2020-12-10 08:34:56.94708+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.979836+00  
pgbench_accounts_105 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.019047+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.052982+00  
pgbench_accounts_106 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.055522+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.088397+00  
pgbench_accounts_107 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.091268+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.124514+00  
pgbench_accounts_108 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.162768+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.195845+00  

tables without auto vacuum :

relname schemaname last_vacuum last_autovacuum last_analyze last_autoanalyze
sql_sizing information_schema 2020-12-10 08:34:56.622825+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.622998+00  
sql_parts information_schema 2020-12-10 08:34:56.620728+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.620909+00  
sql_packages information_schema 2020-12-10 08:34:56.52412+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.524404+00  
sql_languages information_schema 2020-12-10 08:34:56.621746+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.621926+00  
sql_implementation_info information_schema 2020-12-10 08:34:56.619641+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.619846+00  
sql_features information_schema 2020-12-10 08:34:56.616878+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.618419+00  
sql_sizing_profiles information_schema 2020-12-10 08:34:56.62384+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.623933+00  
pg_default_acl pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.568748+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.568841+00  
pg_ts_dict pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.564234+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.564428+00  
pg_ts_parser pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.565224+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.565345+00  
pg_ts_config pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.562103+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.562209+00  
pg_ts_config_map pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.563177+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.563397+00  
pg_ts_template pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.566193+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.566312+00  
pg_database pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.554049+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.554305+00  
pg_foreign_server pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.467655+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.467881+00  
pg_user_mapping pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.469884+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.469978+00  
pg_sequence pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.616348+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.616431+00  
pg_foreign_data_wrapper pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.568104+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.568203+00  
pg_shdescription pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.561045+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.561189+00  
pg_aggregate pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.53162+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.532255+00  
pg_am pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.526858+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.526951+00  
pg_amop pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.527649+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.528528+00  
pg_amproc pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.529383+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.529835+00  
pg_attrdef pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.514941+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.51504+00  
pg_cast pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.540887+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.541163+00  
pg_constraint pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.515225+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.516399+00  
pg_conversion pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.54281+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.54312+00  
pg_depend pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.543981+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.552867+00  
pg_description pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.536264+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.540164+00  
pg_index pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.518048+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.519904+00  
pg_inherits pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.517185+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.51735+00  
pg_language pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.530589+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.530805+00  
pg_largeobject pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.624002+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.624024+00  
pg_namespace pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.542051+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.542209+00  
pg_opclass pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.525316+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.525645+00  
pg_operator pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.520673+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.522347+00  
pg_rewrite pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.533327+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.533668+00  
pg_trigger pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.535856+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.536012+00  
pg_opfamily pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.52322+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.523427+00  
pg_db_role_setting pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.555502+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.555675+00  
pg_largeobject_metadata pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.531525+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.531552+00  
pg_extension pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.567138+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.567331+00  
pg_foreign_table pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.568253+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.568339+00  
pg_policy pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.568433+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.568521+00  
pg_partitioned_table pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.614114+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.614312+00  
pg_statistic_ext pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.533118+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.533218+00  
pg_init_privs pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.568939+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.569195+00  
pg_statistic_ext_data pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.469479+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.469815+00  
pg_collation pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.570602+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.612868+00  
pg_event_trigger pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.53608+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.536172+00  
pg_enum pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.541963+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.541992+00  
pg_range pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.615346+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.615454+00  
pg_transform pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.616272+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.616297+00  
pg_shseclabel pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.57041+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.570509+00  
pg_seclabel pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.570262+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.570359+00  
pg_replication_origin pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.568583+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.568673+00  
pg_subscription pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.470043+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.470136+00  
pg_subscription_rel pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.616655+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.616744+00  
pg_publication pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.616496+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.616518+00  
pg_publication_rel pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.616582+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.616604+00  
pg_pltemplate pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.557717+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.557924+00  
pg_tablespace pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.556679+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.556848+00  
pg_shdepend pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.559792+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.560218+00  
pg_type pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.459565+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.466693+00  
pg_attribute pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.470235+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.494265+00  
pg_proc pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.4952+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.507438+00  
pg_class pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.508455+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.514137+00  
pg_authid pg_catalog 2020-12-13 17:54:14.013691+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.468321+00  
pg_auth_members pg_catalog 2020-12-10 08:34:56.558698+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.558787+00  
pg_toast_3394 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.569007+00      
pg_toast_2612 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.530666+00      
pg_toast_2600 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.531688+00      
pg_toast_3456 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.570686+00      
pg_toast_2615 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.542123+00      
pg_toast_3350 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.614195+00      
pg_toast_3256 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.568497+00      
pg_toast_3600 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.564309+00      
pg_toast_1247 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.459651+00      
pg_toast_1418 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.469953+00      
pg_toast_1260 pg_toast 2020-12-13 17:54:14.013737+00      
pg_toast_1262 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.554128+00      
pg_toast_1136 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.557788+00      
pg_toast_6000 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.568651+00      
pg_toast_6100 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.470112+00      
pg_toast_1213 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.556753+00      
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pg_toast_3466 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.536148+00      
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pg_toast_3596 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.570334+00      
pg_toast_2604 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.515014+00      
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pg_toast_2606 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.515299+00      
pg_toast_2609 pg_toast 2020-12-10 08:34:56.536344+00      
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pgbench_accounts_462 public 2020-12-10 08:35:10.752018+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.782958+00  
pgbench_accounts_463 public 2020-12-10 08:35:10.785345+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.81626+00  
pgbench_accounts_464 public 2020-12-10 08:35:10.818746+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.849771+00  
pgbench_accounts_465 public 2020-12-10 08:35:10.885653+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.91646+00  
pgbench_accounts_466 public 2020-12-10 08:35:10.918784+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.949419+00  
pgbench_accounts_467 public 2020-12-10 08:35:10.85206+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.883197+00  
pgbench_accounts_468 public 2020-12-10 08:35:10.98514+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.015989+00  
pgbench_accounts_469 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.01827+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.049185+00  
pgbench_accounts_470 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.051539+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.082099+00  
pgbench_accounts_471 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.084518+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.11521+00  
pgbench_accounts_472 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.117632+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.148611+00  
pgbench_accounts_473 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.184469+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.2153+00  
pgbench_accounts_474 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.217695+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.24865+00  
pgbench_accounts_475 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.150929+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.182077+00  
pgbench_accounts_476 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.284142+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.315682+00  
pgbench_accounts_477 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.318061+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.348893+00  
pgbench_accounts_478 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.251089+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.281843+00  
pgbench_accounts_479 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.351289+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.382056+00  
pgbench_accounts_480 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.417535+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.448037+00  
pgbench_accounts_481 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.483623+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.514334+00  
pgbench_accounts_482 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.516611+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.547327+00  
pgbench_accounts_483 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.450355+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.481296+00  
pgbench_accounts_484 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.583531+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.614718+00  
pgbench_accounts_485 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.616999+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.647956+00  
pgbench_accounts_486 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.549848+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.581234+00  
pgbench_accounts_487 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.650204+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.680721+00  
pgbench_accounts_488 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.682998+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.713633+00  
pgbench_accounts_489 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.716121+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.746763+00  
pgbench_accounts_490 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.815718+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.846869+00  
pgbench_accounts_491 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.749237+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.780109+00  
pgbench_accounts_492 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.882762+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.914222+00  
pgbench_accounts_493 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.91658+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.947457+00  
pgbench_accounts_494 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.849313+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.880455+00  
pgbench_accounts_495 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.949723+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.980356+00  
pgbench_accounts_496 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.982796+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.014394+00  
pgbench_accounts_497 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.017006+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.049714+00  
pgbench_accounts_498 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.08529+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.116674+00  
pgbench_accounts_499 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.119146+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.150267+00  
pgbench_accounts_500 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.219486+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.250191+00  
pgbench_history public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.985664+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.985811+00  
pgbench_tellers public 2020-12-10 21:47:53.242366+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.987219+00  
pgbench_branches public 2020-12-10 21:47:53.241404+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.951839+00  
pgbench_accounts_1 public 2020-12-10 08:34:56.805732+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.838374+00  
pgbench_accounts_2 public 2020-12-10 08:35:00.649568+00   2020-12-10 08:35:00.682148+00  
pgbench_accounts_3 public 2020-12-10 08:35:04.666276+00   2020-12-10 08:35:04.697991+00  
pgbench_accounts_4 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.419824+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.450569+00  
pgbench_accounts_5 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.052006+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.083055+00  
pgbench_accounts_6 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.452274+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.482719+00  
pgbench_accounts_7 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.884734+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.915263+00  
pgbench_accounts_8 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.282512+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.313323+00  
pgbench_accounts_9 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.548978+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.579624+00  
pgbench_accounts_10 public 2020-12-10 08:34:56.876354+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.909078+00  
pgbench_accounts_11 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.127131+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.160242+00  
pgbench_accounts_12 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.624445+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.656988+00  
pgbench_accounts_13 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.978453+00   2020-12-10 08:34:58.010754+00  
pgbench_accounts_14 public 2020-12-10 08:34:58.367932+00   2020-12-10 08:34:58.400255+00  
pgbench_accounts_15 public 2020-12-10 08:34:58.788824+00   2020-12-10 08:34:58.821983+00  
pgbench_accounts_16 public 2020-12-10 08:34:59.181694+00   2020-12-10 08:34:59.215301+00  
pgbench_accounts_17 public 2020-12-10 08:34:59.470545+00   2020-12-10 08:34:59.503395+00  
pgbench_accounts_18 public 2020-12-10 08:34:59.93407+00   2020-12-10 08:34:59.966743+00  
pgbench_accounts_19 public 2020-12-10 08:35:00.366747+00   2020-12-10 08:35:00.399124+00  
pgbench_accounts_20 public 2020-12-10 08:35:00.825745+00   2020-12-10 08:35:00.859301+00  
pgbench_accounts_21 public 2020-12-10 08:35:01.077271+00   2020-12-10 08:35:01.112209+00  
pgbench_accounts_22 public 2020-12-10 08:35:01.553546+00   2020-12-10 08:35:01.586938+00  
pgbench_accounts_23 public 2020-12-10 08:35:01.992074+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.02557+00  
pgbench_accounts_24 public 2020-12-10 08:35:02.279434+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.31343+00  
pgbench_accounts_25 public 2020-12-10 08:35:02.780661+00   2020-12-10 08:35:02.813517+00  
pgbench_accounts_26 public 2020-12-10 08:35:03.137773+00   2020-12-10 08:35:03.171389+00  
pgbench_accounts_27 public 2020-12-10 08:35:03.544819+00   2020-12-10 08:35:03.577173+00  
pgbench_accounts_28 public 2020-12-10 08:35:03.997878+00   2020-12-10 08:35:04.03906+00  
pgbench_accounts_29 public 2020-12-10 08:35:04.390681+00   2020-12-10 08:35:04.422907+00  
pgbench_accounts_30 public 2020-12-10 08:35:04.769764+00   2020-12-10 08:35:04.802463+00  
pgbench_accounts_31 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.155619+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.187503+00  
pgbench_accounts_32 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.575149+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.608097+00  
pgbench_accounts_33 public 2020-12-10 08:35:05.946029+00   2020-12-10 08:35:05.976202+00  
pgbench_accounts_34 public 2020-12-10 08:35:06.211436+00   2020-12-10 08:35:06.241307+00  
pgbench_accounts_35 public 2020-12-10 08:35:06.637598+00   2020-12-10 08:35:06.671651+00  
pgbench_accounts_36 public 2020-12-10 08:35:07.029808+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.059638+00  
pgbench_accounts_37 public 2020-12-10 08:35:07.286874+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.316544+00  
pgbench_accounts_38 public 2020-12-10 08:35:07.738936+00   2020-12-10 08:35:07.768424+00  
pgbench_accounts_39 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.061942+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.092034+00  
pgbench_accounts_40 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.486183+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.516632+00  
pgbench_accounts_41 public 2020-12-10 08:35:08.7491+00   2020-12-10 08:35:08.779571+00  
pgbench_accounts_42 public 2020-12-10 08:35:09.216822+00   2020-12-10 08:35:09.247857+00  
pgbench_accounts_43 public 2020-12-10 08:35:09.548723+00   2020-12-10 08:35:09.579679+00  
pgbench_accounts_44 public 2020-12-10 08:35:09.917953+00   2020-12-10 08:35:09.948966+00  
pgbench_accounts_45 public 2020-12-10 08:35:10.317992+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.349115+00  
pgbench_accounts_46 public 2020-12-10 08:35:10.685145+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.716055+00  
pgbench_accounts_47 public 2020-12-10 08:35:10.951988+00   2020-12-10 08:35:10.982865+00  
pgbench_accounts_48 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.384399+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.415132+00  
pgbench_accounts_49 public 2020-12-10 08:35:11.782471+00   2020-12-10 08:35:11.813315+00  
pgbench_accounts_50 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.186169+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.216996+00  
pgbench_accounts_51 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.152718+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.183799+00  
pgbench_accounts_52 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.252514+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.283472+00  
pgbench_accounts_53 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.285782+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.317043+00  
pgbench_accounts_54 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.319385+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.350258+00  
pgbench_accounts_55 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.385945+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.416738+00  
pgbench_accounts_56 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.419238+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.449951+00  
pgbench_accounts_57 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.352593+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.383568+00  
pgbench_accounts_58 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.484976+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.515914+00  
pgbench_accounts_59 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.518387+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.549545+00  
pgbench_accounts_60 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.551877+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.583398+00  
pgbench_accounts_61 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.585817+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.616335+00  
pgbench_accounts_62 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.618671+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.649326+00  
pgbench_accounts_63 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.685041+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.716014+00  
pgbench_accounts_64 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.71836+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.749407+00  
pgbench_accounts_65 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.652078+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.682746+00  
pgbench_accounts_66 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.784738+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.815306+00  
pgbench_accounts_67 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.817611+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.848966+00  
pgbench_accounts_68 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.751717+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.782418+00  
pgbench_accounts_69 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.851399+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.882474+00  
pgbench_accounts_70 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.917604+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.948345+00  
pgbench_accounts_71 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.984044+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.014851+00  
pgbench_accounts_72 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.017145+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.04787+00  
pgbench_accounts_73 public 2020-12-10 08:35:12.951018+00   2020-12-10 08:35:12.981791+00  
pgbench_accounts_74 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.083381+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.113927+00  
pgbench_accounts_75 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.116265+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.147266+00  
pgbench_accounts_76 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.050184+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.080804+00  
pgbench_accounts_77 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.149776+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.181065+00  
pgbench_accounts_78 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.183254+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.213716+00  
pgbench_accounts_79 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.215883+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.247312+00  
pgbench_accounts_80 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.315465+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.34601+00  
pgbench_accounts_81 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.249394+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.280344+00  
pgbench_accounts_82 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.380841+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.411599+00  
pgbench_accounts_83 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.413816+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.44414+00  
pgbench_accounts_84 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.348302+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.378715+00  
pgbench_accounts_85 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.449214+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.48139+00  
pgbench_accounts_86 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.483563+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.513802+00  
pgbench_accounts_87 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.516067+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.546804+00  
pgbench_accounts_88 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.581832+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.612406+00  
pgbench_accounts_89 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.614674+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.648283+00  
pgbench_accounts_90 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.684798+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.715738+00  
pgbench_accounts_91 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.717936+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.7489+00  
pgbench_accounts_92 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.650639+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.682563+00  
pgbench_accounts_93 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.751429+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.78222+00  
pgbench_accounts_94 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.784456+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.816495+00  
pgbench_accounts_95 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.818781+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.849977+00  
pgbench_accounts_96 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.88636+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.9177+00  
pgbench_accounts_97 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.919835+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.950401+00  
pgbench_accounts_98 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.852238+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.884139+00  
pgbench_accounts_99 public 2020-12-10 08:35:13.953974+00   2020-12-10 08:35:13.984927+00  
pgbench_accounts_100 public 2020-12-10 08:34:56.912008+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.944494+00  
pgbench_accounts_101 public 2020-12-10 08:34:56.841008+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.87362+00  
pgbench_accounts_102 public 2020-12-10 08:34:56.768938+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.803025+00  
pgbench_accounts_103 public 2020-12-10 08:34:56.982307+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.016315+00  
pgbench_accounts_104 public 2020-12-10 08:34:56.94708+00   2020-12-10 08:34:56.979836+00  
pgbench_accounts_105 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.019047+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.052982+00  
pgbench_accounts_106 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.055522+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.088397+00  
pgbench_accounts_107 public 2020-12-10 08:34:57.091268+00   2020-12-10 08:34:57.124514+00  

tables without auto analyze,auto vacuum,vacuum and analyze :

relname schemaname last_vacuum last_autovacuum last_analyze last_autoanalyze

Tables that have specific table-level parameters set :

relname reloptions
pg_stats {security_barrier=true}
pg_stats_ext {security_barrier=true}
pgbench_accounts_102 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_1 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_101 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_10 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_100 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_104 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_103 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_105 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_106 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_107 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_11 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_108 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_109 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_112 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_110 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_111 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_113 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_114 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_115 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_118 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_116 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_117 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_120 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_119 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_12 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_121 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_122 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_123 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_126 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_124 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_125 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_129 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_127 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_128 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_13 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_130 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_131 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_134 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_132 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_133 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_137 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_135 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_136 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_138 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_139 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_14 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_142 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_140 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_141 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_145 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_143 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_144 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_146 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_147 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_148 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_150 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_149 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_15 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_153 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_151 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_152 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_154 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_155 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_156 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_159 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_157 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_158 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_161 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_16 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_160 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_162 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_163 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_164 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_167 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_165 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_166 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_17 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_168 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_169 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_170 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_171 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_172 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_175 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_173 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_174 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_178 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_176 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_177 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_179 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_18 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_180 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_183 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_181 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_182 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_186 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_184 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_185 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_187 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_188 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_189 {fillfactor=90}
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pgbench_accounts_190 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_194 {fillfactor=90}
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pgbench_accounts_196 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_197 {fillfactor=90}
pgbench_accounts_2 {fillfactor=90}
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shared_preload_libraries parameter:


Installed extension :

Extension Name Version Schema owner Description relocatable to another schema extconfig extcondition
plpgsql 1.0 pg_catalog rdsadmin PL/pgSQL procedural language f    

Available Extension versions that are available to upgarde the instaelled Extension:

extension_name version installed

Latest Extension version that is available to upgarde the instaelled Extension:

extension_name latest_version

Available extensions:

name version installed superuser relocatable schema requires comment
address_standardizer 2.5.2 f t t     Used to parse an address into constituent elements. Generally used to support geocoding address normalization step.
address_standardizer 2.5.2next f t t     Used to parse an address into constituent elements. Generally used to support geocoding address normalization step.
address_standardizer 3.0.0 f t t     Used to parse an address into constituent elements. Generally used to support geocoding address normalization step.
address_standardizer 3.0.0next f t t     Used to parse an address into constituent elements. Generally used to support geocoding address normalization step.
address_standardizer_data_us 2.5.2 f t t     Address Standardizer US dataset example
address_standardizer_data_us 2.5.2next f t t     Address Standardizer US dataset example
address_standardizer_data_us 3.0.0 f t t     Address Standardizer US dataset example
address_standardizer_data_us 3.0.0next f t t     Address Standardizer US dataset example
amcheck 1.0 f t t     functions for verifying relation integrity
amcheck 1.1 f t t     functions for verifying relation integrity
amcheck 1.2 f t t     functions for verifying relation integrity
aws_commons 1.1 f t f     Common data types across AWS services
aws_s3 1.1 f t t   {aws_commons} AWS S3 extension for importing data from S3
bloom 1.0 f t t     bloom access method - signature file based index
btree_gin 1.0 f t t     support for indexing common datatypes in GIN
btree_gin 1.1 f t t     support for indexing common datatypes in GIN
btree_gin 1.2 f t t     support for indexing common datatypes in GIN
btree_gin 1.3 f t t     support for indexing common datatypes in GIN
btree_gist 1.2 f t t     support for indexing common datatypes in GiST
btree_gist 1.3 f t t     support for indexing common datatypes in GiST
btree_gist 1.4 f t t     support for indexing common datatypes in GiST
btree_gist 1.5 f t t     support for indexing common datatypes in GiST
citext 1.4 f t t     data type for case-insensitive character strings
citext 1.5 f t t     data type for case-insensitive character strings
citext 1.6 f t t     data type for case-insensitive character strings
cube 1.2 f t t     data type for multidimensional cubes
cube 1.3 f t t     data type for multidimensional cubes
cube 1.4 f t t     data type for multidimensional cubes
dblink 1.2 f t t     connect to other PostgreSQL databases from within a database
dict_int 1.0 f t t     text search dictionary template for integers
dict_xsyn 1.0 f t t     text search dictionary template for extended synonym processing
earthdistance 1.1 f t t   {cube} calculate great-circle distances on the surface of the Earth
fuzzystrmatch 1.1 f t t     determine similarities and distance between strings
hll 2.10 f t f     type for storing hyperloglog data
hll 2.11 f t f     type for storing hyperloglog data
hll 2.12 f t f     type for storing hyperloglog data
hll 2.13 f t f     type for storing hyperloglog data
hll 2.14 f t f     type for storing hyperloglog data
hstore 1.4 f t t     data type for storing sets of (key, value) pairs
hstore 1.5 f t t     data type for storing sets of (key, value) pairs
hstore 1.6 f t t     data type for storing sets of (key, value) pairs
hstore_plperl 1.0 f t t   {hstore,plperl} transform between hstore and plperl
intagg 1.1 f t t     integer aggregator and enumerator (obsolete)
intarray 1.2 f t t     functions, operators, and index support for 1-D arrays of integers
ip4r 2.4 f t t      
isn 1.1 f t t     data types for international product numbering standards
isn 1.2 f t t     data types for international product numbering standards
jsonb_plperl 1.0 f t t   {plperl} transform between jsonb and plperl
log_fdw 1.1 f t t     foreign-data wrapper for Postgres log file access
ltree 1.1 f t t     data type for hierarchical tree-like structures
orafce 3.8 f t f     Functions and operators that emulate a subset of functions and packages from the Oracle RDBMS
pageinspect 1.5 f t t     inspect the contents of database pages at a low level
pageinspect 1.6 f t t     inspect the contents of database pages at a low level
pageinspect 1.7 f t t     inspect the contents of database pages at a low level
pg_buffercache 1.2 f t t     examine the shared buffer cache
pg_buffercache 1.3 f t t     examine the shared buffer cache
pg_freespacemap 1.1 f t t     examine the free space map (FSM)
pg_freespacemap 1.2 f t t     examine the free space map (FSM)
pg_hint_plan 1.3.5 f t f hint_plan    
pg_prewarm 1.1 f t t     prewarm relation data
pg_prewarm 1.2 f t t     prewarm relation data
pg_proctab 0.0.9 f t t     Access operating system process table
pg_repack 1.4.5 f t f     Reorganize tables in PostgreSQL databases with minimal locks
pg_similarity 1.0 f t t     support similarity queries
pg_stat_statements 1.4 f t t     track execution statistics of all SQL statements executed
pg_stat_statements 1.5 f t t     track execution statistics of all SQL statements executed
pg_stat_statements 1.6 f t t     track execution statistics of all SQL statements executed
pg_stat_statements 1.7 f t t     track execution statistics of all SQL statements executed
pg_transport 1.0 f t f     physical transport for PostgreSQL databases
pg_trgm 1.3 f t t     text similarity measurement and index searching based on trigrams
pg_trgm 1.4 f t t     text similarity measurement and index searching based on trigrams
pg_visibility 1.1 f t t     examine the visibility map (VM) and page-level visibility info
pg_visibility 1.2 f t t     examine the visibility map (VM) and page-level visibility info
pgaudit 1.4 f t t     provides auditing functionality
pgcrypto 1.3 f t t     cryptographic functions
pglogical 1.0.0 f t f pglogical   PostgreSQL Logical Replication
pglogical 1.0.1 f t f pglogical   PostgreSQL Logical Replication
pglogical 1.1.0 f t f pglogical   PostgreSQL Logical Replication
pglogical 1.1.1 f t f pglogical   PostgreSQL Logical Replication
pglogical 1.1.2 f t f pglogical   PostgreSQL Logical Replication
pglogical 1.2.0 f t f pglogical   PostgreSQL Logical Replication
pglogical 1.2.1 f t f pglogical   PostgreSQL Logical Replication
pglogical 1.2.2 f t f pglogical   PostgreSQL Logical Replication
pglogical 2.0.0 f t f pglogical   PostgreSQL Logical Replication
pglogical 2.0.1 f t f pglogical   PostgreSQL Logical Replication
pglogical 2.1.0 f t f pglogical   PostgreSQL Logical Replication
pglogical 2.1.1 f t f pglogical   PostgreSQL Logical Replication
pglogical 2.2.0 f t f pglogical   PostgreSQL Logical Replication
pglogical 2.2.1 f t f pglogical   PostgreSQL Logical Replication
pglogical 2.2.2 f t f pglogical   PostgreSQL Logical Replication
pglogical 2.3.0 f t f pglogical   PostgreSQL Logical Replication
pglogical 2.3.1 f t f pglogical   PostgreSQL Logical Replication
pglogical 2.3.2 f t f pglogical   PostgreSQL Logical Replication
pgrouting 2.6.1 f t t   {postgis} pgRouting Extension
pgrouting 3.0.0 f t t   {postgis} pgRouting Extension
pgrowlocks 1.2 f t t     show row-level locking information
pgstattuple 1.4 f t t     show tuple-level statistics
pgstattuple 1.5 f t t     show tuple-level statistics
pgtap 1.1.0 f f t   {plpgsql} Unit testing for PostgreSQL
plcoffee 2.3.14 f t f pg_catalog   PL/CoffeeScript (v8) trusted procedural language
plls 2.3.14 f t f pg_catalog   PL/LiveScript (v8) trusted procedural language
plperl 1.0 f f f pg_catalog   PL/Perl procedural language
plpgsql 1.0 t f f pg_catalog   PL/pgSQL procedural language
plprofiler 4.1 f t t     server-side support for profiling PL/pgSQL functions
pltcl 1.0 f f f pg_catalog   PL/Tcl procedural language
plv8 2.3.14 f t f pg_catalog   PL/JavaScript (v8) trusted procedural language
postgis 2.5.2 f t f     PostGIS geometry, geography, and raster spatial types and functions
postgis 2.5.2next f t f     PostGIS geometry, geography, and raster spatial types and functions
postgis 3.0.0 f t f     PostGIS geometry, geography, and raster spatial types and functions
postgis 3.0.0next f t f     PostGIS geometry, geography, and raster spatial types and functions
postgis_raster 3.0.0 f t f   {postgis} PostGIS raster types and functions
postgis_raster 3.0.0next f t f   {postgis} PostGIS raster types and functions
postgis_tiger_geocoder 2.5.2 f f f tiger {postgis,fuzzystrmatch} PostGIS tiger geocoder and reverse geocoder
postgis_tiger_geocoder 2.5.2next f f f tiger {postgis,fuzzystrmatch} PostGIS tiger geocoder and reverse geocoder
postgis_tiger_geocoder 3.0.0 f f f tiger {postgis,fuzzystrmatch} PostGIS tiger geocoder and reverse geocoder
postgis_tiger_geocoder 3.0.0next f f f tiger {postgis,fuzzystrmatch} PostGIS tiger geocoder and reverse geocoder
postgis_topology 2.5.2 f t f topology {postgis} PostGIS topology spatial types and functions
postgis_topology 2.5.2next f t f topology {postgis} PostGIS topology spatial types and functions
postgis_topology 3.0.0 f t f topology {postgis} PostGIS topology spatial types and functions
postgis_topology 3.0.0next f t f topology {postgis} PostGIS topology spatial types and functions
postgres_fdw 1.0 f t t     foreign-data wrapper for remote PostgreSQL servers
prefix 1.2.0 f t t     Prefix Range module for PostgreSQL
rdkit 3.8 f t t     Cheminformatics functionality for PostgreSQL.
sslinfo 1.2 f t t     information about SSL certificates
tablefunc 1.0 f t t     functions that manipulate whole tables, including crosstab
test_parser 1.0 f t t     example of a custom parser for full-text search
tsm_system_rows 1.0 f t t     TABLESAMPLE method which accepts number of rows as a limit
tsm_system_time 1.0 f t t     TABLESAMPLE method which accepts time in milliseconds as a limit
unaccent 1.1 f t t     text search dictionary that removes accents
uuid-ossp 1.1 f t t     generate universally unique identifiers (UUIDs)
name default_version installed_version comment
plpgsql 1.0 1.0 PL/pgSQL procedural language
address_standardizer_data_us 3.0.0   Address Standardizer US dataset example
pg_hint_plan 1.3.5    
orafce 3.8   Functions and operators that emulate a subset of functions and packages from the Oracle RDBMS
pg_trgm 1.4   text similarity measurement and index searching based on trigrams
ltree 1.1   data type for hierarchical tree-like structures
uuid-ossp 1.1   generate universally unique identifiers (UUIDs)
rdkit 3.8   Cheminformatics functionality for PostgreSQL.
pg_freespacemap 1.2   examine the free space map (FSM)
hll 2.14   type for storing hyperloglog data
pgcrypto 1.3   cryptographic functions
sslinfo 1.2   information about SSL certificates
hstore_plperl 1.0   transform between hstore and plperl
fuzzystrmatch 1.1   determine similarities and distance between strings
pgaudit 1.4   provides auditing functionality
prefix 1.2.0   Prefix Range module for PostgreSQL
dict_xsyn 1.0   text search dictionary template for extended synonym processing
pglogical 2.3.2   PostgreSQL Logical Replication
aws_commons 1.1   Common data types across AWS services
plls 2.3.14   PL/LiveScript (v8) trusted procedural language
ip4r 2.4    
test_parser 1.0   example of a custom parser for full-text search
pgrowlocks 1.2   show row-level locking information
postgres_fdw 1.0   foreign-data wrapper for remote PostgreSQL servers
postgis_raster 3.0.0   PostGIS raster types and functions
pg_buffercache 1.3   examine the shared buffer cache
pageinspect 1.7   inspect the contents of database pages at a low level
plv8 2.3.14   PL/JavaScript (v8) trusted procedural language
tablefunc 1.0   functions that manipulate whole tables, including crosstab
unaccent 1.1   text search dictionary that removes accents
postgis_topology 3.0.0   PostGIS topology spatial types and functions
plprofiler 4.1   server-side support for profiling PL/pgSQL functions
pg_transport 1.0   physical transport for PostgreSQL databases
postgis_tiger_geocoder 3.0.0   PostGIS tiger geocoder and reverse geocoder
plperl 1.0   PL/Perl procedural language
pg_repack 1.4.5   Reorganize tables in PostgreSQL databases with minimal locks
tsm_system_time 1.0   TABLESAMPLE method which accepts time in milliseconds as a limit
aws_s3 1.1   AWS S3 extension for importing data from S3
log_fdw 1.1   foreign-data wrapper for Postgres log file access
bloom 1.0   bloom access method - signature file based index
pg_proctab 0.0.9   Access operating system process table
pg_visibility 1.2   examine the visibility map (VM) and page-level visibility info
amcheck 1.2   functions for verifying relation integrity
address_standardizer 3.0.0   Used to parse an address into constituent elements. Generally used to support geocoding address normalization step.
postgis 3.0.0   PostGIS geometry, geography, and raster spatial types and functions
cube 1.4   data type for multidimensional cubes
citext 1.6   data type for case-insensitive character strings
pgrouting 3.0.0   pgRouting Extension
dict_int 1.0   text search dictionary template for integers
tsm_system_rows 1.0   TABLESAMPLE method which accepts number of rows as a limit
pg_stat_statements 1.7   track execution statistics of all SQL statements executed
btree_gin 1.3   support for indexing common datatypes in GIN
intarray 1.2   functions, operators, and index support for 1-D arrays of integers
hstore 1.6   data type for storing sets of (key, value) pairs
pgtap 1.1.0   Unit testing for PostgreSQL
pg_prewarm 1.2   prewarm relation data
pltcl 1.0   PL/Tcl procedural language
dblink 1.2   connect to other PostgreSQL databases from within a database
pg_similarity 1.0   support similarity queries
pgstattuple 1.5   show tuple-level statistics
jsonb_plperl 1.0   transform between jsonb and plperl
plcoffee 2.3.14   PL/CoffeeScript (v8) trusted procedural language
intagg 1.1   integer aggregator and enumerator (obsolete)
isn 1.2   data types for international product numbering standards
btree_gist 1.5   support for indexing common datatypes in GiST
earthdistance 1.1   calculate great-circle distances on the surface of the Earth

Memory setting

parameter_name setting unit size_MB size_GB pg_size_pretty
effective_cache_size 8144937 8kB 63632 62 62 GB
shared_buffers 4072468 8kB 31816 31 31 GB
maintenance_work_mem 2136376 kB 2086 2 2086 MB
wal_buffers 8192 8kB 64 0 64 MB
work_mem 4096 kB 4 0 4096 kB

pg_stat_statements extension

pg_stat_statements installed version:

Extension Name Version Schema owner Description relocatable to another schema extconfig extcondition

Parameters values:

parameter_name setting
pg_stat_statements.max 5000 on
pg_stat_statements.track top
pg_stat_statements.track_utility on
shared_preload_libraries rdsutils,pg_stat_statements

Available versions that are available to upgrade:

extension_name version installed

Latest Extension version that is available to upgrade:

extension_name latest_version

Top SQL order by total_time:

Top SQL order by avg_time:

Top SQL order by percent of total DB time percent:

Top SQL order by number of execution (CALLs):


Users & Roles Info

List of roles
Role name Attributes Member of
pg_execute_server_program Cannot login {}
pg_monitor Cannot login {pg_read_all_settings,pg_read_all_stats,pg_stat_scan_tables}
pg_read_all_settings Cannot login {}
pg_read_all_stats Cannot login {}
pg_read_server_files Cannot login {}
pg_signal_backend Cannot login {}
pg_stat_scan_tables Cannot login {}
pg_write_server_files Cannot login {}
postgres Create role, Create DB
Password valid until infinity
pwd_pgcm 2 connections {pg_monitor}
rds_ad Cannot login {}
rds_iam Cannot login {}
rds_password Cannot login {}
rds_replication Cannot login {}
rds_superuser Cannot login {pg_monitor,pg_signal_backend,rds_password,rds_replication}
rdsadmin Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication
Password valid until infinity
rdsrepladmin No inheritance, Cannot login, Replication {}

List of settings
Role Database Settings
rdsadmin rdsadmin log_min_messages=panic
rdsadmin   TimeZone=utc
search_path=pg_catalog, public
  rdsadmin auto_explain.log_min_duration=-1

usename usesysid usecreatedb usesuper userepl usebypassrls passwd valuntil useconfig
postgres 16394 t f f f ******** infinity  
pwd_pgcm 19439 f f f f ********    
rdsadmin 10 t t t t ******** infinity {TimeZone=utc,log_statement=all,log_min_error_statement=debug5,log_min_messages=panic,exit_on_error=0,statement_timeout=0,role=rdsadmin,auto_explain.log_min_duration=-1,temp_file_limit=-1,"search_path=pg_catalog, public",pg_hint_plan.enable_hint=off,default_transaction_read_only=off}

Schema Info

List of schemas
Name Owner Access privileges Description
public postgres postgres=UC/postgres
standard public schema

Tablespaces Info

List of tablespaces
Name Owner Location
pg_default rdsadmin  
pg_global rdsadmin  

Tablsapces Location :

spclocation spcname
/rdsdbdata/db/base/ pg_default
/rdsdbdata/db/global/ pg_global

Tabel Access Profile

schema_name Table_Name Table_Size total_fts_scan total_fts_num_rows_reads fts_rows_per_read total_idx_scan total_idx_num_rows_read idx_rows_per_read IDX_scan_% FTS_scan_% access_profile n_live_tup n_dead_tup dead_tup_% n_tup_ins n_tup_upd n_tup_del tup_ins_% tup_upd_% tup_del_%
public pgbench_accounts_223 28 MB 0 0   275351 275351 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_334 28 MB 0 0   276488 276488 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_207 28 MB 0 0   275383 275383 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_48 28 MB 0 0   275991 275991 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_27 28 MB 0 0   274949 274949 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_88 28 MB 0 0   275388 275388 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_109 28 MB 0 0   275532 275532 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_336 28 MB 0 0   276492 276492 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_466 28 MB 0 0   276017 276017 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_407 28 MB 0 0   275217 275217 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_311 28 MB 0 0   276583 276583 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_492 28 MB 0 0   276705 276705 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_364 28 MB 0 0   276554 276554 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_260 28 MB 0 0   275993 275993 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_335 28 MB 0 0   276233 276233 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_291 28 MB 0 0   275542 275542 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_296 28 MB 0 0   275578 275578 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_162 28 MB 0 0   275561 275561 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_121 28 MB 0 0   275790 275790 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_301 28 MB 0 0   276767 276767 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_494 28 MB 0 0   275547 275547 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_439 28 MB 0 0   275069 275069 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_429 28 MB 0 0   276606 276606 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_405 28 MB 0 0   275340 275340 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_468 28 MB 0 0   277081 277081 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_338 28 MB 0 0   276786 276786 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_277 28 MB 0 0   276005 276005 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_474 28 MB 0 0   275926 275926 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_272 28 MB 0 0   276071 276071 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_343 28 MB 0 0   275662 275662 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_325 28 MB 0 0   274904 274904 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_328 28 MB 0 0   276018 276018 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_417 28 MB 0 0   276368 276368 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_209 28 MB 0 0   276066 276066 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_196 28 MB 0 0   276074 276074 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_115 28 MB 0 0   276691 276691 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_390 28 MB 0 0   276048 276048 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_147 28 MB 0 0   276225 276225 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_67 28 MB 0 0   276421 276421 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_7 28 MB 0 0   275800 275800 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_374 28 MB 0 0   276310 276310 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_314 28 MB 0 0   276108 276108 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_8 28 MB 0 0   275366 275366 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_484 28 MB 0 0   276339 276339 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_462 28 MB 0 0   275421 275421 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_392 28 MB 0 0   275269 275269 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_71 28 MB 0 0   275740 275740 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_259 28 MB 0 0   275946 275946 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_249 28 MB 0 0   276560 276560 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_194 28 MB 0 0   275785 275785 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_232 28 MB 0 0   275983 275983 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_326 28 MB 0 0   276040 276040 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_143 28 MB 0 0   276501 276501 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_213 28 MB 0 0   275643 275643 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_1 28 MB 0 0   275040 275040 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_454 28 MB 0 0   275944 275944 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_102 28 MB 0 0   275714 275714 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_19 28 MB 0 0   276182 276182 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_100 28 MB 0 0   275815 275815 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_164 28 MB 0 0   276421 276421 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_440 28 MB 0 0   276540 276540 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_340 28 MB 0 0   276080 276080 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_412 28 MB 0 0   275845 275845 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_361 28 MB 0 0   275357 275357 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_353 28 MB 0 0   275615 275615 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_410 28 MB 0 0   275925 275925 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_478 28 MB 0 0   275285 275285 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_80 28 MB 0 0   275152 275152 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_461 28 MB 0 0   275565 275565 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_167 28 MB 0 0   275368 275368 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_178 28 MB 0 0   275562 275562 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_233 28 MB 0 0   275822 275822 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_176 28 MB 0 0   276681 276681 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_34 28 MB 0 0   275335 275335 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_236 28 MB 0 0   275970 275970 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_153 28 MB 0 0   275690 275690 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_305 28 MB 0 0   275851 275851 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_86 28 MB 0 0   275084 275084 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_63 28 MB 0 0   275673 275673 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_386 28 MB 0 0   275305 275305 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_253 28 MB 0 0   276984 276984 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_254 28 MB 0 0   276146 276146 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_101 28 MB 0 0   276478 276478 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_383 28 MB 0 0   275669 275669 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_306 28 MB 0 0   276129 276129 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_465 28 MB 0 0   275388 275388 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_235 28 MB 0 0   275775 275775 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_174 28 MB 0 0   275755 275755 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_394 28 MB 0 0   276245 276245 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_77 28 MB 0 0   276701 276701 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_375 28 MB 0 0   276514 276514 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_4 28 MB 0 0   275888 275888 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_310 28 MB 0 0   276280 276280 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_43 28 MB 0 0   275872 275872 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_184 28 MB 0 0   276011 276011 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_220 28 MB 0 0   276228 276228 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_182 28 MB 0 0   275908 275908 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_479 28 MB 0 0   275919 275919 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_248 28 MB 0 0   276854 276854 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_445 28 MB 0 0   275347 275347 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_65 28 MB 0 0   275246 275246 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_23 28 MB 0 0   275912 275912 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_75 28 MB 0 0   275765 275765 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_269 28 MB 0 0   276337 276337 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_459 28 MB 0 0   276210 276210 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_276 28 MB 0 0   275024 275024 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_263 28 MB 0 0   276385 276385 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_493 28 MB 0 0   276896 276896 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_319 28 MB 0 0   275211 275211 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_29 28 MB 0 0   275455 275455 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_226 28 MB 0 0   274874 274874 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_366 28 MB 0 0   275915 275915 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_247 28 MB 0 0   275790 275790 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_322 28 MB 0 0   276397 276397 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_218 28 MB 0 0   275396 275396 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_477 28 MB 0 0   275197 275197 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_111 28 MB 0 0   275716 275716 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_258 28 MB 0 0   275322 275322 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_161 28 MB 0 0   276654 276654 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_367 28 MB 0 0   276288 276288 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_124 28 MB 0 0   276148 276148 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_110 28 MB 0 0   276188 276188 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_82 28 MB 0 0   276882 276882 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_148 28 MB 0 0   276369 276369 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_58 28 MB 0 0   276386 276386 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_401 28 MB 0 0   275477 275477 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_271 28 MB 0 0   276325 276325 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_173 28 MB 0 0   275917 275917 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_437 28 MB 0 0   276716 276716 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_91 28 MB 0 0   275796 275796 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_421 28 MB 0 0   274745 274745 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_483 28 MB 0 0   274808 274808 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_97 28 MB 0 0   276098 276098 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_17 28 MB 0 0   276261 276261 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_117 28 MB 0 0   276354 276354 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_206 28 MB 0 0   275653 275653 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_327 28 MB 0 0   276477 276477 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_119 28 MB 0 0   275989 275989 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_256 28 MB 0 0   275341 275341 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_349 28 MB 0 0   276136 276136 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_298 28 MB 0 0   275489 275489 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_212 28 MB 0 0   275501 275501 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_52 28 MB 0 0   276333 276333 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_304 28 MB 0 0   275823 275823 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_230 28 MB 0 0   275170 275170 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_42 28 MB 0 0   276147 276147 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_427 28 MB 0 0   275826 275826 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_290 28 MB 0 0   275641 275641 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_377 28 MB 0 0   275888 275888 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_497 28 MB 0 0   275498 275498 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_496 28 MB 0 0   274785 274785 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_315 28 MB 0 0   275746 275746 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_489 28 MB 0 0   276294 276294 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_286 28 MB 0 0   276218 276218 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_428 28 MB 0 0   275544 275544 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_74 28 MB 0 0   275844 275844 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_20 28 MB 0 0   275704 275704 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_12 28 MB 0 0   276248 276248 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_159 28 MB 0 0   275579 275579 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_391 28 MB 0 0   276298 276298 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_200 28 MB 0 0   276071 276071 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_397 28 MB 0 0   275345 275345 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_172 28 MB 0 0   275988 275988 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_395 28 MB 0 0   276056 276056 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_279 28 MB 0 0   276070 276070 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_133 28 MB 0 0   276117 276117 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_5 28 MB 0 0   275283 275283 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_125 28 MB 0 0   276460 276460 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_480 28 MB 0 0   275086 275086 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_473 28 MB 0 0   275267 275267 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_123 28 MB 0 0   275402 275402 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_41 28 MB 0 0   275370 275370 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_288 28 MB 0 0   275952 275952 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_59 28 MB 0 0   275720 275720 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_444 28 MB 0 0   275901 275901 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_371 28 MB 0 0   276201 276201 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_191 28 MB 0 0   275307 275307 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_149 28 MB 0 0   276246 276246 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_398 28 MB 0 0   275933 275933 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_114 28 MB 0 0   276561 276561 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_472 28 MB 0 0   275159 275159 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_6 28 MB 0 0   276455 276455 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_356 28 MB 0 0   275845 275845 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_268 28 MB 0 0   275926 275926 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_33 28 MB 0 0   275830 275830 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_201 28 MB 0 0   276520 276520 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_152 28 MB 0 0   275917 275917 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_160 28 MB 0 0   276007 276007 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_357 28 MB 0 0   275670 275670 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_436 28 MB 0 0   276016 276016 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_231 28 MB 0 0   275088 275088 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_399 28 MB 0 0   275721 275721 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_129 28 MB 0 0   277220 277220 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_183 28 MB 0 0   275427 275427 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_215 28 MB 0 0   275508 275508 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_90 28 MB 0 0   276301 276301 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_369 28 MB 0 0   275684 275684 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_255 28 MB 0 0   275993 275993 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_76 28 MB 0 0   276245 276245 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_448 28 MB 0 0   275928 275928 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_39 28 MB 0 0   275031 275031 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_36 28 MB 0 0   275368 275368 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_175 28 MB 0 0   275408 275408 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_486 28 MB 0 0   276565 276565 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_292 28 MB 0 0   275741 275741 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_38 28 MB 0 0   275857 275857 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_423 28 MB 0 0   275803 275803 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_380 28 MB 0 0   275901 275901 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_299 28 MB 0 0   277178 277178 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_70 28 MB 0 0   275926 275926 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_425 28 MB 0 0   275433 275433 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_476 28 MB 0 0   276252 276252 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_275 28 MB 0 0   275796 275796 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_145 28 MB 0 0   276617 276617 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_414 28 MB 0 0   274782 274782 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_190 28 MB 0 0   275414 275414 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_413 28 MB 0 0   275654 275654 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_85 28 MB 0 0   274958 274958 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_344 28 MB 0 0   275850 275850 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_409 28 MB 0 0   275592 275592 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_245 28 MB 0 0   275571 275571 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_365 28 MB 0 0   275020 275020 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_324 28 MB 0 0   275736 275736 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_252 28 MB 0 0   276080 276080 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_337 28 MB 0 0   275220 275220 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_270 28 MB 0 0   275728 275728 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_186 28 MB 0 0   275013 275013 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_13 28 MB 0 0   276797 276797 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_10 28 MB 0 0   275691 275691 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_66 28 MB 0 0   275375 275375 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_422 28 MB 0 0   275464 275464 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_433 28 MB 0 0   276808 276808 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_456 28 MB 0 0   275923 275923 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_307 28 MB 0 0   276114 276114 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_202 28 MB 0 0   275332 275332 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_434 28 MB 0 0   275269 275269 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_188 28 MB 0 0   275727 275727 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_204 28 MB 0 0   275422 275422 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_126 28 MB 0 0   275344 275344 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_376 28 MB 0 0   275094 275094 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_240 28 MB 0 0   277015 277015 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_21 28 MB 0 0   276743 276743 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_154 28 MB 0 0   276017 276017 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_393 28 MB 0 0   276147 276147 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_222 28 MB 0 0   276335 276335 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_285 28 MB 0 0   275521 275521 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_234 28 MB 0 0   275918 275918 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_216 28 MB 0 0   275037 275037 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_333 28 MB 0 0   276950 276950 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_368 28 MB 0 0   276512 276512 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_341 28 MB 0 0   275617 275617 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_490 28 MB 0 0   276463 276463 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_469 28 MB 0 0   275394 275394 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_142 28 MB 0 0   275466 275466 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_251 28 MB 0 0   276230 276230 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_11 28 MB 0 0   275527 275527 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_214 28 MB 0 0   276536 276536 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_189 28 MB 0 0   276103 276103 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_64 28 MB 0 0   276290 276290 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_62 28 MB 0 0   276383 276383 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_177 28 MB 0 0   276128 276128 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_69 28 MB 0 0   275183 275183 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_435 28 MB 0 0   276700 276700 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_227 28 MB 0 0   276623 276623 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_450 28 MB 0 0   276183 276183 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_105 28 MB 0 0   276753 276753 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_316 28 MB 0 0   275488 275488 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_348 28 MB 0 0   275753 275753 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_192 28 MB 0 0   276201 276201 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_491 28 MB 0 0   275554 275554 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_146 28 MB 0 0   276063 276063 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_246 28 MB 0 0   276556 276556 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_139 28 MB 0 0   276104 276104 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_441 28 MB 0 0   275429 275429 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_293 28 MB 0 0   275539 275539 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_257 28 MB 0 0   276860 276860 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_446 28 MB 0 0   276618 276618 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_93 28 MB 0 0   275239 275239 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_463 28 MB 0 0   275145 275145 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_217 28 MB 0 0   274960 274960 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_352 28 MB 0 0   276170 276170 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_321 28 MB 0 0   275316 275316 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_228 28 MB 0 0   276080 276080 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_339 28 MB 0 0   276034 276034 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_24 28 MB 0 0   275178 275178 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_443 28 MB 0 0   276186 276186 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_150 28 MB 0 0   276825 276825 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_127 28 MB 0 0   275419 275419 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_165 28 MB 0 0   275139 275139 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_73 28 MB 0 0   275967 275967 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_210 28 MB 0 0   276344 276344 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_84 28 MB 0 0   275688 275688 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_487 28 MB 0 0   275751 275751 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_388 28 MB 0 0   275562 275562 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_238 28 MB 0 0   276315 276315 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_372 28 MB 0 0   275298 275298 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_116 28 MB 0 0   275951 275951 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_60 28 MB 0 0   275823 275823 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_351 28 MB 0 0   276729 276729 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_195 28 MB 0 0   276994 276994 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_273 28 MB 0 0   276792 276792 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_106 28 MB 0 0   276239 276239 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_289 28 MB 0 0   276447 276447 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_264 28 MB 0 0   276331 276331 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_211 28 MB 0 0   276088 276088 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_158 28 MB 0 0   275264 275264 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_261 28 MB 0 0   276348 276348 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_107 28 MB 0 0   276677 276677 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_134 28 MB 0 0   275201 275201 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_420 28 MB 0 0   276031 276031 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_403 28 MB 0 0   275444 275444 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_40 28 MB 0 0   275511 275511 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_79 28 MB 0 0   276873 276873 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_282 28 MB 0 0   275394 275394 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_406 28 MB 0 0   276213 276213 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_103 28 MB 0 0   275969 275969 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_303 28 MB 0 0   276386 276386 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_44 28 MB 0 0   275796 275796 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_359 28 MB 0 0   275292 275292 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_135 28 MB 0 0   275918 275918 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_475 28 MB 0 0   276121 276121 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_30 28 MB 0 0   277469 277469 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_396 28 MB 0 0   276732 276732 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_329 28 MB 0 0   275521 275521 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_187 28 MB 0 0   276644 276644 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_262 28 MB 0 0   275982 275982 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_323 28 MB 0 0   276280 276280 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_163 28 MB 0 0   275863 275863 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_55 28 MB 0 0   276265 276265 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_53 28 MB 0 0   276075 276075 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_332 28 MB 0 0   276373 276373 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_481 28 MB 0 0   277077 277077 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_208 28 MB 0 0   275922 275922 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_49 28 MB 0 0   275979 275979 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_15 28 MB 0 0   276007 276007 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_45 28 MB 0 0   275792 275792 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_449 28 MB 0 0   275928 275928 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_309 28 MB 0 0   275087 275087 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_118 28 MB 0 0   275808 275808 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_438 28 MB 0 0   276791 276791 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_373 28 MB 0 0   276475 276475 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_57 28 MB 0 0   276307 276307 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_3 28 MB 0 0   276059 276059 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_137 28 MB 0 0   275158 275158 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_404 28 MB 0 0   276426 276426 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_495 28 MB 0 0   276505 276505 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_300 28 MB 0 0   275580 275580 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_312 28 MB 0 0   275651 275651 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_14 28 MB 0 0   276124 276124 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_151 28 MB 0 0   276107 276107 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_278 28 MB 0 0   275106 275106 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_224 28 MB 0 0   276424 276424 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_225 28 MB 0 0   276009 276009 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_155 28 MB 0 0   276036 276036 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_28 28 MB 0 0   275811 275811 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_499 28 MB 0 0   275178 275178 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_460 28 MB 0 0   275673 275673 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_354 28 MB 0 0   275976 275976 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_471 28 MB 0 0   275576 275576 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_384 28 MB 0 0   276908 276908 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_280 28 MB 0 0   275748 275748 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_120 28 MB 0 0   275925 275925 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_87 28 MB 0 0   275118 275118 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_94 28 MB 0 0   275261 275261 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_68 28 MB 0 0   275996 275996 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_379 28 MB 0 0   275927 275927 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_171 28 MB 0 0   276094 276094 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_219 28 MB 0 0   276196 276196 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_199 28 MB 0 0   276282 276282 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_141 28 MB 0 0   275592 275592 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_9 28 MB 0 0   275681 275681 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_370 28 MB 0 0   276018 276018 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_267 28 MB 0 0   276712 276712 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_46 28 MB 0 0   276271 276271 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_37 28 MB 0 0   275680 275680 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_18 28 MB 0 0   276804 276804 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_418 28 MB 0 0   275523 275523 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_431 28 MB 0 0   276125 276125 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_35 28 MB 0 0   275979 275979 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_411 28 MB 0 0   275805 275805 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_318 28 MB 0 0   275740 275740 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_203 28 MB 0 0   276368 276368 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_382 28 MB 0 0   275985 275985 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_346 28 MB 0 0   276006 276006 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_132 28 MB 0 0   276323 276323 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_451 28 MB 0 0   276428 276428 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
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public pgbench_accounts_389 28 MB 0 0   275749 275749 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_284 28 MB 0 0   275647 275647 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_250 28 MB 0 0   275548 275548 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
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public pgbench_accounts_331 28 MB 0 0   275305 275305 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_426 28 MB 0 0   275408 275408 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_266 28 MB 0 0   275485 275485 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_96 28 MB 0 0   275275 275275 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_362 28 MB 0 0   275991 275991 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_302 28 MB 0 0   277017 277017 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_144 28 MB 0 0   275277 275277 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_308 28 MB 0 0   275575 275575 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_408 28 MB 0 0   275885 275885 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_297 28 MB 0 0   275944 275944 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_156 28 MB 0 0   275598 275598 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_157 28 MB 0 0   277000 277000 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_281 28 MB 0 0   275955 275955 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_381 28 MB 0 0   275546 275546 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_179 28 MB 0 0   275149 275149 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
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public pgbench_accounts_32 28 MB 0 0   275351 275351 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_241 28 MB 0 0   275827 275827 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_168 28 MB 0 0   274997 274997 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_358 28 MB 0 0   275979 275979 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_99 28 MB 0 0   275784 275784 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_16 28 MB 0 0   276204 276204 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_447 28 MB 0 0   276722 276722 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_83 28 MB 0 0   275441 275441 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_488 28 MB 0 0   277273 277273 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_244 28 MB 0 0   275430 275430 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_56 28 MB 0 0   275933 275933 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_455 28 MB 0 0   275961 275961 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_50 28 MB 0 0   275517 275517 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_181 28 MB 0 0   276955 276955 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_345 28 MB 0 0   276057 276057 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_237 28 MB 0 0   276017 276017 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_313 28 MB 0 0   276064 276064 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_287 28 MB 0 0   276473 276473 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_229 28 MB 0 0   275789 275789 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_424 28 MB 0 0   276014 276014 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_140 28 MB 0 0   275984 275984 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_430 28 MB 0 0   275887 275887 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_78 28 MB 0 0   275988 275988 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_2 28 MB 0 0   276099 276099 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_342 28 MB 0 0   275300 275300 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_128 28 MB 0 0   275976 275976 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_347 28 MB 0 0   275594 275594 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_320 28 MB 0 0   275148 275148 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_31 28 MB 0 0   275452 275452 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_130 28 MB 0 0   276347 276347 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_138 28 MB 0 0   275938 275938 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_470 28 MB 0 0   276064 276064 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_442 28 MB 0 0   277082 277082 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_294 28 MB 0 0   276418 276418 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_378 28 MB 0 0   274276 274276 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_385 28 MB 0 0   276372 276372 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_95 28 MB 0 0   275937 275937 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_452 28 MB 0 0   276579 276579 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_500 28 MB 0 0   275912 275912 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_360 28 MB 0 0   275676 275676 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_166 28 MB 0 0   275493 275493 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_498 28 MB 0 0   276626 276626 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_239 28 MB 0 0   275287 275287 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_432 28 MB 0 0   276970 276970 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_89 28 MB 0 0   275881 275881 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_51 28 MB 0 0   275521 275521 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_415 28 MB 0 0   275840 275840 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_198 28 MB 0 0   276286 276286 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_363 28 MB 0 0   276929 276929 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_221 28 MB 0 0   276526 276526 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_402 28 MB 0 0   275929 275929 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_274 28 MB 0 0   276098 276098 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_170 28 MB 0 0   276935 276935 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_61 28 MB 0 0   275562 275562 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_419 28 MB 0 0   276293 276293 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_72 28 MB 0 0   275514 275514 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_25 28 MB 0 0   275311 275311 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_265 28 MB 0 0   276649 276649 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_467 28 MB 0 0   276535 276535 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_457 28 MB 0 0   276575 276575 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_81 28 MB 0 0   276414 276414 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_104 28 MB 0 0   275585 275585 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_350 28 MB 0 0   276299 276299 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_453 28 MB 0 0   277219 277219 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_205 28 MB 0 0   276611 276611 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_108 28 MB 0 0   276296 276296 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_122 28 MB 0 0   275510 275510 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_26 28 MB 0 0   276071 276071 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_243 28 MB 0 0   275145 275145 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_317 28 MB 0 0   276691 276691 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_482 28 MB 0 0   275667 275667 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_180 28 MB 0 0   275770 275770 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_193 28 MB 0 0   275060 275060 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_197 28 MB 0 0   275283 275283 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_295 28 MB 0 0   275512 275512 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_136 28 MB 0 0   275870 275870 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_185 28 MB 0 0   275910 275910 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_92 28 MB 0 0   275355 275355 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
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public pgbench_accounts_485 28 MB 0 0   275847 275847 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_330 28 MB 0 0   276057 276057 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_98 28 MB 0 0   276105 276105 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_416 28 MB 0 0   275414 275414 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
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public pgbench_accounts_355 28 MB 0 0   275472 275472 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_113 28 MB 0 0   277274 277274 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_47 28 MB 0 0   275225 275225 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_400 28 MB 0 0   275369 275369 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_131 28 MB 0 0   275740 275740 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
public pgbench_accounts_283 28 MB 0 0   276838 276838 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
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public pgbench_accounts_112 28 MB 0 0   276137 276137 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 200000 0 0.00 0 0 0      
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pg_toast pg_toast_2618 456 kB 0 0   22402 56006 2 100.00 0.00 IDX 247 0 0.00 0 0 0      
information_schema sql_features 64 kB 0 0             IDX 716 0 0.00 0 0 0      
pg_toast pg_toast_2619 48 kB 0 0   55 62 1 100.00 0.00 IDX 15 15 100.00 30 0 30 50.00 0.00 50.00
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information_schema sql_sizing 8192 bytes 0 0             IDX 23 0 0.00 0 0 0      
information_schema sql_languages 8192 bytes 0 0             IDX 4 0 0.00 0 0 0      
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information_schema sql_parts 8192 bytes 0 0             IDX 9 0 0.00 0 0 0      
information_schema sql_packages 8192 bytes 0 0             IDX 10 0 0.00 0 0 0      
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pg_toast pg_toast_3079 0 bytes 0 0   0 0       IDX 0 0   0 0 0      
pg_toast pg_toast_1213 0 bytes 0 0   0 0       IDX 0 0   0 0 0      
pg_toast pg_toast_3350 0 bytes 0 0   0 0       IDX 0 0   0 0 0      
pg_toast pg_toast_1136 0 bytes 0 0   0 0       IDX 0 0   0 0 0      
pg_toast pg_toast_2600 0 bytes 0 0   0 0       IDX 0 0   0 0 0      
pg_toast pg_toast_6000 0 bytes 0 0   0 0       IDX 0 0   0 0 0      
pg_toast pg_toast_14174 0 bytes 0 0   0 0       IDX 0 0   0 0 0      
pg_toast pg_toast_3600 0 bytes 0 0   0 0       IDX 0 0   0 0 0      
pg_toast pg_toast_14169 0 bytes 0 0   0 0       IDX 0 0   0 0 0      
pg_toast pg_toast_3429 0 bytes 0 0   0 0       IDX 0 0   0 0 0      
pg_toast pg_toast_14149 0 bytes 0 0   0 0       IDX 0 0   0 0 0      
public pgbench_history 0 bytes 0 0             IDX 0 0   0 0 0      
pg_toast pg_toast_1262 0 bytes 0 0   0 0       IDX 0 0   0 0 0      
pg_toast pg_toast_14159 0 bytes 0 0   0 0       IDX 0 0   0 0 0      
pg_toast pg_toast_3592 0 bytes 0 0   0 0       IDX 0 0   0 0 0      
pg_toast pg_toast_14179 0 bytes 0 0   0 0       IDX 0 0   0 0 0      
pg_toast pg_toast_1417 0 bytes 0 0   0 0       IDX 0 0   0 0 0      
pg_toast pg_toast_1260 0 bytes 0 0   0 0       IDX 0 0   0 0 0      
pg_toast pg_toast_2615 0 bytes 0 0   0 0       IDX 0 0   0 0 0      
pg_toast pg_toast_1247 0 bytes 0 0   0 0       IDX 0 0   0 0 0      
pg_toast pg_toast_2609 0 bytes 0 0   0 0       IDX 0 0   0 0 0      
pg_toast pg_toast_3456 0 bytes 0 0   0 0       IDX 0 0   0 0 0      
pg_toast pg_toast_3381 0 bytes 0 0   0 0       IDX 0 0   0 0 0      
pg_toast pg_toast_3256 0 bytes 0 0   0 0       IDX 0 0   0 0 0      
pg_toast pg_toast_3394 0 bytes 0 0   0 0       IDX 0 0   0 0 0      
pg_toast pg_toast_3118 0 bytes 0 0   0 0       IDX 0 0   0 0 0      
pg_toast pg_toast_3596 0 bytes 0 0   0 0       IDX 0 0   0 0 0      
information_schema sql_sizing_profiles 0 bytes 0 0             IDX 0 0   0 0 0      
pg_toast pg_toast_2612 0 bytes 0 0   0 0       IDX 0 0   0 0 0      
pg_toast pg_toast_1418 0 bytes 0 0   0 0       IDX 0 0   0 0 0      
pg_toast pg_toast_2620 0 bytes 0 0   0 0       IDX 0 0   0 0 0      
pg_toast pg_toast_2396 0 bytes 0 0   0 0       IDX 0 0   0 0 0      
pg_toast pg_toast_1255 0 bytes 0 0   0 0       IDX 0 0   0 0 0      
pg_toast pg_toast_826 0 bytes 0 0   0 0       IDX 0 0   0 0 0      
pg_toast pg_toast_2328 0 bytes 0 0   0 0       IDX 0 0   0 0 0      
pg_toast pg_toast_14164 0 bytes 0 0   0 0       IDX 0 0   0 0 0      
pg_toast pg_toast_2964 0 bytes 0 0   0 0       IDX 0 0   0 0 0      
pg_toast pg_toast_6100 0 bytes 0 0   0 0       IDX 0 0   0 0 0      
pg_toast pg_toast_2604 0 bytes 0 0   0 0       IDX 0 0   0 0 0      
pg_toast pg_toast_3466 0 bytes 0 0   0 0       IDX 0 0   0 0 0      
pg_toast pg_toast_2606 0 bytes 0 0   0 0       IDX 0 0   0 0 0      

Tables have more full table scan than index scan :

schema_name Table_Name Table_Size total_fts_scan total_fts_num_rows_reads fts_rows_per_read total_idx_scan total_idx_num_rows_read idx_rows_per_read IDX_scan_% FTS_scan_% access_profile n_live_tup n_dead_tup dead_tup_% n_tup_ins n_tup_upd n_tup_del tup_ins_% tup_upd_% tup_del_%

Unused Indexes

schemaname tablename indexname idx_scan index_size pretty_index_size
public pgbench_tellers pgbench_tellers_pkey 0 245760 240 kB
public pgbench_branches pgbench_branches_pkey 0 40960 40 kB
pg_toast pg_toast_3456 pg_toast_3456_index 0 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_2606 pg_toast_2606_index 0 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_826 pg_toast_826_index 0 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_2609 pg_toast_2609_index 0 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_3466 pg_toast_3466_index 0 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_3079 pg_toast_3079_index 0 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_2328 pg_toast_2328_index 0 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_1417 pg_toast_1417_index 0 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_3118 pg_toast_3118_index 0 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_3394 pg_toast_3394_index 0 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_2612 pg_toast_2612_index 0 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_2615 pg_toast_2615_index 0 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_3350 pg_toast_3350_index 0 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_3256 pg_toast_3256_index 0 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_1255 pg_toast_1255_index 0 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_3596 pg_toast_3596_index 0 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_3381 pg_toast_3381_index 0 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_3429 pg_toast_3429_index 0 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_2620 pg_toast_2620_index 0 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_3600 pg_toast_3600_index 0 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_1247 pg_toast_1247_index 0 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_1418 pg_toast_1418_index 0 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_1260 pg_toast_1260_index 0 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_1262 pg_toast_1262_index 0 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_2964 pg_toast_2964_index 0 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_1136 pg_toast_1136_index 0 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_6000 pg_toast_6000_index 0 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_2396 pg_toast_2396_index 0 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_3592 pg_toast_3592_index 0 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_6100 pg_toast_6100_index 0 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_1213 pg_toast_1213_index 0 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_14149 pg_toast_14149_index 0 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_14154 pg_toast_14154_index 0 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_14159 pg_toast_14159_index 0 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_2600 pg_toast_2600_index 0 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_14169 pg_toast_14169_index 0 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_14174 pg_toast_14174_index 0 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_14179 pg_toast_14179_index 0 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_14164 pg_toast_14164_index 0 8192 8192 bytes
pg_toast pg_toast_2604 pg_toast_2604_index 0 8192 8192 bytes

Index Access Profile

schemaname Table_Name indexname index_size idx_scan idx_tup_read idx_tup_fetch
public pgbench_accounts_378 pgbench_accounts_378_pkey 4408 kB 274276 274276 274276
public pgbench_accounts_421 pgbench_accounts_421_pkey 4408 kB 274745 274745 274745
public pgbench_accounts_414 pgbench_accounts_414_pkey 4408 kB 274782 274782 274782
public pgbench_accounts_496 pgbench_accounts_496_pkey 4408 kB 274785 274785 274785
public pgbench_accounts_483 pgbench_accounts_483_pkey 4408 kB 274808 274808 274808
public pgbench_accounts_226 pgbench_accounts_226_pkey 4408 kB 274874 274874 274874
public pgbench_accounts_325 pgbench_accounts_325_pkey 4408 kB 274904 274904 274904
public pgbench_accounts_27 pgbench_accounts_27_pkey 4408 kB 274949 274949 274949
public pgbench_accounts_85 pgbench_accounts_85_pkey 4408 kB 274958 274958 274958
public pgbench_accounts_217 pgbench_accounts_217_pkey 4408 kB 274960 274960 274960
public pgbench_accounts_168 pgbench_accounts_168_pkey 4408 kB 274997 274997 274997
public pgbench_accounts_186 pgbench_accounts_186_pkey 4408 kB 275013 275013 275013
public pgbench_accounts_365 pgbench_accounts_365_pkey 4408 kB 275020 275020 275020
public pgbench_accounts_276 pgbench_accounts_276_pkey 4408 kB 275024 275024 275024
public pgbench_accounts_39 pgbench_accounts_39_pkey 4408 kB 275031 275031 275031
public pgbench_accounts_216 pgbench_accounts_216_pkey 4408 kB 275037 275037 275037
public pgbench_accounts_1 pgbench_accounts_1_pkey 4408 kB 275040 275040 275040
public pgbench_accounts_193 pgbench_accounts_193_pkey 4408 kB 275060 275060 275060
public pgbench_accounts_439 pgbench_accounts_439_pkey 4408 kB 275069 275069 275069
public pgbench_accounts_86 pgbench_accounts_86_pkey 4408 kB 275084 275084 275084
public pgbench_accounts_480 pgbench_accounts_480_pkey 4408 kB 275086 275086 275086
public pgbench_accounts_309 pgbench_accounts_309_pkey 4408 kB 275087 275087 275087
public pgbench_accounts_231 pgbench_accounts_231_pkey 4408 kB 275088 275088 275088
public pgbench_accounts_376 pgbench_accounts_376_pkey 4408 kB 275094 275094 275094
public pgbench_accounts_278 pgbench_accounts_278_pkey 4408 kB 275106 275106 275106
public pgbench_accounts_87 pgbench_accounts_87_pkey 4408 kB 275118 275118 275118
public pgbench_accounts_165 pgbench_accounts_165_pkey 4408 kB 275139 275139 275139
public pgbench_accounts_463 pgbench_accounts_463_pkey 4408 kB 275145 275145 275145
public pgbench_accounts_243 pgbench_accounts_243_pkey 4408 kB 275145 275145 275145
public pgbench_accounts_320 pgbench_accounts_320_pkey 4408 kB 275148 275148 275148
public pgbench_accounts_179 pgbench_accounts_179_pkey 4408 kB 275149 275149 275149
public pgbench_accounts_80 pgbench_accounts_80_pkey 4408 kB 275152 275152 275152
public pgbench_accounts_137 pgbench_accounts_137_pkey 4408 kB 275158 275158 275158
public pgbench_accounts_472 pgbench_accounts_472_pkey 4408 kB 275159 275159 275159
public pgbench_accounts_230 pgbench_accounts_230_pkey 4408 kB 275170 275170 275170
public pgbench_accounts_24 pgbench_accounts_24_pkey 4408 kB 275178 275178 275178
public pgbench_accounts_499 pgbench_accounts_499_pkey 4408 kB 275178 275178 275178
public pgbench_accounts_69 pgbench_accounts_69_pkey 4408 kB 275183 275183 275183
public pgbench_accounts_477 pgbench_accounts_477_pkey 4408 kB 275197 275197 275197
public pgbench_accounts_134 pgbench_accounts_134_pkey 4408 kB 275201 275201 275201
public pgbench_accounts_319 pgbench_accounts_319_pkey 4408 kB 275211 275211 275211
public pgbench_accounts_407 pgbench_accounts_407_pkey 4408 kB 275217 275217 275217
public pgbench_accounts_337 pgbench_accounts_337_pkey 4408 kB 275220 275220 275220
public pgbench_accounts_47 pgbench_accounts_47_pkey 4408 kB 275225 275225 275225
public pgbench_accounts_93 pgbench_accounts_93_pkey 4408 kB 275239 275239 275239
public pgbench_accounts_65 pgbench_accounts_65_pkey 4408 kB 275246 275246 275246
public pgbench_accounts_94 pgbench_accounts_94_pkey 4408 kB 275261 275261 275261
public pgbench_accounts_158 pgbench_accounts_158_pkey 4408 kB 275264 275264 275264
public pgbench_accounts_473 pgbench_accounts_473_pkey 4408 kB 275267 275267 275267
public pgbench_accounts_434 pgbench_accounts_434_pkey 4408 kB 275269 275269 275269
public pgbench_accounts_392 pgbench_accounts_392_pkey 4408 kB 275269 275269 275269
public pgbench_accounts_96 pgbench_accounts_96_pkey 4408 kB 275275 275275 275275
public pgbench_accounts_144 pgbench_accounts_144_pkey 4408 kB 275277 275277 275277
public pgbench_accounts_5 pgbench_accounts_5_pkey 4408 kB 275283 275283 275283
public pgbench_accounts_197 pgbench_accounts_197_pkey 4408 kB 275283 275283 275283
public pgbench_accounts_478 pgbench_accounts_478_pkey 4408 kB 275285 275285 275285
public pgbench_accounts_239 pgbench_accounts_239_pkey 4408 kB 275287 275287 275287
public pgbench_accounts_359 pgbench_accounts_359_pkey 4408 kB 275292 275292 275292
public pgbench_accounts_372 pgbench_accounts_372_pkey 4408 kB 275298 275298 275298
public pgbench_accounts_342 pgbench_accounts_342_pkey 4408 kB 275300 275300 275300
public pgbench_accounts_331 pgbench_accounts_331_pkey 4408 kB 275305 275305 275305
public pgbench_accounts_386 pgbench_accounts_386_pkey 4408 kB 275305 275305 275305
public pgbench_accounts_191 pgbench_accounts_191_pkey 4408 kB 275307 275307 275307
public pgbench_accounts_25 pgbench_accounts_25_pkey 4408 kB 275311 275311 275311
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public pgbench_accounts_34 pgbench_accounts_34_pkey 4408 kB 275335 275335 275335
public pgbench_accounts_405 pgbench_accounts_405_pkey 4408 kB 275340 275340 275340
public pgbench_accounts_256 pgbench_accounts_256_pkey 4408 kB 275341 275341 275341
public pgbench_accounts_126 pgbench_accounts_126_pkey 4408 kB 275344 275344 275344
public pgbench_accounts_397 pgbench_accounts_397_pkey 4408 kB 275345 275345 275345
public pgbench_accounts_445 pgbench_accounts_445_pkey 4408 kB 275347 275347 275347
public pgbench_accounts_32 pgbench_accounts_32_pkey 4408 kB 275351 275351 275351
public pgbench_accounts_223 pgbench_accounts_223_pkey 4408 kB 275351 275351 275351
public pgbench_accounts_92 pgbench_accounts_92_pkey 4408 kB 275355 275355 275355
public pgbench_accounts_361 pgbench_accounts_361_pkey 4408 kB 275357 275357 275357
public pgbench_accounts_8 pgbench_accounts_8_pkey 4408 kB 275366 275366 275366
public pgbench_accounts_36 pgbench_accounts_36_pkey 4408 kB 275368 275368 275368
public pgbench_accounts_167 pgbench_accounts_167_pkey 4408 kB 275368 275368 275368
public pgbench_accounts_400 pgbench_accounts_400_pkey 4408 kB 275369 275369 275369
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public pgbench_accounts_469 pgbench_accounts_469_pkey 4408 kB 275394 275394 275394
public pgbench_accounts_282 pgbench_accounts_282_pkey 4408 kB 275394 275394 275394
public pgbench_accounts_218 pgbench_accounts_218_pkey 4408 kB 275396 275396 275396
public pgbench_accounts_123 pgbench_accounts_123_pkey 4408 kB 275402 275402 275402
public pgbench_accounts_175 pgbench_accounts_175_pkey 4408 kB 275408 275408 275408
public pgbench_accounts_426 pgbench_accounts_426_pkey 4408 kB 275408 275408 275408
public pgbench_accounts_416 pgbench_accounts_416_pkey 4408 kB 275414 275414 275414
public pgbench_accounts_190 pgbench_accounts_190_pkey 4408 kB 275414 275414 275414
public pgbench_accounts_127 pgbench_accounts_127_pkey 4408 kB 275419 275419 275419
public pgbench_accounts_462 pgbench_accounts_462_pkey 4408 kB 275421 275421 275421
public pgbench_accounts_204 pgbench_accounts_204_pkey 4408 kB 275422 275422 275422
public pgbench_accounts_183 pgbench_accounts_183_pkey 4408 kB 275427 275427 275427
public pgbench_accounts_441 pgbench_accounts_441_pkey 4408 kB 275429 275429 275429
public pgbench_accounts_244 pgbench_accounts_244_pkey 4408 kB 275430 275430 275430
public pgbench_accounts_425 pgbench_accounts_425_pkey 4408 kB 275433 275433 275433
public pgbench_accounts_83 pgbench_accounts_83_pkey 4408 kB 275441 275441 275441
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public pgbench_accounts_29 pgbench_accounts_29_pkey 4408 kB 275455 275455 275455
public pgbench_accounts_169 pgbench_accounts_169_pkey 4408 kB 275455 275455 275455
public pgbench_accounts_422 pgbench_accounts_422_pkey 4408 kB 275464 275464 275464
public pgbench_accounts_142 pgbench_accounts_142_pkey 4408 kB 275466 275466 275466
public pgbench_accounts_355 pgbench_accounts_355_pkey 4408 kB 275472 275472 275472
public pgbench_accounts_401 pgbench_accounts_401_pkey 4408 kB 275477 275477 275477
public pgbench_accounts_266 pgbench_accounts_266_pkey 4408 kB 275485 275485 275485
public pgbench_accounts_316 pgbench_accounts_316_pkey 4408 kB 275488 275488 275488
public pgbench_accounts_298 pgbench_accounts_298_pkey 4408 kB 275489 275489 275489
public pgbench_accounts_166 pgbench_accounts_166_pkey 4408 kB 275493 275493 275493
public pgbench_accounts_497 pgbench_accounts_497_pkey 4408 kB 275498 275498 275498
public pgbench_accounts_212 pgbench_accounts_212_pkey 4408 kB 275501 275501 275501
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public pgbench_accounts_295 pgbench_accounts_295_pkey 4408 kB 275512 275512 275512
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public pgbench_accounts_51 pgbench_accounts_51_pkey 4408 kB 275521 275521 275521
public pgbench_accounts_329 pgbench_accounts_329_pkey 4408 kB 275521 275521 275521
public pgbench_accounts_285 pgbench_accounts_285_pkey 4408 kB 275521 275521 275521
public pgbench_accounts_418 pgbench_accounts_418_pkey 4408 kB 275523 275523 275523
public pgbench_accounts_11 pgbench_accounts_11_pkey 4408 kB 275527 275527 275527
public pgbench_accounts_109 pgbench_accounts_109_pkey 4408 kB 275532 275532 275532
public pgbench_accounts_293 pgbench_accounts_293_pkey 4408 kB 275539 275539 275539
public pgbench_accounts_291 pgbench_accounts_291_pkey 4408 kB 275542 275542 275542
public pgbench_accounts_428 pgbench_accounts_428_pkey 4408 kB 275544 275544 275544
public pgbench_accounts_381 pgbench_accounts_381_pkey 4408 kB 275546 275546 275546
public pgbench_accounts_494 pgbench_accounts_494_pkey 4408 kB 275547 275547 275547
public pgbench_accounts_250 pgbench_accounts_250_pkey 4408 kB 275548 275548 275548
public pgbench_accounts_491 pgbench_accounts_491_pkey 4408 kB 275554 275554 275554
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public pgbench_accounts_61 pgbench_accounts_61_pkey 4408 kB 275562 275562 275562
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public pgbench_accounts_308 pgbench_accounts_308_pkey 4408 kB 275575 275575 275575
public pgbench_accounts_471 pgbench_accounts_471_pkey 4408 kB 275576 275576 275576
public pgbench_accounts_296 pgbench_accounts_296_pkey 4408 kB 275578 275578 275578
public pgbench_accounts_159 pgbench_accounts_159_pkey 4408 kB 275579 275579 275579
public pgbench_accounts_300 pgbench_accounts_300_pkey 4408 kB 275580 275580 275580
public pgbench_accounts_104 pgbench_accounts_104_pkey 4408 kB 275585 275585 275585
public pgbench_accounts_409 pgbench_accounts_409_pkey 4408 kB 275592 275592 275592
public pgbench_accounts_141 pgbench_accounts_141_pkey 4408 kB 275592 275592 275592
public pgbench_accounts_347 pgbench_accounts_347_pkey 4408 kB 275594 275594 275594
public pgbench_accounts_156 pgbench_accounts_156_pkey 4408 kB 275598 275598 275598
public pgbench_accounts_353 pgbench_accounts_353_pkey 4408 kB 275615 275615 275615
public pgbench_accounts_341 pgbench_accounts_341_pkey 4408 kB 275617 275617 275617
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public pgbench_accounts_413 pgbench_accounts_413_pkey 4408 kB 275654 275654 275654
public pgbench_accounts_343 pgbench_accounts_343_pkey 4408 kB 275662 275662 275662
public pgbench_accounts_482 pgbench_accounts_482_pkey 4408 kB 275667 275667 275667
public pgbench_accounts_383 pgbench_accounts_383_pkey 4408 kB 275669 275669 275669
public pgbench_accounts_357 pgbench_accounts_357_pkey 4408 kB 275670 275670 275670
public pgbench_accounts_63 pgbench_accounts_63_pkey 4408 kB 275673 275673 275673
public pgbench_accounts_460 pgbench_accounts_460_pkey 4408 kB 275673 275673 275673
public pgbench_accounts_360 pgbench_accounts_360_pkey 4408 kB 275676 275676 275676
public pgbench_accounts_37 pgbench_accounts_37_pkey 4408 kB 275680 275680 275680
public pgbench_accounts_9 pgbench_accounts_9_pkey 4408 kB 275681 275681 275681
public pgbench_accounts_369 pgbench_accounts_369_pkey 4408 kB 275684 275684 275684
public pgbench_accounts_84 pgbench_accounts_84_pkey 4408 kB 275688 275688 275688
public pgbench_accounts_153 pgbench_accounts_153_pkey 4408 kB 275690 275690 275690
public pgbench_accounts_10 pgbench_accounts_10_pkey 4408 kB 275691 275691 275691
public pgbench_accounts_20 pgbench_accounts_20_pkey 4408 kB 275704 275704 275704
public pgbench_accounts_102 pgbench_accounts_102_pkey 4408 kB 275714 275714 275714
public pgbench_accounts_111 pgbench_accounts_111_pkey 4408 kB 275716 275716 275716
public pgbench_accounts_59 pgbench_accounts_59_pkey 4408 kB 275720 275720 275720
public pgbench_accounts_399 pgbench_accounts_399_pkey 4408 kB 275721 275721 275721
public pgbench_accounts_188 pgbench_accounts_188_pkey 4408 kB 275727 275727 275727
public pgbench_accounts_270 pgbench_accounts_270_pkey 4408 kB 275728 275728 275728
public pgbench_accounts_324 pgbench_accounts_324_pkey 4408 kB 275736 275736 275736
public pgbench_accounts_71 pgbench_accounts_71_pkey 4408 kB 275740 275740 275740
public pgbench_accounts_318 pgbench_accounts_318_pkey 4408 kB 275740 275740 275740
public pgbench_accounts_131 pgbench_accounts_131_pkey 4408 kB 275740 275740 275740
public pgbench_accounts_292 pgbench_accounts_292_pkey 4408 kB 275741 275741 275741
public pgbench_accounts_315 pgbench_accounts_315_pkey 4408 kB 275746 275746 275746
public pgbench_accounts_280 pgbench_accounts_280_pkey 4408 kB 275748 275748 275748
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public pgbench_accounts_145 pgbench_accounts_145_pkey 4408 kB 276617 276617 276617
public pgbench_accounts_446 pgbench_accounts_446_pkey 4408 kB 276618 276618 276618
public pgbench_accounts_227 pgbench_accounts_227_pkey 4408 kB 276623 276623 276623
public pgbench_accounts_498 pgbench_accounts_498_pkey 4408 kB 276626 276626 276626
public pgbench_accounts_187 pgbench_accounts_187_pkey 4408 kB 276644 276644 276644
public pgbench_accounts_265 pgbench_accounts_265_pkey 4408 kB 276649 276649 276649
public pgbench_accounts_161 pgbench_accounts_161_pkey 4408 kB 276654 276654 276654
public pgbench_accounts_107 pgbench_accounts_107_pkey 4408 kB 276677 276677 276677
public pgbench_accounts_176 pgbench_accounts_176_pkey 4408 kB 276681 276681 276681
public pgbench_accounts_317 pgbench_accounts_317_pkey 4408 kB 276691 276691 276691
public pgbench_accounts_115 pgbench_accounts_115_pkey 4408 kB 276691 276691 276691
public pgbench_accounts_435 pgbench_accounts_435_pkey 4408 kB 276700 276700 276700
public pgbench_accounts_77 pgbench_accounts_77_pkey 4408 kB 276701 276701 276701
public pgbench_accounts_492 pgbench_accounts_492_pkey 4408 kB 276705 276705 276705
public pgbench_accounts_267 pgbench_accounts_267_pkey 4408 kB 276712 276712 276712
public pgbench_accounts_437 pgbench_accounts_437_pkey 4408 kB 276716 276716 276716
public pgbench_accounts_447 pgbench_accounts_447_pkey 4408 kB 276722 276722 276722
public pgbench_accounts_351 pgbench_accounts_351_pkey 4408 kB 276729 276729 276729
public pgbench_accounts_396 pgbench_accounts_396_pkey 4408 kB 276732 276732 276732
public pgbench_accounts_21 pgbench_accounts_21_pkey 4408 kB 276743 276743 276743
public pgbench_accounts_105 pgbench_accounts_105_pkey 4408 kB 276753 276753 276753
public pgbench_accounts_301 pgbench_accounts_301_pkey 4408 kB 276767 276767 276767
public pgbench_accounts_54 pgbench_accounts_54_pkey 4408 kB 276777 276777 276777
public pgbench_accounts_338 pgbench_accounts_338_pkey 4408 kB 276786 276786 276786
public pgbench_accounts_438 pgbench_accounts_438_pkey 4408 kB 276791 276791 276791
public pgbench_accounts_273 pgbench_accounts_273_pkey 4408 kB 276792 276792 276792
public pgbench_accounts_13 pgbench_accounts_13_pkey 4408 kB 276797 276797 276797
public pgbench_accounts_18 pgbench_accounts_18_pkey 4408 kB 276804 276804 276804
public pgbench_accounts_433 pgbench_accounts_433_pkey 4408 kB 276808 276808 276808
public pgbench_accounts_150 pgbench_accounts_150_pkey 4408 kB 276825 276825 276825
public pgbench_accounts_283 pgbench_accounts_283_pkey 4408 kB 276838 276838 276838
public pgbench_accounts_248 pgbench_accounts_248_pkey 4408 kB 276854 276854 276854
public pgbench_accounts_257 pgbench_accounts_257_pkey 4408 kB 276860 276860 276860
public pgbench_accounts_79 pgbench_accounts_79_pkey 4408 kB 276873 276873 276873
public pgbench_accounts_82 pgbench_accounts_82_pkey 4408 kB 276882 276882 276882
public pgbench_accounts_493 pgbench_accounts_493_pkey 4408 kB 276896 276896 276896
public pgbench_accounts_384 pgbench_accounts_384_pkey 4408 kB 276908 276908 276908
public pgbench_accounts_363 pgbench_accounts_363_pkey 4408 kB 276929 276929 276929
public pgbench_accounts_170 pgbench_accounts_170_pkey 4408 kB 276935 276935 276935
public pgbench_accounts_333 pgbench_accounts_333_pkey 4408 kB 276950 276950 276950
public pgbench_accounts_181 pgbench_accounts_181_pkey 4408 kB 276955 276955 276955
public pgbench_accounts_432 pgbench_accounts_432_pkey 4408 kB 276970 276970 276970
public pgbench_accounts_253 pgbench_accounts_253_pkey 4408 kB 276984 276984 276984
public pgbench_accounts_195 pgbench_accounts_195_pkey 4408 kB 276994 276994 276994
public pgbench_accounts_157 pgbench_accounts_157_pkey 4408 kB 277000 277000 277000
public pgbench_accounts_240 pgbench_accounts_240_pkey 4408 kB 277015 277015 277015
public pgbench_accounts_302 pgbench_accounts_302_pkey 4408 kB 277017 277017 277017
public pgbench_accounts_481 pgbench_accounts_481_pkey 4408 kB 277077 277077 277077
public pgbench_accounts_468 pgbench_accounts_468_pkey 4408 kB 277081 277081 277081
public pgbench_accounts_442 pgbench_accounts_442_pkey 4408 kB 277082 277082 277082
public pgbench_accounts_299 pgbench_accounts_299_pkey 4408 kB 277178 277178 277178
public pgbench_accounts_453 pgbench_accounts_453_pkey 4408 kB 277219 277219 277219
public pgbench_accounts_129 pgbench_accounts_129_pkey 4408 kB 277220 277220 277220
public pgbench_accounts_488 pgbench_accounts_488_pkey 4408 kB 277273 277273 277273
public pgbench_accounts_113 pgbench_accounts_113_pkey 4408 kB 277274 277274 277274
public pgbench_accounts_30 pgbench_accounts_30_pkey 4408 kB 277469 277469 277469
pg_toast pg_toast_2619 pg_toast_2619_index 16 kB 55 62 62
pg_toast pg_toast_2618 pg_toast_2618_index 16 kB 22402 56006 56006

Fragmentation (Bloat)

Tables and indexes Bloat [Fragmentation] order by table wasted size :

current_database schemaname tablename table_bloat_% wastedbytes table_wasted_size index_nam Index_bloat_% wastedibytes index_wasted_size
postgres public pgbench_accounts_420 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_420_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_481 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_481_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_482 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_482_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_483 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_483_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_484 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_484_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_485 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_485_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_486 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_486_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_487 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_487_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_488 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_488_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_489 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_489_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_49 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_49_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_490 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_490_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_491 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_491_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_492 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_492_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_493 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_493_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_494 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_494_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_495 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_495_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_496 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_496_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_497 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_497_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_498 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_498_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_499 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_499_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_5 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_5_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_50 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_50_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_500 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_500_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_51 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_51_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_52 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_52_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_53 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_53_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_54 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_54_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_55 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_55_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_56 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_56_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_57 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_57_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_58 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_58_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_59 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_59_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_6 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_6_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_60 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_60_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_61 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_61_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_62 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_62_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_63 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_63_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_64 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_64_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_65 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_65_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_66 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_66_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_67 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_67_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_68 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_68_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_69 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_69_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_7 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_7_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_70 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_70_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_71 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_71_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_72 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_72_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_73 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_73_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_74 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_74_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_75 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_75_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_76 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_76_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_77 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_77_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_78 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_78_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_79 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_79_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_8 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_8_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_80 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_80_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_81 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_81_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
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postgres public pgbench_accounts_87 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_87_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_88 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_88_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_89 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_89_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_9 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_9_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
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postgres public pgbench_accounts_96 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_96_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
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postgres public pgbench_accounts_98 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_98_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
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postgres public pgbench_accounts_1 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_1_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
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postgres public pgbench_accounts_118 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_118_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
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postgres public pgbench_accounts_123 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_123_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_124 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_124_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_125 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_125_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
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postgres public pgbench_accounts_130 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_130_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_131 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_131_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
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postgres pg_catalog pg_cast 1.0 0 0 bytes pg_cast_source_target_index 2.0 8192 8192 bytes
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postgres pg_catalog pg_collation 1.0 0 0 bytes pg_collation_oid_index 0.2 0 0 bytes
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postgres pg_catalog pg_constraint 0.9 0 0 bytes pg_constraint_contypid_index 0.6 0 0 bytes
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postgres pg_catalog pg_constraint 0.9 0 0 bytes pg_constraint_conparentid_index 0.4 0 0 bytes
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postgres pg_catalog pg_opclass 1.0 0 0 bytes pg_opclass_oid_index 1.0 0 0 bytes
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postgres pg_catalog pg_type 1.0 0 0 bytes pg_type_typname_nsp_index 0.6 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts 0.0 0 0 bytes ? 0.0 0 0 bytes
postgres pg_catalog pg_aggregate 1.0 0 0 bytes pg_aggregate_fnoid_index 1.0 0 0 bytes
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postgres pg_catalog pg_auth_members 1.0 0 0 bytes pg_auth_members_member_role_index 2.0 8192 8192 bytes

Tables and indexes Bloat [Fragmentation] order by table wasted % :

current_database schemaname tablename table_bloat_% wastedbytes table_wasted_size index_nam Index_bloat_% wastedibytes index_wasted_size
postgres pg_catalog pg_conversion 1.5 8192 8192 bytes pg_conversion_default_index 1.0 0 0 bytes
postgres pg_catalog pg_conversion 1.5 8192 8192 bytes pg_conversion_oid_index 1.0 0 0 bytes
postgres pg_catalog pg_conversion 1.5 8192 8192 bytes pg_conversion_name_nsp_index 1.0 0 0 bytes
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postgres public pgbench_branches 0.6 0 0 bytes pgbench_branches_pkey 0.0 8192 8192 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts 0.0 0 0 bytes ? 0.0 0 0 bytes

Tables and indexes Bloat [Fragmentation] order by index wasted % :

current_database schemaname tablename table_bloat_% wastedbytes table_wasted_size index_nam Index_bloat_% wastedibytes index_wasted_size
postgres pg_catalog pg_inherits 1.0 0 0 bytes pg_inherits_relid_seqno_index 2.5 24576 24 kB
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postgres public pgbench_accounts_53 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_53_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_54 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_54_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_55 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_55_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_56 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_56_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_57 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_57_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_58 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_58_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_59 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_59_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_6 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_6_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_60 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_60_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_61 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_61_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_62 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_62_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_63 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_63_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_64 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_64_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_65 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_65_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_66 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_66_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_67 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_67_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_68 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_68_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_69 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_69_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_7 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_7_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_70 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_70_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_71 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_71_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_72 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_72_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_73 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_73_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_74 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_74_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_75 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_75_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_76 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_76_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_77 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_77_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_78 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_78_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_79 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_79_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_8 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_8_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_80 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_80_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_81 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_81_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_82 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_82_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_83 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_83_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_84 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_84_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_85 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_85_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_86 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_86_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_87 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_87_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_88 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_88_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_89 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_89_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_9 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_9_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_90 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_90_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_91 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_91_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_92 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_92_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_93 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_93_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts_94 1.2 4128768 4032 kB pgbench_accounts_94_pkey 0.2 0 0 bytes
postgres pg_catalog pg_class 1.1 73728 72 kB pg_class_tblspc_relfilenode_index 0.1 0 0 bytes
postgres pg_catalog pg_class 1.1 73728 72 kB pg_class_oid_index 0.1 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_accounts 0.0 0 0 bytes ? 0.0 0 0 bytes
postgres public pgbench_branches 0.6 0 0 bytes pgbench_branches_pkey 0.0 8192 8192 bytes
postgres public pgbench_tellers 0.8 0 0 bytes pgbench_tellers_pkey 0.0 8192 8192 bytes

Toast Tables Mapping

table_name toast_name toast_size
pg_pltemplate pg_toast_1136 0 bytes
pg_tablespace pg_toast_1213 0 bytes
pg_type pg_toast_1247 0 bytes
pg_proc pg_toast_1255 0 bytes
pg_authid pg_toast_1260 0 bytes
pg_database pg_toast_1262 0 bytes
sql_features pg_toast_14149 0 bytes
sql_implementation_info pg_toast_14154 0 bytes
sql_languages pg_toast_14159 0 bytes
sql_packages pg_toast_14164 0 bytes
sql_parts pg_toast_14169 0 bytes
pg_foreign_server pg_toast_1417 0 bytes
sql_sizing pg_toast_14174 0 bytes
sql_sizing_profiles pg_toast_14179 0 bytes
pg_user_mapping pg_toast_1418 0 bytes
pg_foreign_data_wrapper pg_toast_2328 0 bytes
pg_shdescription pg_toast_2396 0 bytes
pg_aggregate pg_toast_2600 0 bytes
pg_attrdef pg_toast_2604 0 bytes
pg_constraint pg_toast_2606 0 bytes
pg_description pg_toast_2609 0 bytes
pg_language pg_toast_2612 0 bytes
pg_namespace pg_toast_2615 0 bytes
pg_rewrite pg_toast_2618 456 kB
pg_statistic pg_toast_2619 48 kB
pg_trigger pg_toast_2620 0 bytes
pg_db_role_setting pg_toast_2964 0 bytes
pg_extension pg_toast_3079 0 bytes
pg_foreign_table pg_toast_3118 0 bytes
pg_policy pg_toast_3256 0 bytes
pg_partitioned_table pg_toast_3350 0 bytes
pg_statistic_ext pg_toast_3381 0 bytes
pg_init_privs pg_toast_3394 0 bytes
pg_statistic_ext_data pg_toast_3429 0 bytes
pg_collation pg_toast_3456 0 bytes
pg_event_trigger pg_toast_3466 0 bytes
pg_shseclabel pg_toast_3592 0 bytes
pg_seclabel pg_toast_3596 0 bytes
pg_ts_dict pg_toast_3600 0 bytes
pg_replication_origin pg_toast_6000 0 bytes
pg_subscription pg_toast_6100 0 bytes
pg_default_acl pg_toast_826 0 bytes

Replication slot

Active replication slots :

slot_name plugin slot_type datoid database temporary active active_pid xmin catalog_xmin restart_lsn confirmed_flush_lsn

Inactive replication slots :

slot_name plugin slot_type datoid database temporary active active_pid xmin catalog_xmin restart_lsn confirmed_flush_lsn


RDS Postgres instance storage may get full because inactive replication slots were not removed after DMS task completed

If replication slot is created and it becomes in-active, then transaction logs wont recycle from master instance. So eventually storage gets full

These replication slots can be cleaned as below

Drop inactive replication slot :

Use the below SQL to Generate SQL to drop the inactive slots

select select pg_drop_replication_slot('||slot_name||'); from pg_replication_slots where active = false;

then Verify the CLoudWatch metrics Free Storage Space to confirm that disk space was released


active sessions monitor

usename pid xact_duration query_duration query state wait_event

Orphaned prepared transactions

gid prepared owner database xmin


During two-phase commit, a distributed transaction is first prepared with the PREPARE statement and then committed with the COMMIT PREPARED statement

Once a transaction has been prepared, it is kept “hanging around” until it is committed or aborted. It

even has to survive a server restart! Normally, transactions don’t remain in the prepared state for long,

but sometimes things go wrong and a prepared transaction has to be removed manually by an administrator.

any Orphaned prepared transactions will prevent the VACUUM to remove the dead rows

EXAMPLE: DETAIL: 50000 dead row versions cannot be removed yet,oldest xmin: 22300

Use the ROLLBACK PREPARED transaction_id SQL statement to remove prepared transactions


PK or FK using numeric or integer data type

table_schema table_name constraint_name constraint_type position column_name data_type
public pgbench_accounts_1 pgbench_accounts_1_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_10 pgbench_accounts_10_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_100 pgbench_accounts_100_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_101 pgbench_accounts_101_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_102 pgbench_accounts_102_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_103 pgbench_accounts_103_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_104 pgbench_accounts_104_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_105 pgbench_accounts_105_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_106 pgbench_accounts_106_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_107 pgbench_accounts_107_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_108 pgbench_accounts_108_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_109 pgbench_accounts_109_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_11 pgbench_accounts_11_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_110 pgbench_accounts_110_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_111 pgbench_accounts_111_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_112 pgbench_accounts_112_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_113 pgbench_accounts_113_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_114 pgbench_accounts_114_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_115 pgbench_accounts_115_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_116 pgbench_accounts_116_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_117 pgbench_accounts_117_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_118 pgbench_accounts_118_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_119 pgbench_accounts_119_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_12 pgbench_accounts_12_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_120 pgbench_accounts_120_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_121 pgbench_accounts_121_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_122 pgbench_accounts_122_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_123 pgbench_accounts_123_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_124 pgbench_accounts_124_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_125 pgbench_accounts_125_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_126 pgbench_accounts_126_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_127 pgbench_accounts_127_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_128 pgbench_accounts_128_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_129 pgbench_accounts_129_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_13 pgbench_accounts_13_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_130 pgbench_accounts_130_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_131 pgbench_accounts_131_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_132 pgbench_accounts_132_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_133 pgbench_accounts_133_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_134 pgbench_accounts_134_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_135 pgbench_accounts_135_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_136 pgbench_accounts_136_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_137 pgbench_accounts_137_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_138 pgbench_accounts_138_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_139 pgbench_accounts_139_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_14 pgbench_accounts_14_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_140 pgbench_accounts_140_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_141 pgbench_accounts_141_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_142 pgbench_accounts_142_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_143 pgbench_accounts_143_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_144 pgbench_accounts_144_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_145 pgbench_accounts_145_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_146 pgbench_accounts_146_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_147 pgbench_accounts_147_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_148 pgbench_accounts_148_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_149 pgbench_accounts_149_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_15 pgbench_accounts_15_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_150 pgbench_accounts_150_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_151 pgbench_accounts_151_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_152 pgbench_accounts_152_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_153 pgbench_accounts_153_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_154 pgbench_accounts_154_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_155 pgbench_accounts_155_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_156 pgbench_accounts_156_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_157 pgbench_accounts_157_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_158 pgbench_accounts_158_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_159 pgbench_accounts_159_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_16 pgbench_accounts_16_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_160 pgbench_accounts_160_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_161 pgbench_accounts_161_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_162 pgbench_accounts_162_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_163 pgbench_accounts_163_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_164 pgbench_accounts_164_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_165 pgbench_accounts_165_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_166 pgbench_accounts_166_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_167 pgbench_accounts_167_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_168 pgbench_accounts_168_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_169 pgbench_accounts_169_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_17 pgbench_accounts_17_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_170 pgbench_accounts_170_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_171 pgbench_accounts_171_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_172 pgbench_accounts_172_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_173 pgbench_accounts_173_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_174 pgbench_accounts_174_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_175 pgbench_accounts_175_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_176 pgbench_accounts_176_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_177 pgbench_accounts_177_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_178 pgbench_accounts_178_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_179 pgbench_accounts_179_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_18 pgbench_accounts_18_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_180 pgbench_accounts_180_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_181 pgbench_accounts_181_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_182 pgbench_accounts_182_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_183 pgbench_accounts_183_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_184 pgbench_accounts_184_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_185 pgbench_accounts_185_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_186 pgbench_accounts_186_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_187 pgbench_accounts_187_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_188 pgbench_accounts_188_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_189 pgbench_accounts_189_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_19 pgbench_accounts_19_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_190 pgbench_accounts_190_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_191 pgbench_accounts_191_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_192 pgbench_accounts_192_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_193 pgbench_accounts_193_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_194 pgbench_accounts_194_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_195 pgbench_accounts_195_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_196 pgbench_accounts_196_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_197 pgbench_accounts_197_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_198 pgbench_accounts_198_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_199 pgbench_accounts_199_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_2 pgbench_accounts_2_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_20 pgbench_accounts_20_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_200 pgbench_accounts_200_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_201 pgbench_accounts_201_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_202 pgbench_accounts_202_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_203 pgbench_accounts_203_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_204 pgbench_accounts_204_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_205 pgbench_accounts_205_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_206 pgbench_accounts_206_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_207 pgbench_accounts_207_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_208 pgbench_accounts_208_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_209 pgbench_accounts_209_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_21 pgbench_accounts_21_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_210 pgbench_accounts_210_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_211 pgbench_accounts_211_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_212 pgbench_accounts_212_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_213 pgbench_accounts_213_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_214 pgbench_accounts_214_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_215 pgbench_accounts_215_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_216 pgbench_accounts_216_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_217 pgbench_accounts_217_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_218 pgbench_accounts_218_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_219 pgbench_accounts_219_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_22 pgbench_accounts_22_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_220 pgbench_accounts_220_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_221 pgbench_accounts_221_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_222 pgbench_accounts_222_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_223 pgbench_accounts_223_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_224 pgbench_accounts_224_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_225 pgbench_accounts_225_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_226 pgbench_accounts_226_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_227 pgbench_accounts_227_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_228 pgbench_accounts_228_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_229 pgbench_accounts_229_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_23 pgbench_accounts_23_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_230 pgbench_accounts_230_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_231 pgbench_accounts_231_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_232 pgbench_accounts_232_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_233 pgbench_accounts_233_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_234 pgbench_accounts_234_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_235 pgbench_accounts_235_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_236 pgbench_accounts_236_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_237 pgbench_accounts_237_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_238 pgbench_accounts_238_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_239 pgbench_accounts_239_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_24 pgbench_accounts_24_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_240 pgbench_accounts_240_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_241 pgbench_accounts_241_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_242 pgbench_accounts_242_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_243 pgbench_accounts_243_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_244 pgbench_accounts_244_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_245 pgbench_accounts_245_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_246 pgbench_accounts_246_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_247 pgbench_accounts_247_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_248 pgbench_accounts_248_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_249 pgbench_accounts_249_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_25 pgbench_accounts_25_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_250 pgbench_accounts_250_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_251 pgbench_accounts_251_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_252 pgbench_accounts_252_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_253 pgbench_accounts_253_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_254 pgbench_accounts_254_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_255 pgbench_accounts_255_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_256 pgbench_accounts_256_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_257 pgbench_accounts_257_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_258 pgbench_accounts_258_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_259 pgbench_accounts_259_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_26 pgbench_accounts_26_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_260 pgbench_accounts_260_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_261 pgbench_accounts_261_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_262 pgbench_accounts_262_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_263 pgbench_accounts_263_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_264 pgbench_accounts_264_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_265 pgbench_accounts_265_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_266 pgbench_accounts_266_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_267 pgbench_accounts_267_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_268 pgbench_accounts_268_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_269 pgbench_accounts_269_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_27 pgbench_accounts_27_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_270 pgbench_accounts_270_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_271 pgbench_accounts_271_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_272 pgbench_accounts_272_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_273 pgbench_accounts_273_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_274 pgbench_accounts_274_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_275 pgbench_accounts_275_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_276 pgbench_accounts_276_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_277 pgbench_accounts_277_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_278 pgbench_accounts_278_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_279 pgbench_accounts_279_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_28 pgbench_accounts_28_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_280 pgbench_accounts_280_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_281 pgbench_accounts_281_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_282 pgbench_accounts_282_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_283 pgbench_accounts_283_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_284 pgbench_accounts_284_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_285 pgbench_accounts_285_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_286 pgbench_accounts_286_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_287 pgbench_accounts_287_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_288 pgbench_accounts_288_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_289 pgbench_accounts_289_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_29 pgbench_accounts_29_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_290 pgbench_accounts_290_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_291 pgbench_accounts_291_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_292 pgbench_accounts_292_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_293 pgbench_accounts_293_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_294 pgbench_accounts_294_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_295 pgbench_accounts_295_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_296 pgbench_accounts_296_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_297 pgbench_accounts_297_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_298 pgbench_accounts_298_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_299 pgbench_accounts_299_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_3 pgbench_accounts_3_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_30 pgbench_accounts_30_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_300 pgbench_accounts_300_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_301 pgbench_accounts_301_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_302 pgbench_accounts_302_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_303 pgbench_accounts_303_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_304 pgbench_accounts_304_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_305 pgbench_accounts_305_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_306 pgbench_accounts_306_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_307 pgbench_accounts_307_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_308 pgbench_accounts_308_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_309 pgbench_accounts_309_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_31 pgbench_accounts_31_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_310 pgbench_accounts_310_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_311 pgbench_accounts_311_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_312 pgbench_accounts_312_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_313 pgbench_accounts_313_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_314 pgbench_accounts_314_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_315 pgbench_accounts_315_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_316 pgbench_accounts_316_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_317 pgbench_accounts_317_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_318 pgbench_accounts_318_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_319 pgbench_accounts_319_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_32 pgbench_accounts_32_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_320 pgbench_accounts_320_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_321 pgbench_accounts_321_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_322 pgbench_accounts_322_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_323 pgbench_accounts_323_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_324 pgbench_accounts_324_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_325 pgbench_accounts_325_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_326 pgbench_accounts_326_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_327 pgbench_accounts_327_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_328 pgbench_accounts_328_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_329 pgbench_accounts_329_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_33 pgbench_accounts_33_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_330 pgbench_accounts_330_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_331 pgbench_accounts_331_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_332 pgbench_accounts_332_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_333 pgbench_accounts_333_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_334 pgbench_accounts_334_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_335 pgbench_accounts_335_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_336 pgbench_accounts_336_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_337 pgbench_accounts_337_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_338 pgbench_accounts_338_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_339 pgbench_accounts_339_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_34 pgbench_accounts_34_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_340 pgbench_accounts_340_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_341 pgbench_accounts_341_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_342 pgbench_accounts_342_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_343 pgbench_accounts_343_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_344 pgbench_accounts_344_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_345 pgbench_accounts_345_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_346 pgbench_accounts_346_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_347 pgbench_accounts_347_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_348 pgbench_accounts_348_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_349 pgbench_accounts_349_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_35 pgbench_accounts_35_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_350 pgbench_accounts_350_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_351 pgbench_accounts_351_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_352 pgbench_accounts_352_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_353 pgbench_accounts_353_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_354 pgbench_accounts_354_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_355 pgbench_accounts_355_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_356 pgbench_accounts_356_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_357 pgbench_accounts_357_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_358 pgbench_accounts_358_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_359 pgbench_accounts_359_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_36 pgbench_accounts_36_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_360 pgbench_accounts_360_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_361 pgbench_accounts_361_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_362 pgbench_accounts_362_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_363 pgbench_accounts_363_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_364 pgbench_accounts_364_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_365 pgbench_accounts_365_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_366 pgbench_accounts_366_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_367 pgbench_accounts_367_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_368 pgbench_accounts_368_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_369 pgbench_accounts_369_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_37 pgbench_accounts_37_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_370 pgbench_accounts_370_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_371 pgbench_accounts_371_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_372 pgbench_accounts_372_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_373 pgbench_accounts_373_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_374 pgbench_accounts_374_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_375 pgbench_accounts_375_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_376 pgbench_accounts_376_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_377 pgbench_accounts_377_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_378 pgbench_accounts_378_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_379 pgbench_accounts_379_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_38 pgbench_accounts_38_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_380 pgbench_accounts_380_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_381 pgbench_accounts_381_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_382 pgbench_accounts_382_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_383 pgbench_accounts_383_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_384 pgbench_accounts_384_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_385 pgbench_accounts_385_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_386 pgbench_accounts_386_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_387 pgbench_accounts_387_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_388 pgbench_accounts_388_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_389 pgbench_accounts_389_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_39 pgbench_accounts_39_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_390 pgbench_accounts_390_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_391 pgbench_accounts_391_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_392 pgbench_accounts_392_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_393 pgbench_accounts_393_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_394 pgbench_accounts_394_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_395 pgbench_accounts_395_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_396 pgbench_accounts_396_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_397 pgbench_accounts_397_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_398 pgbench_accounts_398_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_399 pgbench_accounts_399_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_4 pgbench_accounts_4_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_40 pgbench_accounts_40_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_400 pgbench_accounts_400_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_401 pgbench_accounts_401_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_402 pgbench_accounts_402_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_403 pgbench_accounts_403_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_404 pgbench_accounts_404_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_405 pgbench_accounts_405_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_406 pgbench_accounts_406_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_407 pgbench_accounts_407_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_408 pgbench_accounts_408_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_409 pgbench_accounts_409_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_41 pgbench_accounts_41_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_410 pgbench_accounts_410_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_411 pgbench_accounts_411_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_412 pgbench_accounts_412_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_413 pgbench_accounts_413_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_414 pgbench_accounts_414_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_415 pgbench_accounts_415_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_416 pgbench_accounts_416_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_417 pgbench_accounts_417_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_418 pgbench_accounts_418_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_419 pgbench_accounts_419_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_42 pgbench_accounts_42_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_420 pgbench_accounts_420_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_421 pgbench_accounts_421_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_422 pgbench_accounts_422_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_423 pgbench_accounts_423_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_424 pgbench_accounts_424_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_425 pgbench_accounts_425_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_426 pgbench_accounts_426_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_427 pgbench_accounts_427_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_428 pgbench_accounts_428_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_429 pgbench_accounts_429_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_43 pgbench_accounts_43_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_430 pgbench_accounts_430_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_431 pgbench_accounts_431_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_432 pgbench_accounts_432_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_433 pgbench_accounts_433_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_434 pgbench_accounts_434_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_435 pgbench_accounts_435_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_436 pgbench_accounts_436_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_437 pgbench_accounts_437_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_438 pgbench_accounts_438_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_439 pgbench_accounts_439_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_44 pgbench_accounts_44_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_440 pgbench_accounts_440_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_441 pgbench_accounts_441_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_442 pgbench_accounts_442_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_443 pgbench_accounts_443_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_444 pgbench_accounts_444_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_445 pgbench_accounts_445_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_446 pgbench_accounts_446_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_447 pgbench_accounts_447_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_448 pgbench_accounts_448_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_449 pgbench_accounts_449_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_45 pgbench_accounts_45_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_450 pgbench_accounts_450_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_451 pgbench_accounts_451_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_452 pgbench_accounts_452_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_453 pgbench_accounts_453_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_454 pgbench_accounts_454_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_455 pgbench_accounts_455_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_456 pgbench_accounts_456_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_457 pgbench_accounts_457_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_458 pgbench_accounts_458_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_459 pgbench_accounts_459_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_46 pgbench_accounts_46_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_460 pgbench_accounts_460_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_461 pgbench_accounts_461_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_462 pgbench_accounts_462_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_463 pgbench_accounts_463_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_464 pgbench_accounts_464_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_465 pgbench_accounts_465_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_466 pgbench_accounts_466_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_467 pgbench_accounts_467_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_468 pgbench_accounts_468_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_469 pgbench_accounts_469_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_47 pgbench_accounts_47_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_470 pgbench_accounts_470_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_471 pgbench_accounts_471_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_472 pgbench_accounts_472_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_473 pgbench_accounts_473_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_474 pgbench_accounts_474_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_475 pgbench_accounts_475_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_476 pgbench_accounts_476_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_477 pgbench_accounts_477_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_478 pgbench_accounts_478_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_479 pgbench_accounts_479_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_48 pgbench_accounts_48_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_480 pgbench_accounts_480_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_481 pgbench_accounts_481_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_482 pgbench_accounts_482_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_483 pgbench_accounts_483_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_484 pgbench_accounts_484_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_485 pgbench_accounts_485_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_486 pgbench_accounts_486_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_487 pgbench_accounts_487_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_488 pgbench_accounts_488_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_489 pgbench_accounts_489_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_49 pgbench_accounts_49_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_490 pgbench_accounts_490_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_491 pgbench_accounts_491_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_492 pgbench_accounts_492_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_493 pgbench_accounts_493_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_494 pgbench_accounts_494_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_495 pgbench_accounts_495_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_496 pgbench_accounts_496_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_497 pgbench_accounts_497_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_498 pgbench_accounts_498_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_499 pgbench_accounts_499_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_5 pgbench_accounts_5_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_50 pgbench_accounts_50_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_500 pgbench_accounts_500_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_51 pgbench_accounts_51_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_52 pgbench_accounts_52_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_53 pgbench_accounts_53_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_54 pgbench_accounts_54_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_55 pgbench_accounts_55_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_56 pgbench_accounts_56_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_57 pgbench_accounts_57_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_58 pgbench_accounts_58_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_59 pgbench_accounts_59_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_6 pgbench_accounts_6_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_60 pgbench_accounts_60_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_61 pgbench_accounts_61_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_62 pgbench_accounts_62_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_63 pgbench_accounts_63_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_64 pgbench_accounts_64_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_65 pgbench_accounts_65_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_66 pgbench_accounts_66_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_67 pgbench_accounts_67_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_68 pgbench_accounts_68_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_69 pgbench_accounts_69_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_7 pgbench_accounts_7_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_70 pgbench_accounts_70_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_71 pgbench_accounts_71_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_72 pgbench_accounts_72_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_73 pgbench_accounts_73_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_74 pgbench_accounts_74_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_75 pgbench_accounts_75_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_76 pgbench_accounts_76_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_77 pgbench_accounts_77_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_78 pgbench_accounts_78_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_79 pgbench_accounts_79_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_8 pgbench_accounts_8_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_80 pgbench_accounts_80_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_81 pgbench_accounts_81_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_82 pgbench_accounts_82_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_83 pgbench_accounts_83_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_84 pgbench_accounts_84_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_85 pgbench_accounts_85_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_86 pgbench_accounts_86_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_87 pgbench_accounts_87_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_88 pgbench_accounts_88_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_89 pgbench_accounts_89_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_9 pgbench_accounts_9_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_90 pgbench_accounts_90_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_91 pgbench_accounts_91_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_92 pgbench_accounts_92_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_93 pgbench_accounts_93_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_94 pgbench_accounts_94_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_95 pgbench_accounts_95_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_96 pgbench_accounts_96_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_97 pgbench_accounts_97_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_98 pgbench_accounts_98_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_accounts_99 pgbench_accounts_99_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 aid integer
public pgbench_branches pgbench_branches_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 bid integer
public pgbench_tellers pgbench_tellers_pkey PRIMARY KEY 1 tid integer

public Schema

schema_name object_type object_count
public index 502
public table 503
schema owner object_name object_type
public postgres pgbench_tellers_pkey INDEX
public postgres pgbench_accounts_227_pkey INDEX
public postgres pgbench_accounts_135_pkey INDEX
public postgres pgbench_accounts_122_pkey INDEX
public postgres pgbench_accounts_146_pkey INDEX
public postgres pgbench_accounts_123_pkey INDEX
public postgres pgbench_accounts_195_pkey INDEX
public postgres pgbench_accounts_228_pkey INDEX
public postgres pgbench_accounts_229_pkey INDEX
public postgres pgbench_accounts_22_pkey INDEX
public postgres pgbench_accounts_230_pkey INDEX
public postgres pgbench_accounts_231_pkey INDEX
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public postgres pgbench_accounts_8_pkey INDEX
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public postgres pgbench_accounts_91_pkey INDEX
public postgres pgbench_accounts_92_pkey INDEX
public postgres pgbench_accounts_93_pkey INDEX
public postgres pgbench_accounts_94_pkey INDEX
public postgres pgbench_accounts_95_pkey INDEX
public postgres pgbench_accounts_96_pkey INDEX
public postgres pgbench_accounts_97_pkey INDEX
public postgres pgbench_accounts_98_pkey INDEX
public postgres pgbench_accounts_99_pkey INDEX
public postgres pgbench_accounts_9_pkey INDEX
public postgres pgbench_branches_pkey INDEX
public postgres pgbench_accounts p
public postgres pgbench_accounts_441 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_102 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_1 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_101 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_10 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_100 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_104 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_103 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_105 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_106 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_107 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_11 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_108 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_109 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_112 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_110 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_111 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_113 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_114 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_115 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_118 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_116 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_117 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_120 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_119 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_12 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_121 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_122 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_123 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_126 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_124 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_125 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_129 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_127 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_128 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_13 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_130 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_131 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_134 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_132 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_133 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_137 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_135 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_136 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_138 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_139 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_14 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_142 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_140 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_141 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_145 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_143 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_144 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_146 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_147 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_148 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_150 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_149 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_15 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_153 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_151 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_152 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_154 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_155 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_156 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_159 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_157 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_158 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_161 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_16 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_160 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_162 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_163 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_164 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_167 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_165 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_166 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_17 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_168 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_169 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_170 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_171 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_172 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_175 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_173 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_174 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_178 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_176 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_177 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_179 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_18 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_180 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_183 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_181 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_182 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_186 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_184 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_185 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_187 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_188 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_189 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_191 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_19 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_190 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_194 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_192 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_193 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_195 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_196 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_197 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_2 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_198 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_201 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_199 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_200 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_20 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_202 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_203 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_204 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_207 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_205 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_206 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_21 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_208 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_209 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_210 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_211 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_212 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_215 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_213 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_214 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_218 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_216 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_217 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_219 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_22 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_220 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_223 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_221 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_222 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_226 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_224 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_225 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_227 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_228 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_229 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_231 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_23 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_230 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_234 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_232 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_233 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_235 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_236 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_237 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_24 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_238 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_239 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_242 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_240 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_241 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_243 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_244 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_245 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_248 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_246 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_247 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_250 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_249 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_25 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_251 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_252 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_253 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_256 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_254 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_259 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_255 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_258 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_257 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_26 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_260 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_261 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_264 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_262 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_263 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_267 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_265 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_266 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_268 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_269 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_27 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_272 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_270 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_271 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_275 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_273 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_274 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_276 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_277 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_278 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_280 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_279 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_28 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_283 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_281 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_282 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_284 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_285 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_286 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_289 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_287 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_288 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_291 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_29 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_290 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_292 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_293 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_294 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_297 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_295 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_296 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_3 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_298 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_299 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_30 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_300 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_301 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_304 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_302 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_303 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_307 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_305 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_306 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_308 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_309 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_31 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_312 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_310 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_311 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_315 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_313 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_314 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_316 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_317 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_318 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_320 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_319 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_32 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_323 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_321 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_322 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_324 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_325 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_326 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_329 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_327 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_328 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_331 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_33 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_330 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_332 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_333 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_334 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_337 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_335 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_336 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_34 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_338 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_339 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_340 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_341 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_342 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_345 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_343 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_344 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_348 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_346 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_347 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_349 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_35 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_350 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_353 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_351 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_352 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_356 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_354 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_355 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_357 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_358 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_359 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_361 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_36 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_360 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_364 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_362 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_363 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_365 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_366 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_367 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_37 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_368 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_369 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_372 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_370 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_371 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_373 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_374 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_375 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_378 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_376 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_377 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_380 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_379 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_38 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_381 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_382 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_383 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_386 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_384 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_385 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_389 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_387 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_388 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_39 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_390 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_391 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_394 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_392 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_393 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_397 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_395 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_396 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_398 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_399 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_4 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_401 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_40 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_400 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_404 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_402 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_403 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_405 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_406 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_407 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_41 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_408 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_409 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_412 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_410 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_411 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_413 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_414 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_415 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_418 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_416 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_417 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_420 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_419 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_42 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_421 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_422 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_423 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_426 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_424 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_425 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_429 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_427 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_428 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_43 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_430 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_431 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_434 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_432 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_433 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_437 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_435 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_436 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_438 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_439 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_44 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_442 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_440 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_history TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_445 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_443 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_444 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_446 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_447 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_448 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_450 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_449 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_45 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_453 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_451 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_452 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_454 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_455 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_456 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_459 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_457 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_458 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_461 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_46 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_460 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_462 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_463 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_464 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_467 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_465 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_466 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_47 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_468 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_469 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_470 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_471 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_472 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_475 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_473 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_474 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_478 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_476 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_477 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_479 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_48 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_480 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_483 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_481 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_482 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_486 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_484 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_485 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_487 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_488 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_489 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_491 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_49 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_490 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_494 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_492 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_493 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_495 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_496 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_497 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_5 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_498 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_499 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_51 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_50 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_500 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_52 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_53 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_54 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_57 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_55 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_56 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_6 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_58 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_59 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_60 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_61 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_62 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_65 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_63 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_64 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_68 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_66 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_67 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_69 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_7 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_70 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_73 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_71 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_72 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_76 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_74 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_75 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_77 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_78 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_79 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_81 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_8 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_80 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_84 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_82 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_83 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_85 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_86 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_87 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_9 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_88 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_89 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_92 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_90 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_91 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_93 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_94 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_95 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_98 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_96 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_97 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_branches TABLE
public postgres pgbench_accounts_99 TABLE
public postgres pgbench_tellers TABLE
schema owner function_name
schema table_name trigger_schema trigger_name event activation condition definition

invalid indexes

indx_id index_name table_name schema_name owner_id indx_is_valid

Default access privileges

Owner Schema Type Access privileges

pgaudit extension

Extension Name Version Schema owner Description relocatable to another schema extconfig extcondition

parameter_name setting
shared_preload_libraries rdsutils,pg_stat_statements

pgaudit user level configuration :

user_name user_config

Unlogged Tables

Number of Unlogged Tables :


table_name relpersistence

Access privileges

Schema Name Type Access privileges Column access privileges
public pgbench_accounts_1 table    
public pgbench_accounts_10 table    
public pgbench_accounts_100 table    
public pgbench_accounts_101 table    
public pgbench_accounts_102 table    
public pgbench_accounts_103 table    
public pgbench_accounts_104 table    
public pgbench_accounts_105 table    
public pgbench_accounts_106 table    
public pgbench_accounts_107 table    
public pgbench_accounts_108 table    
public pgbench_accounts_109 table    
public pgbench_accounts_11 table    
public pgbench_accounts_110 table    
public pgbench_accounts_111 table    
public pgbench_accounts_112 table    
public pgbench_accounts_113 table    
public pgbench_accounts_114 table    
public pgbench_accounts_115 table    
public pgbench_accounts_116 table    
public pgbench_accounts_117 table    
public pgbench_accounts_118 table    
public pgbench_accounts_119 table    
public pgbench_accounts_12 table    
public pgbench_accounts_120 table    
public pgbench_accounts_121 table    
public pgbench_accounts_122 table    
public pgbench_accounts_123 table    
public pgbench_accounts_124 table    
public pgbench_accounts_125 table    
public pgbench_accounts_126 table    
public pgbench_accounts_127 table    
public pgbench_accounts_128 table    
public pgbench_accounts_129 table    
public pgbench_accounts_13 table    
public pgbench_accounts_130 table    
public pgbench_accounts_131 table    
public pgbench_accounts_132 table    
public pgbench_accounts_133 table    
public pgbench_accounts_134 table    
public pgbench_accounts_135 table    
public pgbench_accounts_136 table    
public pgbench_accounts_137 table    
public pgbench_accounts_138 table    
public pgbench_accounts_139 table    
public pgbench_accounts_14 table    
public pgbench_accounts_140 table    
public pgbench_accounts_141 table    
public pgbench_accounts_142 table    
public pgbench_accounts_143 table    
public pgbench_accounts_144 table    
public pgbench_accounts_145 table    
public pgbench_accounts_146 table    
public pgbench_accounts_147 table    
public pgbench_accounts_148 table    
public pgbench_accounts_149 table    
public pgbench_accounts_15 table    
public pgbench_accounts_150 table    
public pgbench_accounts_151 table    
public pgbench_accounts_152 table    
public pgbench_accounts_153 table    
public pgbench_accounts_154 table    
public pgbench_accounts_155 table    
public pgbench_accounts_156 table    
public pgbench_accounts_157 table    
public pgbench_accounts_158 table    
public pgbench_accounts_159 table    
public pgbench_accounts_16 table    
public pgbench_accounts_160 table    
public pgbench_accounts_161 table    
public pgbench_accounts_162 table    
public pgbench_accounts_163 table    
public pgbench_accounts_164 table    
public pgbench_accounts_165 table    
public pgbench_accounts_166 table    
public pgbench_accounts_167 table    
public pgbench_accounts_168 table    
public pgbench_accounts_169 table    
public pgbench_accounts_17 table    
public pgbench_accounts_170 table    
public pgbench_accounts_171 table    
public pgbench_accounts_172 table    
public pgbench_accounts_173 table    
public pgbench_accounts_174 table    
public pgbench_accounts_175 table    
public pgbench_accounts_176 table    
public pgbench_accounts_177 table    
public pgbench_accounts_178 table    
public pgbench_accounts_179 table    
public pgbench_accounts_18 table    
public pgbench_accounts_180 table    
public pgbench_accounts_181 table    
public pgbench_accounts_182 table    
public pgbench_accounts_183 table    
public pgbench_accounts_184 table    
public pgbench_accounts_185 table    
public pgbench_accounts_186 table    
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public pgbench_accounts_25 table    
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public pgbench_accounts_350 table    
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public pgbench_accounts_356 table    
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public pgbench_accounts_373 table    
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public pgbench_accounts_487 table    
public pgbench_accounts_488 table    
public pgbench_accounts_489 table    
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public pgbench_accounts_56 table    
public pgbench_accounts_57 table    
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public pgbench_accounts_6 table    
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public pgbench_accounts_66 table    
public pgbench_accounts_67 table    
public pgbench_accounts_68 table    
public pgbench_accounts_69 table    
public pgbench_accounts_7 table    
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public pgbench_accounts_78 table    
public pgbench_accounts_79 table    
public pgbench_accounts_8 table    
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public pgbench_accounts_85 table    
public pgbench_accounts_86 table    
public pgbench_accounts_87 table    
public pgbench_accounts_88 table    
public pgbench_accounts_89 table    
public pgbench_accounts_9 table    
public pgbench_accounts_90 table    
public pgbench_accounts_91 table    
public pgbench_accounts_92 table    
public pgbench_accounts_93 table    
public pgbench_accounts_94 table    
public pgbench_accounts_95 table    
public pgbench_accounts_96 table    
public pgbench_accounts_97 table    
public pgbench_accounts_98 table    
public pgbench_accounts_99 table    
public pgbench_branches table    
public pgbench_history table    
public pgbench_tellers table    


Parameter_Name value short_desc
ssl on Enables SSL connections.
ssl_ca_file /rdsdbdata/rds-metadata/ca-cert.pem Location of the SSL certificate authority file.
ssl_cert_file /rdsdbdata/rds-metadata/server-cert.pem Location of the SSL server certificate file.
ssl_ciphers HIGH:!aNULL:!3DES Sets the list of allowed SSL ciphers.
ssl_crl_file   Location of the SSL certificate revocation list file.
ssl_dh_params_file   Location of the SSL DH parameters file.
ssl_ecdh_curve prime256v1 Sets the curve to use for ECDH.
ssl_key_file /rdsdbdata/rds-metadata/server-key.pem Location of the SSL server private key file.
ssl_library OpenSSL Name of the SSL library.
ssl_max_protocol_version   Sets the maximum SSL/TLS protocol version to use.
ssl_min_protocol_version TLSv1.2 Sets the minimum SSL/TLS protocol version to use.
ssl_passphrase_command   Command to obtain passphrases for SSL.
ssl_passphrase_command_supports_reload off Also use ssl_passphrase_command during server reload.
ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on Give priority to server ciphersuite order.

ssl_version Connection_count
TLSv1.2 3

ssl Connection_count
f 5
t 3

Database_Name User_Name ssl client_addr application_name backend_type
    f     autovacuum launcher
  rdsadmin f     logical replication launcher
    f     background writer
    f     checkpointer
    f     walwriter
rdsadmin rdsadmin t   client backend
rdsadmin rdsadmin t PostgreSQL JDBC Driver client backend
postgres postgres t psql client backend

Background processes

Count of Postgres background processess :

Background processes count

pid Background processes Type start time
29039 checkpointer 2020-12-10 08:30:22.629125+00
29040 background writer 2020-12-10 08:30:22.629385+00
29041 walwriter 2020-12-10 08:30:22.629634+00
29042 autovacuum launcher 2020-12-10 08:30:22.629879+00
29045 logical replication launcher 2020-12-10 08:30:22.630713+00

DB parameters

name setting unit category short_desc extra_desc context vartype source min_val max_val enumvals boot_val reset_val sourcefile sourceline pending_restart
autovacuum_naptime 5 s Autovacuum Time to sleep between autovacuum runs.   sighup integer configuration file 1 2147483   60 5 /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 5 f
autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay 5 ms Autovacuum Vacuum cost delay in milliseconds, for autovacuum.   sighup real configuration file -1 100   2 5 /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 6 f
autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit 10000   Autovacuum Vacuum cost amount available before napping, for autovacuum.   sighup integer configuration file -1 10000   -1 10000 /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 7 f
autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor 0.1   Autovacuum Number of tuple updates or deletes prior to vacuum as a fraction of reltuples.   sighup real configuration file 0 100   0.2 0.1 /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 8 f
autovacuum_vacuum_threshold 50   Autovacuum Minimum number of tuple updates or deletes prior to vacuum.   sighup integer default 0 2147483647   50 50     f
autovacuum on   Autovacuum Starts the autovacuum subprocess.   sighup bool default       on on     f
autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor 0.05   Autovacuum Number of tuple inserts, updates, or deletes prior to analyze as a fraction of reltuples.   sighup real configuration file 0 100   0.1 0.05 /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 3 f
autovacuum_analyze_threshold 50   Autovacuum Minimum number of tuple inserts, updates, or deletes prior to analyze.   sighup integer default 0 2147483647   50 50     f
autovacuum_freeze_max_age 200000000   Autovacuum Age at which to autovacuum a table to prevent transaction ID wraparound.   postmaster integer default 100000 2000000000   200000000 200000000     f
autovacuum_max_workers 10   Autovacuum Sets the maximum number of simultaneously running autovacuum worker processes.   postmaster integer configuration file 1 262143   3 10 /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 4 f
autovacuum_multixact_freeze_max_age 400000000   Autovacuum Multixact age at which to autovacuum a table to prevent multixact wraparound.   postmaster integer default 10000 2000000000   400000000 400000000     f
DateStyle ISO, MDY   Client Connection Defaults / Locale and Formatting Sets the display format for date and time values. Also controls interpretation of ambiguous date inputs. user string default       ISO, MDY ISO, MDY     f
client_encoding UTF8   Client Connection Defaults / Locale and Formatting Sets the client's character set encoding.   user string client       SQL_ASCII UTF8     f
timezone_abbreviations Default   Client Connection Defaults / Locale and Formatting Selects a file of time zone abbreviations.   user string default         Default     f
TimeZone UTC   Client Connection Defaults / Locale and Formatting Sets the time zone for displaying and interpreting time stamps.   user string configuration file       GMT UTC /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 56 f
IntervalStyle postgres   Client Connection Defaults / Locale and Formatting Sets the display format for interval values.   user enum default     {postgres,postgres_verbose,sql_standard,iso_8601} postgres postgres     f
lc_collate en_US.UTF-8   Client Connection Defaults / Locale and Formatting Shows the collation order locale.   internal string override       C en_US.UTF-8     f
lc_ctype en_US.UTF-8   Client Connection Defaults / Locale and Formatting Shows the character classification and case conversion locale.   internal string override       C en_US.UTF-8     f
lc_messages     Client Connection Defaults / Locale and Formatting Sets the language in which messages are displayed.   superuser string default               f
extra_float_digits 1   Client Connection Defaults / Locale and Formatting Sets the number of digits displayed for floating-point values. This affects real, double precision, and geometric data types. A zero or negative parameter value is added to the standard number of digits (FLT_DIG or DBL_DIG as appropriate). Any value greater than zero selects precise output mode. user integer default -15 3   1 1     f
lc_monetary C   Client Connection Defaults / Locale and Formatting Sets the locale for formatting monetary amounts.   user string default       C C     f
lc_numeric C   Client Connection Defaults / Locale and Formatting Sets the locale for formatting numbers.   user string default       C C     f
lc_time C   Client Connection Defaults / Locale and Formatting Sets the locale for formatting date and time values.   user string default       C C     f
server_encoding UTF8   Client Connection Defaults / Locale and Formatting Sets the server (database) character set encoding.   internal string override       SQL_ASCII UTF8     f
default_text_search_config pg_catalog.simple   Client Connection Defaults / Locale and Formatting Sets default text search configuration.   user string default       pg_catalog.simple pg_catalog.simple     f
gin_fuzzy_search_limit 0   Client Connection Defaults / Other Defaults Sets the maximum allowed result for exact search by GIN.   user integer default 0 2147483647   0 0     f
tcp_user_timeout 0 ms Client Connection Defaults / Other Defaults TCP user timeout. A value of 0 uses the system default. user integer default 0 2147483647   0 0     f
tcp_keepalives_interval 30 s Client Connection Defaults / Other Defaults Time between TCP keepalive retransmits. A value of 0 uses the system default. user integer default 0 2147483647   0 0     f
tcp_keepalives_idle 300 s Client Connection Defaults / Other Defaults Time between issuing TCP keepalives. A value of 0 uses the system default. user integer default 0 2147483647   0 0     f
tcp_keepalives_count 2   Client Connection Defaults / Other Defaults Maximum number of TCP keepalive retransmits. This controls the number of consecutive keepalive retransmits that can be lost before a connection is considered dead. A value of 0 uses the system default. user integer default 0 2147483647   0 0     f
dynamic_library_path $libdir   Client Connection Defaults / Other Defaults Sets the path for dynamically loadable modules. If a dynamically loadable module needs to be opened and the specified name does not have a directory component (i.e., the name does not contain a slash), the system will search this path for the specified file. superuser string default       $libdir $libdir     f
jit_provider llvmjit   Client Connection Defaults / Shared Library Preloading JIT provider to use.   postmaster string default       llvmjit llvmjit     f
session_preload_libraries     Client Connection Defaults / Shared Library Preloading Lists shared libraries to preload into each backend.   superuser string default               f
local_preload_libraries     Client Connection Defaults / Shared Library Preloading Lists unprivileged shared libraries to preload into each backend.   superuser string default               f
shared_preload_libraries rdsutils,pg_stat_statements   Client Connection Defaults / Shared Library Preloading Lists shared libraries to preload into server.   postmaster string configuration file         rdsutils,pg_stat_statements /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 76 f
xmloption content   Client Connection Defaults / Statement Behavior Sets whether XML data in implicit parsing and serialization operations is to be considered as documents or content fragments.   user enum default     {content,document} content content     f
idle_in_transaction_session_timeout 86400000 ms Client Connection Defaults / Statement Behavior Sets the maximum allowed duration of any idling transaction. A value of 0 turns off the timeout. user integer configuration file 0 2147483647   0 86400000 /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 18 f
statement_timeout 0 ms Client Connection Defaults / Statement Behavior Sets the maximum allowed duration of any statement. A value of 0 turns off the timeout. user integer default 0 2147483647   0 0     f
check_function_bodies on   Client Connection Defaults / Statement Behavior Check function bodies during CREATE FUNCTION.   user bool default       on on     f
temp_tablespaces     Client Connection Defaults / Statement Behavior Sets the tablespace(s) to use for temporary tables and sort files.   user string default               f
transaction_read_only off   Client Connection Defaults / Statement Behavior Sets the current transaction's read-only status.   user bool override       off off     f
client_min_messages notice   Client Connection Defaults / Statement Behavior Sets the message levels that are sent to the client. Each level includes all the levels that follow it. The later the level, the fewer messages are sent. user enum default     {debug5,debug4,debug3,debug2,debug1,log,notice,warning,error} notice notice     f
session_replication_role origin   Client Connection Defaults / Statement Behavior Sets the session's behavior for triggers and rewrite rules.   rds_superuser enum default     {origin,replica,local} origin origin     f
default_table_access_method heap   Client Connection Defaults / Statement Behavior Sets the default table access method for new tables.   user string default       heap heap     f
default_tablespace     Client Connection Defaults / Statement Behavior Sets the default tablespace to create tables and indexes in. An empty string selects the database's default tablespace. user string default               f
default_transaction_deferrable off   Client Connection Defaults / Statement Behavior Sets the default deferrable status of new transactions.   user bool default       off off     f
default_transaction_isolation read committed   Client Connection Defaults / Statement Behavior Sets the transaction isolation level of each new transaction.   user enum default     {serializable,"repeatable read","read committed","read uncommitted"} read committed read committed     f
default_transaction_read_only off   Client Connection Defaults / Statement Behavior Sets the default read-only status of new transactions.   user bool default       off off     f
gin_pending_list_limit 4096 kB Client Connection Defaults / Statement Behavior Sets the maximum size of the pending list for GIN index.   user integer default 64 2147483647   4096 4096     f
search_path "$user", public   Client Connection Defaults / Statement Behavior Sets the schema search order for names that are not schema-qualified.   user string default       "$user", public "$user", public     f
row_security on   Client Connection Defaults / Statement Behavior Enable row security. When enabled, row security will be applied to all users. user bool default       on on     f
lock_timeout 0 ms Client Connection Defaults / Statement Behavior Sets the maximum allowed duration of any wait for a lock. A value of 0 turns off the timeout. user integer default 0 2147483647   0 0     f
vacuum_cleanup_index_scale_factor 0.1   Client Connection Defaults / Statement Behavior Number of tuple inserts prior to index cleanup as a fraction of reltuples.   user real default 0 1e+10   0.1 0.1     f
vacuum_freeze_min_age 50000000   Client Connection Defaults / Statement Behavior Minimum age at which VACUUM should freeze a table row.   user integer default 0 1000000000   50000000 50000000     f
vacuum_freeze_table_age 150000000   Client Connection Defaults / Statement Behavior Age at which VACUUM should scan whole table to freeze tuples.   user integer default 0 2000000000   150000000 150000000     f
vacuum_multixact_freeze_min_age 5000000   Client Connection Defaults / Statement Behavior Minimum age at which VACUUM should freeze a MultiXactId in a table row.   user integer default 0 1000000000   5000000 5000000     f
vacuum_multixact_freeze_table_age 150000000   Client Connection Defaults / Statement Behavior Multixact age at which VACUUM should scan whole table to freeze tuples.   user integer default 0 2000000000   150000000 150000000     f
xmlbinary base64   Client Connection Defaults / Statement Behavior Sets how binary values are to be encoded in XML.   user enum default     {base64,hex} base64 base64     f
transaction_deferrable off   Client Connection Defaults / Statement Behavior Whether to defer a read-only serializable transaction until it can be executed with no possible serialization failures.   user bool override       off off     f
bytea_output hex   Client Connection Defaults / Statement Behavior Sets the output format for bytea.   user enum default     {escape,hex} hex hex     f
transaction_isolation read committed   Client Connection Defaults / Statement Behavior Sets the current transaction's isolation level.   user enum override     {serializable,"repeatable read","read committed","read uncommitted"} read committed read committed     f
krb_caseins_users off   Connections and Authentication / Authentication Sets whether Kerberos and GSSAPI user names should be treated as case-insensitive.   sighup bool default       off off     f
authentication_timeout 60 s Connections and Authentication / Authentication Sets the maximum allowed time to complete client authentication.   sighup integer default 1 600   60 60     f
krb_server_keyfile /rdsdbdata/config/keytab   Connections and Authentication / Authentication Sets the location of the Kerberos server key file.   sighup string configuration file       FILE:/rdsdbbin/postgres-12.4.R1/etc/krb5.keytab /rdsdbdata/config/keytab /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 20 f
password_encryption md5   Connections and Authentication / Authentication Chooses the algorithm for encrypting passwords.   user enum configuration file     {md5,scram-sha-256} md5 md5 /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 41 f
db_user_namespace off   Connections and Authentication / Authentication Enables per-database user names.   sighup bool default       off off     f
unix_socket_group rdsdb   Connections and Authentication / Connection Settings Sets the owning group of the Unix-domain socket. The owning user of the socket is always the user that starts the server. postmaster string configuration file         rdsdb /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 61 f
bonjour off   Connections and Authentication / Connection Settings Enables advertising the server via Bonjour.   postmaster bool default       off off     f
listen_addresses *   Connections and Authentication / Connection Settings Sets the host name or IP address(es) to listen to.   postmaster string command line       localhost *     f
unix_socket_permissions 0700   Connections and Authentication / Connection Settings Sets the access permissions of the Unix-domain socket. Unix-domain sockets use the usual Unix file system permission set. The parameter value is expected to be a numeric mode specification in the form accepted by the chmod and umask system calls. (To use the customary octal format the number must start with a 0 (zero).) postmaster integer configuration file 0 511   511 448 /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 62 f
bonjour_name     Connections and Authentication / Connection Settings Sets the Bonjour service name.   postmaster string default               f
rds.rds_superuser_reserved_connections 2   Connections and Authentication / Connection Settings Sets the number of connection slots reserved for rds_superusers.   postmaster integer configuration file 0 262143   2 2 /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 46 f
port 8200   Connections and Authentication / Connection Settings Sets the TCP port the server listens on.   postmaster integer configuration file 1 65535   5432 8200 /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 42 f
unix_socket_directories /tmp   Connections and Authentication / Connection Settings Sets the directories where Unix-domain sockets will be created.   postmaster string configuration file       /tmp /tmp /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 60 f
superuser_reserved_connections 3   Connections and Authentication / Connection Settings Sets the number of connection slots reserved for superusers.   postmaster integer configuration file 0 262143   3 3 /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 54 f
max_connections 5000   Connections and Authentication / Connection Settings Sets the maximum number of concurrent connections.   postmaster integer configuration file 1 262143   100 5000 /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 34 f
ssl_passphrase_command_supports_reload off   Connections and Authentication / SSL Also use ssl_passphrase_command during server reload.   sighup bool default       off off     f
ssl_passphrase_command     Connections and Authentication / SSL Command to obtain passphrases for SSL.   sighup string default               f
ssl_ciphers HIGH:!aNULL:!3DES   Connections and Authentication / SSL Sets the list of allowed SSL ciphers.   sighup string default       HIGH:!aNULL:!3DES HIGH:!aNULL:!3DES     f
ssl_cert_file /rdsdbdata/rds-metadata/server-cert.pem   Connections and Authentication / SSL Location of the SSL server certificate file.   sighup string configuration file       server.crt /rdsdbdata/rds-metadata/server-cert.pem /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 51 f
ssl_ca_file /rdsdbdata/rds-metadata/ca-cert.pem   Connections and Authentication / SSL Location of the SSL certificate authority file.   sighup string configuration file         /rdsdbdata/rds-metadata/ca-cert.pem /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 50 f
ssl on   Connections and Authentication / SSL Enables SSL connections.   sighup bool configuration file       off on /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 49 f
ssl_min_protocol_version TLSv1.2   Connections and Authentication / SSL Sets the minimum SSL/TLS protocol version to use.   sighup enum configuration file     {TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2,TLSv1.3} TLSv1 TLSv1.2 /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 53 f
ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on   Connections and Authentication / SSL Give priority to server ciphersuite order.   sighup bool default       on on     f
ssl_max_protocol_version     Connections and Authentication / SSL Sets the maximum SSL/TLS protocol version to use.   sighup enum default     {"",TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2,TLSv1.3}         f
ssl_key_file /rdsdbdata/rds-metadata/server-key.pem   Connections and Authentication / SSL Location of the SSL server private key file.   sighup string configuration file       server.key /rdsdbdata/rds-metadata/server-key.pem /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 52 f
ssl_ecdh_curve prime256v1   Connections and Authentication / SSL Sets the curve to use for ECDH.   sighup string default       prime256v1 prime256v1     f
ssl_dh_params_file     Connections and Authentication / SSL Location of the SSL DH parameters file.   sighup string default               f
ssl_crl_file     Connections and Authentication / SSL Location of the SSL certificate revocation list file.   sighup string default               f
rds.force_autovacuum_logging_level warning   Customized Options Emit autovacuum log messages irrespective of other logging configuration. Each level includes all the levels that follow it.Set to disabled to disable this feature and fall back to using log_min_messages. sighup enum configuration file     {debug5,debug4,debug3,debug2,debug1,info,notice,warning,error,log,fatal,panic,disabled} disabled warning /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 45 f
pg_stat_statements.max 5000   Customized Options Sets the maximum number of statements tracked by pg_stat_statements.   postmaster integer default 100 2147483647   5000 5000     f
pg_stat_statements.track_utility on   Customized Options Selects whether utility commands are tracked by pg_stat_statements.   superuser bool default       on on     f
pg_stat_statements.track top   Customized Options Selects which statements are tracked by pg_stat_statements.   superuser enum default     {none,top,all} top top     f on   Customized Options Save pg_stat_statements statistics across server shutdowns.   sighup bool default       on on     f
rds.tablespace_path_prefix /rdsdbdata/db/base/tablespace   Customized Options Location of tablespace directories.   postmaster string default       /rdsdbdata/db/base/tablespace /rdsdbdata/db/base/tablespace     f
rds.superuser_variables session_replication_role   Customized Options Variables whitelisted for modification by rds_superuser.   superuser string configuration file         session_replication_role /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 47 f
rds.restrict_password_commands off   Customized Options Restricts password-related commands to members of rds_password.   postmaster bool default       off off     f
rds.logical_replication off   Customized Options Enables logical decoding.   postmaster bool configuration file       off off /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 70 f
rds.internal_databases rdsadmin,template0   Customized Options Special RDS internal use databases that are protected.   superuser string configuration file       rdsadmin,template0 rdsadmin,template0 /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 78 f
rds.force_admin_logging_level disabled   Customized Options Emit log messages from the RDS admin user irrespective of other logging configuration. Each level includes all the levels that follow it.Set to disabled to disable this feature and fall back to using log_min_messages. sighup enum default     {debug5,debug4,debug3,debug2,debug1,info,notice,warning,error,log,fatal,panic,disabled} disabled disabled     f
zero_damaged_pages off   Developer Options Continues processing past damaged page headers. Detection of a damaged page header normally causes PostgreSQL to report an error, aborting the current transaction. Setting zero_damaged_pages to true causes the system to instead report a warning, zero out the damaged page, and continue processing. This behavior will destroy data, namely all the rows on the damaged page. superuser bool default       off off     f
ignore_checksum_failure off   Developer Options Continues processing after a checksum failure. Detection of a checksum failure normally causes PostgreSQL to report an error, aborting the current transaction. Setting ignore_checksum_failure to true causes the system to ignore the failure (but still report a warning), and continue processing. This behavior could cause crashes or other serious problems. Only has an effect if checksums are enabled. superuser bool default       off off     f
ignore_system_indexes off   Developer Options Disables reading from system indexes. It does not prevent updating the indexes, so it is safe to use. The worst consequence is slowness. backend bool default       off off     f
jit_debugging_support off   Developer Options Register JIT compiled function with debugger.   superuser-backend bool default       off off     f
jit_dump_bitcode off   Developer Options Write out LLVM bitcode to facilitate JIT debugging.   superuser bool default       off off     f
jit_expressions on   Developer Options Allow JIT compilation of expressions.   user bool default       on on     f
jit_profiling_support off   Developer Options Register JIT compiled function with perf profiler.   superuser-backend bool default       off off     f
jit_tuple_deforming on   Developer Options Allow JIT compilation of tuple deforming.   user bool default       on on     f
post_auth_delay 0 s Developer Options Waits N seconds on connection startup after authentication. This allows attaching a debugger to the process. backend integer default 0 2147   0 0     f
pre_auth_delay 0 s Developer Options Waits N seconds on connection startup before authentication. This allows attaching a debugger to the process. sighup integer default 0 60   0 0     f
trace_notify off   Developer Options Generates debugging output for LISTEN and NOTIFY.   user bool default       off off     f
trace_recovery_messages log   Developer Options Enables logging of recovery-related debugging information. Each level includes all the levels that follow it. The later the level, the fewer messages are sent. sighup enum default     {debug5,debug4,debug3,debug2,debug1,log,notice,warning,error} log log     f
trace_sort off   Developer Options Emit information about resource usage in sorting.   user bool default       off off     f
wal_consistency_checking     Developer Options Sets the WAL resource managers for which WAL consistency checks are done. Full-page images will be logged for all data blocks and cross-checked against the results of WAL replay. superuser string default               f
allow_system_table_mods off   Developer Options Allows modifications of the structure of system tables.   postmaster bool default       off off     f
data_sync_retry off   Error Handling Whether to continue running after a failure to sync data files.   postmaster bool default       off off     f
restart_after_crash on   Error Handling Reinitialize server after backend crash.   sighup bool default       on on     f
exit_on_error off   Error Handling Terminate session on any error.   user bool default       off off     f
ident_file /rdsdbdata/config/pg_ident.conf   File Locations Sets the server's "ident" configuration file.   postmaster string override         /rdsdbdata/config/pg_ident.conf     f
hba_file /rdsdbdata/config/pg_hba.conf   File Locations Sets the server's "hba" configuration file.   postmaster string override         /rdsdbdata/config/pg_hba.conf     f
external_pid_file     File Locations Writes the postmaster PID to the specified file.   postmaster string default               f
data_directory /rdsdbdata/db   File Locations Sets the server's data directory.   postmaster string override         /rdsdbdata/db     f
config_file /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf   File Locations Sets the server's main configuration file.   postmaster string override         /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf     f
max_locks_per_transaction 64   Lock Management Sets the maximum number of locks per transaction. The shared lock table is sized on the assumption that at most max_locks_per_transaction * max_connections distinct objects will need to be locked at any one time. postmaster integer configuration file 10 2147483647   64 64 /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 35 f
deadlock_timeout 1000 ms Lock Management Sets the time to wait on a lock before checking for deadlock.   superuser integer default 1 2147483647   1000 1000     f
max_pred_locks_per_transaction 64   Lock Management Sets the maximum number of predicate locks per transaction. The shared predicate lock table is sized on the assumption that at most max_pred_locks_per_transaction * max_connections distinct objects will need to be locked at any one time. postmaster integer default 10 2147483647   64 64     f
max_pred_locks_per_relation -2   Lock Management Sets the maximum number of predicate-locked pages and tuples per relation. If more than this total of pages and tuples in the same relation are locked by a connection, those locks are replaced by a relation-level lock. sighup integer default -2147483648 2147483647   -2 -2     f
max_pred_locks_per_page 2   Lock Management Sets the maximum number of predicate-locked tuples per page. If more than this number of tuples on the same page are locked by a connection, those locks are replaced by a page-level lock. sighup integer default 0 2147483647   2 2     f
server_version_num 120004   Preset Options Shows the server version as an integer.   internal integer default 120004 120004   120004 120004     f
ssl_library OpenSSL   Preset Options Name of the SSL library.   internal string default       OpenSSL OpenSSL     f
data_checksums on   Preset Options Shows whether data checksums are turned on for this cluster.   internal bool override       off on     f
data_directory_mode 0700   Preset Options Mode of the data directory. The parameter value is a numeric mode specification in the form accepted by the chmod and umask system calls. (To use the customary octal format the number must start with a 0 (zero).) internal integer default 0 511   448 448     f
max_function_args 100   Preset Options Shows the maximum number of function arguments.   internal integer default 100 100   100 100     f
integer_datetimes on   Preset Options Datetimes are integer based.   internal bool default       on on     f
max_index_keys 32   Preset Options Shows the maximum number of index keys.   internal integer default 32 32   32 32     f
max_identifier_length 63   Preset Options Shows the maximum identifier length.   internal integer default 63 63   63 63     f
segment_size 131072 8kB Preset Options Shows the number of pages per disk file.   internal integer default 131072 131072   131072 131072     f
wal_segment_size 67108864 B Preset Options Shows the size of write ahead log segments.   internal integer override 1048576 1073741824   16777216 67108864     f
wal_block_size 8192   Preset Options Shows the block size in the write ahead log.   internal integer default 8192 8192   8192 8192     f
block_size 8192   Preset Options Shows the size of a disk block.   internal integer default 8192 8192   8192 8192     f
server_version 12.4   Preset Options Shows the server version.   internal string default       12.4 12.4     f
debug_assertions off   Preset Options Shows whether the running server has assertion checks enabled.   internal bool default       off off     f
cluster_name     Process Title Sets the name of the cluster, which is included in the process title.   postmaster string default               f
update_process_title on   Process Title Updates the process title to show the active SQL command. Enables updating of the process title every time a new SQL command is received by the server. superuser bool default       on on     f
geqo_effort 5   Query Tuning / Genetic Query Optimizer GEQO: effort is used to set the default for other GEQO parameters.   user integer default 1 10   5 5     f
geqo_pool_size 0   Query Tuning / Genetic Query Optimizer GEQO: number of individuals in the population. Zero selects a suitable default value. user integer default 0 2147483647   0 0     f
geqo on   Query Tuning / Genetic Query Optimizer Enables genetic query optimization. This algorithm attempts to do planning without exhaustive searching. user bool default       on on     f
geqo_seed 0   Query Tuning / Genetic Query Optimizer GEQO: seed for random path selection.   user real default 0 1   0 0     f
geqo_selection_bias 2   Query Tuning / Genetic Query Optimizer GEQO: selective pressure within the population.   user real default 1.5 2   2 2     f
geqo_threshold 12   Query Tuning / Genetic Query Optimizer Sets the threshold of FROM items beyond which GEQO is used.   user integer default 2 2147483647   12 12     f
geqo_generations 0   Query Tuning / Genetic Query Optimizer GEQO: number of iterations of the algorithm. Zero selects a suitable default value. user integer default 0 2147483647   0 0     f
constraint_exclusion partition   Query Tuning / Other Planner Options Enables the planner to use constraints to optimize queries. Table scans will be skipped if their constraints guarantee that no rows match the query. user enum default     {partition,on,off} partition partition     f
force_parallel_mode off   Query Tuning / Other Planner Options Forces use of parallel query facilities. If possible, run query using a parallel worker and with parallel restrictions. user enum default     {off,on,regress} off off     f
default_statistics_target 100   Query Tuning / Other Planner Options Sets the default statistics target. This applies to table columns that have not had a column-specific target set via ALTER TABLE SET STATISTICS. user integer default 1 10000   100 100     f
plan_cache_mode auto   Query Tuning / Other Planner Options Controls the planner's selection of custom or generic plan. Prepared statements can have custom and generic plans, and the planner will attempt to choose which is better. This can be set to override the default behavior. user enum default     {auto,force_generic_plan,force_custom_plan} auto auto     f
from_collapse_limit 8   Query Tuning / Other Planner Options Sets the FROM-list size beyond which subqueries are not collapsed. The planner will merge subqueries into upper queries if the resulting FROM list would have no more than this many items. user integer default 1 2147483647   8 8     f
join_collapse_limit 8   Query Tuning / Other Planner Options Sets the FROM-list size beyond which JOIN constructs are not flattened. The planner will flatten explicit JOIN constructs into lists of FROM items whenever a list of no more than this many items would result. user integer default 1 2147483647   8 8     f
jit off   Query Tuning / Other Planner Options Allow JIT compilation.   user bool configuration file       on off /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 19 f
cursor_tuple_fraction 0.1   Query Tuning / Other Planner Options Sets the planner's estimate of the fraction of a cursor's rows that will be retrieved.   user real default 0 1   0.1 0.1     f
parallel_setup_cost 1000   Query Tuning / Planner Cost Constants Sets the planner's estimate of the cost of starting up worker processes for parallel query.   user real default 0 1.79769e+308   1000 1000     f
min_parallel_table_scan_size 1024 8kB Query Tuning / Planner Cost Constants Sets the minimum amount of table data for a parallel scan. If the planner estimates that it will read a number of table pages too small to reach this limit, a parallel scan will not be considered. user integer default 0 715827882   1024 1024     f
min_parallel_index_scan_size 64 8kB Query Tuning / Planner Cost Constants Sets the minimum amount of index data for a parallel scan. If the planner estimates that it will read a number of index pages too small to reach this limit, a parallel scan will not be considered. user integer default 0 715827882   64 64     f
jit_above_cost 100000   Query Tuning / Planner Cost Constants Perform JIT compilation if query is more expensive. -1 disables JIT compilation. user real default -1 1.79769e+308   100000 100000     f
jit_optimize_above_cost 500000   Query Tuning / Planner Cost Constants Optimize JITed functions if query is more expensive. -1 disables optimization. user real default -1 1.79769e+308   500000 500000     f
jit_inline_above_cost 500000   Query Tuning / Planner Cost Constants Perform JIT inlining if query is more expensive. -1 disables inlining. user real default -1 1.79769e+308   500000 500000     f
cpu_tuple_cost 0.01   Query Tuning / Planner Cost Constants Sets the planner's estimate of the cost of processing each tuple (row).   user real default 0 1.79769e+308   0.01 0.01     f
cpu_operator_cost 0.0025   Query Tuning / Planner Cost Constants Sets the planner's estimate of the cost of processing each operator or function call.   user real default 0 1.79769e+308   0.0025 0.0025     f
cpu_index_tuple_cost 0.005   Query Tuning / Planner Cost Constants Sets the planner's estimate of the cost of processing each index entry during an index scan.   user real default 0 1.79769e+308   0.005 0.005     f
seq_page_cost 1   Query Tuning / Planner Cost Constants Sets the planner's estimate of the cost of a sequentially fetched disk page.   user real default 0 1.79769e+308   1 1     f
effective_cache_size 8144937 8kB Query Tuning / Planner Cost Constants Sets the planner's assumption about the total size of the data caches. That is, the total size of the caches (kernel cache and shared buffers) used for PostgreSQL data files. This is measured in disk pages, which are normally 8 kB each. user integer configuration file 1 2147483647   524288 8144937 /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 13 f
random_page_cost 4   Query Tuning / Planner Cost Constants Sets the planner's estimate of the cost of a nonsequentially fetched disk page.   user real default 0 1.79769e+308   4 4     f
parallel_tuple_cost 0.1   Query Tuning / Planner Cost Constants Sets the planner's estimate of the cost of passing each tuple (row) from worker to master backend.   user real default 0 1.79769e+308   0.1 0.1     f
enable_seqscan on   Query Tuning / Planner Method Configuration Enables the planner's use of sequential-scan plans.   user bool default       on on     f
enable_tidscan on   Query Tuning / Planner Method Configuration Enables the planner's use of TID scan plans.   user bool default       on on     f
enable_sort on   Query Tuning / Planner Method Configuration Enables the planner's use of explicit sort steps.   user bool default       on on     f
enable_partitionwise_join off   Query Tuning / Planner Method Configuration Enables partitionwise join.   user bool default       off off     f
enable_partitionwise_aggregate off   Query Tuning / Planner Method Configuration Enables partitionwise aggregation and grouping.   user bool default       off off     f
enable_partition_pruning on   Query Tuning / Planner Method Configuration Enables plan-time and run-time partition pruning. Allows the query planner and executor to compare partition bounds to conditions in the query to determine which partitions must be scanned. user bool default       on on     f
enable_parallel_hash on   Query Tuning / Planner Method Configuration Enables the planner's use of parallel hash plans.   user bool default       on on     f
enable_parallel_append on   Query Tuning / Planner Method Configuration Enables the planner's use of parallel append plans.   user bool default       on on     f
enable_nestloop on   Query Tuning / Planner Method Configuration Enables the planner's use of nested-loop join plans.   user bool default       on on     f
enable_mergejoin on   Query Tuning / Planner Method Configuration Enables the planner's use of merge join plans.   user bool default       on on     f
enable_material on   Query Tuning / Planner Method Configuration Enables the planner's use of materialization.   user bool default       on on     f
enable_indexscan on   Query Tuning / Planner Method Configuration Enables the planner's use of index-scan plans.   user bool default       on on     f
enable_indexonlyscan on   Query Tuning / Planner Method Configuration Enables the planner's use of index-only-scan plans.   user bool default       on on     f
enable_hashjoin on   Query Tuning / Planner Method Configuration Enables the planner's use of hash join plans.   user bool default       on on     f
enable_hashagg on   Query Tuning / Planner Method Configuration Enables the planner's use of hashed aggregation plans.   user bool default       on on     f
enable_gathermerge on   Query Tuning / Planner Method Configuration Enables the planner's use of gather merge plans.   user bool default       on on     f
enable_bitmapscan on   Query Tuning / Planner Method Configuration Enables the planner's use of bitmap-scan plans.   user bool default       on on     f
track_commit_timestamp off   Replication Collects transaction commit time.   postmaster bool default       off off     f
vacuum_defer_cleanup_age 0   Replication / Master Server Number of transactions by which VACUUM and HOT cleanup should be deferred, if any.   sighup integer default 0 1000000   0 0     f
synchronous_standby_names     Replication / Master Server Number of synchronous standbys and list of names of potential synchronous ones.   sighup string default               f
max_wal_senders 10   Replication / Sending Servers Sets the maximum number of simultaneously running WAL sender processes.   postmaster integer configuration file 0 262143   10 10 /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 74 f
wal_sender_timeout 30000 ms Replication / Sending Servers Sets the maximum time to wait for WAL replication.   user integer configuration file 0 2147483647   60000 30000 /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 66 f
rds.restrict_logical_slot_creation off   Replication / Sending Servers Restrict logical slot creation over streaming replication protocol.   superuser bool default       off off     f
wal_keep_segments 32   Replication / Sending Servers Sets the number of WAL files held for standby servers.   sighup integer configuration file 0 2147483647   0 32 /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 64 f
max_replication_slots 10   Replication / Sending Servers Sets the maximum number of simultaneously defined replication slots.   postmaster integer configuration file 0 262143   10 10 /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 72 f
wal_retrieve_retry_interval 5000 ms Replication / Standby Servers Sets the time to wait before retrying to retrieve WAL after a failed attempt.   sighup integer default 1 2147483647   5000 5000     f
wal_receiver_timeout 30000 ms Replication / Standby Servers Sets the maximum wait time to receive data from the sending server.   sighup integer configuration file 0 2147483647   60000 30000 /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 65 f
promote_trigger_file     Replication / Standby Servers Specifies a file name whose presence ends recovery in the standby.   sighup string default               f
recovery_min_apply_delay 0 ms Replication / Standby Servers Sets the minimum delay for applying changes during recovery.   sighup integer default 0 2147483647   0 0     f
hot_standby off   Replication / Standby Servers Allows connections and queries during recovery.   postmaster bool configuration file       on off /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 75 f
max_standby_streaming_delay 30000 ms Replication / Standby Servers Sets the maximum delay before canceling queries when a hot standby server is processing streamed WAL data.   sighup integer default -1 2147483647   30000 30000     f
hot_standby_feedback off   Replication / Standby Servers Allows feedback from a hot standby to the primary that will avoid query conflicts.   sighup bool default       off off     f
primary_slot_name     Replication / Standby Servers Sets the name of the replication slot to use on the sending server.   postmaster string default               f
max_standby_archive_delay 30000 ms Replication / Standby Servers Sets the maximum delay before canceling queries when a hot standby server is processing archived WAL data.   sighup integer default -1 2147483647   30000 30000     f
primary_conninfo     Replication / Standby Servers Sets the connection string to be used to connect to the sending server.   postmaster string default               f
wal_receiver_status_interval 10 s Replication / Standby Servers Sets the maximum interval between WAL receiver status reports to the sending server.   sighup integer default 0 2147483   10 10     f
max_logical_replication_workers 4   Replication / Subscribers Maximum number of logical replication worker processes.   postmaster integer default 0 262143   4 4     f
max_sync_workers_per_subscription 2   Replication / Subscribers Maximum number of table synchronization workers per subscription.   sighup integer default 0 262143   2 2     f
log_hostname off   Reporting and Logging / What to Log Logs the host name in the connection logs. By default, connection logs only show the IP address of the connecting host. If you want them to show the host name you can turn this on, but depending on your host name resolution setup it might impose a non-negligible performance penalty. sighup bool default       off off     f
log_statement none   Reporting and Logging / What to Log Sets the type of statements logged.   rds_superuser enum default     {none,ddl,mod,all} none none     f
debug_pretty_print on   Reporting and Logging / What to Log Indents parse and plan tree displays.   user bool default       on on     f
log_replication_commands off   Reporting and Logging / What to Log Logs each replication command.   rds_superuser bool default       off off     f
debug_print_parse off   Reporting and Logging / What to Log Logs each query's parse tree.   user bool default       off off     f
debug_print_plan off   Reporting and Logging / What to Log Logs each query's execution plan.   user bool default       off off     f
debug_print_rewritten off   Reporting and Logging / What to Log Logs each query's rewritten parse tree.   user bool default       off off     f
log_timezone UTC   Reporting and Logging / What to Log Sets the time zone to use in log messages.   sighup string configuration file       GMT UTC /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 31 f
log_connections off   Reporting and Logging / What to Log Logs each successful connection.   superuser-backend bool default       off off     f
log_temp_files -1 kB Reporting and Logging / What to Log Log the use of temporary files larger than this number of kilobytes. Zero logs all files. The default is -1 (turning this feature off). rds_superuser integer default -1 2147483647   -1 -1     f
log_disconnections off   Reporting and Logging / What to Log Logs end of a session, including duration.   superuser-backend bool default       off off     f
log_duration off   Reporting and Logging / What to Log Logs the duration of each completed SQL statement.   rds_superuser bool default       off off     f
application_name psql   Reporting and Logging / What to Log Sets the application name to be reported in statistics and logs.   user string client         psql     f
log_autovacuum_min_duration 10000 ms Reporting and Logging / What to Log Sets the minimum execution time above which autovacuum actions will be logged. Zero prints all actions. -1 turns autovacuum logging off. sighup integer configuration file -1 2147483647   -1 10000 /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 23 f
log_error_verbosity default   Reporting and Logging / What to Log Sets the verbosity of logged messages.   rds_superuser enum default     {terse,default,verbose} default default     f
log_line_prefix %t:%r:%u@%d:[%p]:   Reporting and Logging / What to Log Controls information prefixed to each log line. If blank, no prefix is used. sighup string configuration file       %m [%p] %t:%r:%u@%d:[%p]: /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 29 f
log_lock_waits off   Reporting and Logging / What to Log Logs long lock waits.   rds_superuser bool default       off off     f
log_checkpoints on   Reporting and Logging / What to Log Logs each checkpoint.   sighup bool configuration file       off on /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 24 f
log_transaction_sample_rate 0   Reporting and Logging / When to Log Set the fraction of transactions to log for new transactions. Logs all statements from a fraction of transactions. Use a value between 0.0 (never log) and 1.0 (log all statements for all transactions). superuser real default 0 1   0 0     f
log_min_error_statement error   Reporting and Logging / When to Log Causes all statements generating error at or above this level to be logged. Each level includes all the levels that follow it. The later the level, the fewer messages are sent. rds_superuser enum default     {debug5,debug4,debug3,debug2,debug1,info,notice,warning,error,log,fatal,panic} error error     f
log_min_messages warning   Reporting and Logging / When to Log Sets the message levels that are logged. Each level includes all the levels that follow it. The later the level, the fewer messages are sent. rds_superuser enum default     {debug5,debug4,debug3,debug2,debug1,info,notice,warning,error,log,fatal,panic} warning warning     f
log_min_duration_statement -1 ms Reporting and Logging / When to Log Sets the minimum execution time above which statements will be logged. Zero prints all queries. -1 turns this feature off. rds_superuser integer default -1 2147483647   -1 -1     f
log_destination stderr   Reporting and Logging / Where to Log Sets the destination for server log output. Valid values are combinations of "stderr", "syslog", "csvlog", and "eventlog", depending on the platform. sighup string configuration file       stderr stderr /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 69 f
syslog_facility local0   Reporting and Logging / Where to Log Sets the syslog "facility" to be used when syslog enabled.   sighup enum default     {local0,local1,local2,local3,local4,local5,local6,local7} local0 local0     f
syslog_ident postgres   Reporting and Logging / Where to Log Sets the program name used to identify PostgreSQL messages in syslog.   sighup string default       postgres postgres     f
syslog_sequence_numbers on   Reporting and Logging / Where to Log Add sequence number to syslog messages to avoid duplicate suppression.   sighup bool default       on on     f
syslog_split_messages on   Reporting and Logging / Where to Log Split messages sent to syslog by lines and to fit into 1024 bytes.   sighup bool default       on on     f
log_truncate_on_rotation off   Reporting and Logging / Where to Log Truncate existing log files of same name during log rotation.   sighup bool configuration file       off off /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 32 f
event_source PostgreSQL   Reporting and Logging / Where to Log Sets the application name used to identify PostgreSQL messages in the event log.   postmaster string default       PostgreSQL PostgreSQL     f
logging_collector on   Reporting and Logging / Where to Log Start a subprocess to capture stderr output and/or csvlogs into log files.   postmaster bool configuration file       off on /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 28 f
log_rotation_size 10240 kB Reporting and Logging / Where to Log Automatic log file rotation will occur after N kilobytes.   sighup integer default 0 2097151   10240 10240     f
log_rotation_age 60 min Reporting and Logging / Where to Log Automatic log file rotation will occur after N minutes.   sighup integer configuration file 0 35791394   1440 60 /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 30 f
log_filename postgresql.log.%Y-%m-%d-%H   Reporting and Logging / Where to Log Sets the file name pattern for log files.   sighup string configuration file       postgresql-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.log postgresql.log.%Y-%m-%d-%H /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 27 f
log_file_mode 0644   Reporting and Logging / Where to Log Sets the file permissions for log files. The parameter value is expected to be a numeric mode specification in the form accepted by the chmod and umask system calls. (To use the customary octal format the number must start with a 0 (zero).) sighup integer configuration file 0 511   384 420 /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 26 f
log_directory /rdsdbdata/log/error   Reporting and Logging / Where to Log Sets the destination directory for log files. Can be specified as relative to the data directory or as absolute path. sighup string configuration file       log /rdsdbdata/log/error /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 25 f
max_parallel_workers 8   Resource Usage / Asynchronous Behavior Sets the maximum number of parallel workers that can be active at one time.   user integer default 0 1024   8 8     f
effective_io_concurrency 1   Resource Usage / Asynchronous Behavior Number of simultaneous requests that can be handled efficiently by the disk subsystem. For RAID arrays, this should be approximately the number of drive spindles in the array. user integer default 0 1000   1 1     f
backend_flush_after 0 8kB Resource Usage / Asynchronous Behavior Number of pages after which previously performed writes are flushed to disk.   user integer default 0 256   0 0     f
max_worker_processes 8   Resource Usage / Asynchronous Behavior Maximum number of concurrent worker processes.   postmaster integer configuration file 0 262143   8 8 /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 39 f
old_snapshot_threshold -1 min Resource Usage / Asynchronous Behavior Time before a snapshot is too old to read pages changed after the snapshot was taken. A value of -1 disables this feature. postmaster integer default -1 86400   -1 -1     f
max_parallel_maintenance_workers 2   Resource Usage / Asynchronous Behavior Sets the maximum number of parallel processes per maintenance operation.   user integer default 0 1024   2 2     f
parallel_leader_participation on   Resource Usage / Asynchronous Behavior Controls whether Gather and Gather Merge also run subplans. Should gather nodes also run subplans, or just gather tuples? user bool default       on on     f
max_parallel_workers_per_gather 2   Resource Usage / Asynchronous Behavior Sets the maximum number of parallel processes per executor node.   user integer default 0 1024   2 2     f
bgwriter_delay 200 ms Resource Usage / Background Writer Background writer sleep time between rounds.   sighup integer default 10 10000   200 200     f
bgwriter_lru_maxpages 100   Resource Usage / Background Writer Background writer maximum number of LRU pages to flush per round.   sighup integer default 0 1073741823   100 100     f
bgwriter_lru_multiplier 2   Resource Usage / Background Writer Multiple of the average buffer usage to free per round.   sighup real default 0 10   2 2     f
bgwriter_flush_after 64 8kB Resource Usage / Background Writer Number of pages after which previously performed writes are flushed to disk.   sighup integer default 0 256   64 64     f
vacuum_cost_page_dirty 20   Resource Usage / Cost-Based Vacuum Delay Vacuum cost for a page dirtied by vacuum.   user integer default 0 10000   20 20     f
vacuum_cost_delay 0 ms Resource Usage / Cost-Based Vacuum Delay Vacuum cost delay in milliseconds.   user real default 0 100   0 0     f
vacuum_cost_page_hit 1   Resource Usage / Cost-Based Vacuum Delay Vacuum cost for a page found in the buffer cache.   user integer default 0 10000   1 1     f
vacuum_cost_limit 200   Resource Usage / Cost-Based Vacuum Delay Vacuum cost amount available before napping.   user integer default 1 10000   200 200     f
vacuum_cost_page_miss 5   Resource Usage / Cost-Based Vacuum Delay Vacuum cost for a page not found in the buffer cache.   user integer configuration file 0 10000   10 5 /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 63 f
temp_file_limit -1 kB Resource Usage / Disk Limits the total size of all temporary files used by each process. -1 means no limit. rds_superuser integer default -1 2147483647   -1 -1     f
max_files_per_process 1000   Resource Usage / Kernel Resources Sets the maximum number of simultaneously open files for each server process.   postmaster integer default 25 2147483647   1000 1000     f
maintenance_work_mem 2136376 kB Resource Usage / Memory Sets the maximum memory to be used for maintenance operations. This includes operations such as VACUUM and CREATE INDEX. user integer configuration file 1024 2147483647   65536 2136376 /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 33 f
huge_pages on   Resource Usage / Memory Use of huge pages on Linux or Windows.   postmaster enum configuration file     {off,on,try} try on /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 71 f
dynamic_shared_memory_type posix   Resource Usage / Memory Selects the dynamic shared memory implementation used.   postmaster enum default     {posix,sysv,mmap} posix posix     f
shared_buffers 4072468 8kB Resource Usage / Memory Sets the number of shared memory buffers used by the server.   postmaster integer configuration file 16 1073741823   1024 4072468 /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 48 f
shared_memory_type mmap   Resource Usage / Memory Selects the shared memory implementation used for the main shared memory region.   postmaster enum default     {sysv,mmap} mmap mmap     f
temp_buffers 1024 8kB Resource Usage / Memory Sets the maximum number of temporary buffers used by each session.   user integer default 100 1073741823   1024 1024     f
work_mem 4096 kB Resource Usage / Memory Sets the maximum memory to be used for query workspaces. This much memory can be used by each internal sort operation and hash table before switching to temporary disk files. user integer default 64 2147483647   4096 4096     f
track_activity_query_size 4096 B Resource Usage / Memory Sets the size reserved for pg_stat_activity.query, in bytes.   postmaster integer configuration file 100 102400   1024 4096 /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 57 f
autovacuum_work_mem -1 kB Resource Usage / Memory Sets the maximum memory to be used by each autovacuum worker process.   sighup integer default -1 2147483647   -1 -1     f
max_prepared_transactions 0   Resource Usage / Memory Sets the maximum number of simultaneously prepared transactions.   postmaster integer configuration file 0 262143   0 0 /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 36 f
max_stack_depth 6144 kB Resource Usage / Memory Sets the maximum stack depth, in kilobytes.   superuser integer configuration file 100 2147483647   100 6144 /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 37 f
log_parser_stats off   Statistics / Monitoring Writes parser performance statistics to the server log.   rds_superuser bool default       off off     f
log_statement_stats off   Statistics / Monitoring Writes cumulative performance statistics to the server log.   rds_superuser bool default       off off     f
log_planner_stats off   Statistics / Monitoring Writes planner performance statistics to the server log.   rds_superuser bool default       off off     f
log_executor_stats off   Statistics / Monitoring Writes executor performance statistics to the server log.   rds_superuser bool default       off off     f
track_functions pl   Statistics / Query and Index Statistics Collector Collects function-level statistics on database activity.   rds_superuser enum configuration file     {none,pl,all} none pl /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 58 f
track_io_timing on   Statistics / Query and Index Statistics Collector Collects timing statistics for database I/O activity.   rds_superuser bool configuration file       off on /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 59 f
track_activities on   Statistics / Query and Index Statistics Collector Collects information about executing commands. Enables the collection of information on the currently executing command of each session, along with the time at which that command began execution. rds_superuser bool default       on on     f
track_counts on   Statistics / Query and Index Statistics Collector Collects statistics on database activity.   rds_superuser bool default       on on     f
stats_temp_directory /rdsdbdata/db/pg_stat_tmp   Statistics / Query and Index Statistics Collector Writes temporary statistics files to the specified directory.   sighup string configuration file       pg_stat_tmp /rdsdbdata/db/pg_stat_tmp /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 77 f
transform_null_equals off   Version and Platform Compatibility / Other Platforms and Clients Treats "expr=NULL" as "expr IS NULL". When turned on, expressions of the form expr = NULL (or NULL = expr) are treated as expr IS NULL, that is, they return true if expr evaluates to the null value, and false otherwise. The correct behavior of expr = NULL is to always return null (unknown). user bool default       off off     f
operator_precedence_warning off   Version and Platform Compatibility / Previous PostgreSQL Versions Emit a warning for constructs that changed meaning since PostgreSQL 9.4.   user bool default       off off     f
array_nulls on   Version and Platform Compatibility / Previous PostgreSQL Versions Enable input of NULL elements in arrays. When turned on, unquoted NULL in an array input value means a null value; otherwise it is taken literally. user bool default       on on     f
synchronize_seqscans on   Version and Platform Compatibility / Previous PostgreSQL Versions Enable synchronized sequential scans.   user bool default       on on     f
quote_all_identifiers off   Version and Platform Compatibility / Previous PostgreSQL Versions When generating SQL fragments, quote all identifiers.   user bool default       off off     f
escape_string_warning on   Version and Platform Compatibility / Previous PostgreSQL Versions Warn about backslash escapes in ordinary string literals.   user bool default       on on     f
lo_compat_privileges off   Version and Platform Compatibility / Previous PostgreSQL Versions Enables backward compatibility mode for privilege checks on large objects. Skips privilege checks when reading or modifying large objects, for compatibility with PostgreSQL releases prior to 9.0. superuser bool configuration file       off off /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 22 f
standard_conforming_strings on   Version and Platform Compatibility / Previous PostgreSQL Versions Causes '...' strings to treat backslashes literally.   user bool default       on on     f
backslash_quote safe_encoding   Version and Platform Compatibility / Previous PostgreSQL Versions Sets whether "\'" is allowed in string literals.   user enum default     {safe_encoding,on,off} safe_encoding safe_encoding     f
restore_command     Write-Ahead Log / Archive Recovery Sets the shell command that will retrieve an archived WAL file.   postmaster string default               f
archive_cleanup_command     Write-Ahead Log / Archive Recovery Sets the shell command that will be executed at every restart point.   sighup string default               f
recovery_end_command     Write-Ahead Log / Archive Recovery Sets the shell command that will be executed once at the end of recovery.   sighup string default               f
archive_mode on   Write-Ahead Log / Archiving Allows archiving of WAL files using archive_command.   postmaster enum configuration file     {always,on,off} off on /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 67 f
archive_command /etc/rds/dbbin/pgscripts/rds_wal_archive %p   Write-Ahead Log / Archiving Sets the shell command that will be called to archive a WAL file.   sighup string configuration file         /etc/rds/dbbin/pgscripts/rds_wal_archive %p /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 1 f
archive_timeout 300 s Write-Ahead Log / Archiving Forces a switch to the next WAL file if a new file has not been started within N seconds.   sighup integer configuration file 0 1073741823   0 300 /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 2 f
min_wal_size 192 MB Write-Ahead Log / Checkpoints Sets the minimum size to shrink the WAL to.   sighup integer configuration file 2 2147483647   80 192 /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 40 f
checkpoint_completion_target 0.9   Write-Ahead Log / Checkpoints Time spent flushing dirty buffers during checkpoint, as fraction of checkpoint interval.   sighup real configuration file 0 1   0.5 0.9 /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 9 f
max_wal_size 2048 MB Write-Ahead Log / Checkpoints Sets the WAL size that triggers a checkpoint.   sighup integer configuration file 2 2147483647   1024 2048 /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 38 f
checkpoint_flush_after 32 8kB Write-Ahead Log / Checkpoints Number of pages after which previously performed writes are flushed to disk.   sighup integer default 0 256   32 32     f
checkpoint_warning 30 s Write-Ahead Log / Checkpoints Enables warnings if checkpoint segments are filled more frequently than this. Write a message to the server log if checkpoints caused by the filling of checkpoint segment files happens more frequently than this number of seconds. Zero turns off the warning. sighup integer default 0 2147483647   30 30     f
checkpoint_timeout 300 s Write-Ahead Log / Checkpoints Sets the maximum time between automatic WAL checkpoints.   sighup integer default 30 86400   300 300     f
recovery_target_timeline latest   Write-Ahead Log / Recovery Target Specifies the timeline to recover into.   postmaster string default       latest latest     f
recovery_target_action pause   Write-Ahead Log / Recovery Target Sets the action to perform upon reaching the recovery target.   postmaster enum default     {pause,promote,shutdown} pause pause     f
recovery_target     Write-Ahead Log / Recovery Target Set to "immediate" to end recovery as soon as a consistent state is reached.   postmaster string default               f
recovery_target_xid     Write-Ahead Log / Recovery Target Sets the transaction ID up to which recovery will proceed.   postmaster string default               f
recovery_target_inclusive on   Write-Ahead Log / Recovery Target Sets whether to include or exclude transaction with recovery target.   postmaster bool default       on on     f
recovery_target_lsn     Write-Ahead Log / Recovery Target Sets the LSN of the write-ahead log location up to which recovery will proceed.   postmaster string default               f
recovery_target_name     Write-Ahead Log / Recovery Target Sets the named restore point up to which recovery will proceed.   postmaster string default               f
recovery_target_time     Write-Ahead Log / Recovery Target Sets the time stamp up to which recovery will proceed.   postmaster string default               f
wal_recycle on   Write-Ahead Log / Settings Recycles WAL files by renaming them.   superuser bool default       on on     f
wal_log_hints off   Write-Ahead Log / Settings Writes full pages to WAL when first modified after a checkpoint, even for a non-critical modifications.   postmaster bool default       off off     f
full_page_writes on   Write-Ahead Log / Settings Writes full pages to WAL when first modified after a checkpoint. A page write in process during an operating system crash might be only partially written to disk. During recovery, the row changes stored in WAL are not enough to recover. This option writes pages when first modified after a checkpoint to WAL so full recovery is possible. sighup bool configuration file       on on /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 15 f
wal_writer_flush_after 128 8kB Write-Ahead Log / Settings Amount of WAL written out by WAL writer that triggers a flush.   sighup integer default 0 2147483647   128 128     f
wal_writer_delay 200 ms Write-Ahead Log / Settings Time between WAL flushes performed in the WAL writer.   sighup integer default 1 10000   200 200     f
fsync on   Write-Ahead Log / Settings Forces synchronization of updates to disk. The server will use the fsync() system call in several places to make sure that updates are physically written to disk. This insures that a database cluster will recover to a consistent state after an operating system or hardware crash. sighup bool configuration file       on on /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 14 f
wal_sync_method fdatasync   Write-Ahead Log / Settings Selects the method used for forcing WAL updates to disk.   sighup enum default     {fsync,fdatasync,open_sync,open_datasync} fdatasync fdatasync     f
commit_siblings 5   Write-Ahead Log / Settings Sets the minimum concurrent open transactions before performing commit_delay.   user integer default 0 1000   5 5     f
wal_buffers 8192 8kB Write-Ahead Log / Settings Sets the number of disk-page buffers in shared memory for WAL.   postmaster integer override -1 262143   -1 8192     f
wal_compression off   Write-Ahead Log / Settings Compresses full-page writes written in WAL file.   superuser bool default       off off     f
commit_delay 0   Write-Ahead Log / Settings Sets the delay in microseconds between transaction commit and flushing WAL to disk.   superuser integer default 0 100000   0 0     f
wal_init_zero on   Write-Ahead Log / Settings Writes zeroes to new WAL files before first use.   superuser bool default       on on     f
synchronous_commit on   Write-Ahead Log / Settings Sets the current transaction's synchronization level.   user enum configuration file     {local,remote_write,remote_apply,on,off} on on /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 55 f
wal_level replica   Write-Ahead Log / Settings Set the level of information written to the WAL.   postmaster enum configuration file     {minimal,replica,logical} replica replica /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 73 f
name setting unit category short_desc extra_desc context vartype source min_val max_val enumvals boot_val reset_val sourcefile sourceline pending_restart
rds.extensions address_standardizer, address_standardizer_data_us, amcheck, aws_commons, aws_s3, bloom, btree_gin, btree_gist, citext, cube, dblink, dict_int, dict_xsyn, earthdistance, fuzzystrmatch, hll, hstore, hstore_plperl, intagg, intarray, ip4r, isn, jsonb_plperl, log_fdw, ltree, orafce, pageinspect, pgaudit, pgcrypto, pglogical, pgrouting, pgrowlocks, pgstattuple, pgtap, pg_buffercache, pg_freespacemap, pg_hint_plan, pg_prewarm, pg_proctab, pg_repack, pg_similarity, pg_stat_statements, pg_transport, pg_trgm, pg_visibility, plcoffee, plls, plperl, plpgsql, plprofiler, pltcl, plv8, postgis, postgis_tiger_geocoder, postgis_raster, postgis_topology, postgres_fdw, prefix, rdkit, sslinfo, tablefunc, test_parser, tsm_system_rows, tsm_system_time, unaccent, uuid-ossp   Customized Options Extensions whitelisted for use by rds_superuser.   superuser string configuration file         address_standardizer, address_standardizer_data_us, amcheck, aws_commons, aws_s3, bloom, btree_gin, btree_gist, citext, cube, dblink, dict_int, dict_xsyn, earthdistance, fuzzystrmatch, hll, hstore, hstore_plperl, intagg, intarray, ip4r, isn, jsonb_plperl, log_fdw, ltree, orafce, pageinspect, pgaudit, pgcrypto, pglogical, pgrouting, pgrowlocks, pgstattuple, pgtap, pg_buffercache, pg_freespacemap, pg_hint_plan, pg_prewarm, pg_proctab, pg_repack, pg_similarity, pg_stat_statements, pg_transport, pg_trgm, pg_visibility, plcoffee, plls, plperl, plpgsql, plprofiler, pltcl, plv8, postgis, postgis_tiger_geocoder, postgis_raster, postgis_topology, postgres_fdw, prefix, rdkit, sslinfo, tablefunc, test_parser, tsm_system_rows, tsm_system_time, unaccent, uuid-ossp /rdsdbdata/config/postgresql.conf 44 f

